cyberwizardinstitute / discussion

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suggestion: volunteer coordination #7

Open shawndrost opened 9 years ago

shawndrost commented 9 years ago

I run a volunteer-driven coding education program (for prison inmates) and I have gotten a lot of mileage out of the following format for volunteer coordination:

It works because there is a clear, recurring point to integrate new volunteers (dead easy, "just show up") and you give people a small, discrete chunk of work to tackle between the two events.

I'm @shawndrost on twitter if anyone wants to meet up in SF or oak this week -- I have a million ideas and would like to share ideas about what I have seen work in the past (although I have limited bandwidth as an individual contributor).

(I also help run Hack Reactor, which may be useful perspective for you to draw from even if it is the evil empire.)

mk30 commented 9 years ago

hi shawn, thanks for the suggestion. do you have examples of the kinds of lessons that your volunteers built up somewhere?

i'm not available this week or next because i have a family member in town, but i think that we may have volunteer meetups sometime in november (probably at some of the oakland.js meetups: ). we'll post any planned meetups here.

shawndrost commented 9 years ago

those repos are all private at the moment, unfortunately.

thanks for the pointer! dang, cool event... never seen a family-friendly coding meetup before.