Installation hangs on the STIGs. Tried to run update_db.php --stig manually and got:
$ php update_db.php --stig
Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in C:\xampp\www\inc\ on line 590
Started STIG ingestion (15:32:00)
Downloading 303
Failed to open the local file handle
This is in the check_path function. In update_db.php, line 604, it's looking for the path stigs/zip, but these folders weren't created on install. Need to make sure that all folders are created properly on installation.
Installation hangs on the STIGs. Tried to run update_db.php --stig manually and got:
$ php update_db.php --stig
Warning: mkdir(): No such file or directory in C:\xampp\www\inc\ on line 590 Started STIG ingestion (15:32:00) Downloading 303 Failed to open the local file handle
This is in the check_path function. In update_db.php, line 604, it's looking for the path stigs/zip, but these folders weren't created on install. Need to make sure that all folders are created properly on installation.