cybersemics / em

A beautiful, minimalistic note-taking app for personal sensemaking.
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Generalize metaprogramming #1211

Open raineorshine opened 3 years ago

raineorshine commented 3 years ago

Metaprogramming attributes can be generalized into a hierarchical programming syntax.


- =on
  - keyDown
    - meta
    - shift
    - d
  - =>
    - =subCategorize
    - =type
      - Done

// thoughts that start with = are interpreted as metaprogramming attributes as usual
// ineffectual in themselves but available for evaluation with the right user interaction
  // non-leaf thoughts interpreted as objects
  keyDown: [
    // leaves in object property position interpreted as array items
  // lambda function given a generated key when expected to be an object property
  __lambda__0: () => {
    // lambda children interpreted as function body
    // leaves of function interpreted as position arguments

Which would move a thought into a Done category when executed:

- To Do
  - Code Reviews

- To Do
  - Done
    - Code Reviews


Attributes can be fully evaluated during rendering.

For example, instead of a simple scalar value:

- =note
  - hello em

A note could contain a dynamic expression:

- =note
  - =date
    - mm/d/yyyy // formats today's date

Or query other thoughts:

- =note
  - =concat
    - hello
    - /Friends/*[1]

which would evaluate to something like this:

'hello' + query('/Friends/*[1]')

Setting the note to 'hello' plus the value of the first thought in /Friends.

raineorshine commented 3 years ago
