cyberway / golos.contracts

Smart contract for Golos dApp
MIT License
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Forbid delpermlink for messages in cashout windows #928 and speed up tests #932 #931

Closed soft-bagel-93 closed 5 years ago

soft-bagel-93 commented 5 years ago

Resolve #928.

Resolve #932 - there are so many golos-tests that they failing in 20 min timeout. Meanwhile, Buildkite runs cyberway.contracts-tests which takes many time, but can (and IMHO need) be tested separately - cyberway.contracts has its own CI. I removed these tests from Buildkite pipeline. Currently it is only 11 minutes ~ 2 times faster.

We also can try to speed each test separately: trying to use produce_block for skipping big amount of time (e.g. cashout_window) looks faster than produce_blocks. There are not so many contracts which can do something on each block without actions. Many tests aren't related to them at all.