I managed to start the daemon pgwatch2, but data are not arriving into pgwatch2_metrics database.
I presume that file /etc/pgwatch2/config/instances.yaml need to contain an entry for each monitored database (thanks to confirm)
I have created an entry into instances.yaml but still not data arriving in pgwatch2_metrics
Thanks in advance for your help
Kind regards
here under the entry into instances.yaml
unique_name: DEMO # an arbitrary name for the monitored DB. functions also as prefix for found DBs if using continuous discovery "dbtype"-s
NB! Should be chosen carefully - cannot be (easily) changed for the already stored metric data!
host: localhost
port: 5432 # defaults to 5432 if not specified
dbname: demo
user: pgwatch3
password: xxxxxxxx
sslmode: disable # supported options: disable, require, verify-ca, verify-full
libpq_conn_str : postgresql://user@localhost:5432/postgres # overrides single connect params. no pwd encryption possible stmt_timeout: 5 # in seconds
stmt_timeout: 5 # in seconds
is_superuser: false # setting to true will try to auto-create all metric fetching "helpers"
preset_metrics: minimal # from list of presets defined in "metrics/preset-configs.yaml"
custom_metrics: # if both preset and custom are specified, custom wins
preset_metrics_standby: # optional metrics configuration for standby / replica state, v1.8.1+
dbname_include_pattern: # regex to filter databases to actually monitor for the "continuous" modes
is_enabled: true
group: default # just for logical grouping of DB hosts or for "sharding", i.e. splitting the workload between many gatherer daemons
custom_tags: # option to add arbitrary tags (Influx / Postgres storage only) for every stored data row,
aws_instance_id: i-0af01c0123456789a # for example to fetch data from some other source onto a same Grafana graph
sslrootcert: ''
sslcert: ''
sslkey: ''
follows issued https://github.com/cybertec-postgresql/pgwatch2/issues/711
I managed to start the daemon pgwatch2, but data are not arriving into pgwatch2_metrics database. I presume that file /etc/pgwatch2/config/instances.yaml need to contain an entry for each monitored database (thanks to confirm) I have created an entry into instances.yaml but still not data arriving in pgwatch2_metrics
Thanks in advance for your help
Kind regards
here under the entry into instances.yaml
NB! Should be chosen carefully - cannot be (easily) changed for the already stored metric data!
dbtype: postgres # postgres|postgres-continuous-discovery|pgbouncer|pgpool|patroni|patroni-continuous-discovery|patroni-namespace-discovery
defaults to postgres if not specified
host: localhost port: 5432 # defaults to 5432 if not specified dbname: demo user: pgwatch3 password: xxxxxxxx sslmode: disable # supported options: disable, require, verify-ca, verify-full
libpq_conn_str : postgresql://user@localhost:5432/postgres # overrides single connect params. no pwd encryption possible stmt_timeout: 5 # in seconds
stmt_timeout: 5 # in seconds is_superuser: false # setting to true will try to auto-create all metric fetching "helpers" preset_metrics: minimal # from list of presets defined in "metrics/preset-configs.yaml" custom_metrics: # if both preset and custom are specified, custom wins preset_metrics_standby: # optional metrics configuration for standby / replica state, v1.8.1+ custom_metrics_standby: dbname_include_pattern: # regex to filter databases to actually monitor for the "continuous" modes dbname_exclude_pattern: is_enabled: true group: default # just for logical grouping of DB hosts or for "sharding", i.e. splitting the workload between many gatherer daemons custom_tags: # option to add arbitrary tags (Influx / Postgres storage only) for every stored data row, aws_instance_id: i-0af01c0123456789a # for example to fetch data from some other source onto a same Grafana graph sslrootcert: '' sslcert: '' sslkey: ''