cyberpwnn / OberonConcept

Oberon Concept
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Mace #139

Closed Xanthoussss closed 6 years ago

Xanthoussss commented 6 years ago

A pretty common weapon used in the medieval era which was used as a blunt weapon. This weapon could be used to date your opponent and knock them unconscious. The weapon itself is a little longer than arms length.

What I'm thinking for the special variations of this weapon goes as follows: Holy/Faithful Mace Occult Mace Brutal Mace

Obviously I'm open to any change with the weapon name/variation name and any additional variations.

Puretie commented 6 years ago

I'm going to add this to the list of projects, but I would like for you to provide a little more information on your thought process for the names. When you find time, of course.


Xanthoussss commented 6 years ago

For the brutal Mace I was thinking about it being more adjusted for a Savage type of character, where the weapon is either bloody or has extra spikes, and is meant to just be a brutal weapon.

For the occult Mace, I was thinking more along the lines of a dark elemental weapon that comes from some evil part of the lore or something. Obviously it could deal dark damage or whatever the name for it is.

For the holy/faithful I was thinking of it being some holy weapon used to banish darkness, more of a heroic type of weapon.

Pretty much just said shit that sounded pretty cool to me, again I'm open to other ideas/names for this weapon.

Puretie commented 6 years ago

The reason I asked you to further explain your naming process is because they are good names, I'm just trying to figure out the theme you had in mind, as it will make giving input easier if I know what it is you are going for.