cybnity / foundation

Open source cyber-serenity platform that help the security teams designing and managing companies' ISMS, and which allow them to create resilient digital systems with efficient responses against to cyber-threats.
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As technology, I should support Usage of unique identities ensuring accountability of users, devices, systems #62

Open olivierlemee opened 2 years ago

olivierlemee commented 2 years ago

REQ_SEC_21: The users, their devices, the third-parties systems or any solution using the applications are uniquely identified (e.g based on logical information like name, contact, a digital object; and/or based on physical information like owned object, device id, biometrics) during their interactions

An identity may represent an actual user or a process with its own identity, e.g., a program making a remote access. Unique identities are a required element in order to be able to: • Maintain accountability and traceability of a user or process • Assign specific rights to an individual user or process • Provide for non-repudiation • Enforce access control decisions • Establish the identity of a peer in a secure communications path • Prevent unauthorized users from masquerading as an authorized user.

help: identity/account implementation in access-control domain shall be inspired by for mapping/integration and encapsulation of Keycloack api

HAProxy APIs Gateway


olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

Keycloak services, postgresql, documentation and realms CYBNITY for local-dev instance (in minikube) is running test account is created and validated as operational admin account is operational Helm configuration of deployable keycloak instance as access-control-sso-system is coded, tested and deployed in minikub local environment

olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

NGINX module is deployed but missing configuration of route/header of traffic to keycloak, backend, frontend modules

olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

upgrade of minikube cluster resources (K8s profile), creation of nodes (areas for deployment), upgrade of helm charts and re-installations into new minikube platform profile the kafka brokers is configured to be deployed in domains-io area with success, but an error is thrown when a pod try to create repository in the /bitnami/config or /bitnami/logs volume (of PVC permissions?)

TODO: restart configuration of gravitee with install of NGINX in standard mode (none renaming because generate conflicts and failure of elastic search pods) on nodes

olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

haproxy route configuration is accepted by none response from external ip on ports

olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

HAProxy is tested as operational like packaged via Helm dedicated project; and is tested with success for routes to UI front and to Keycloak sso system

olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

\ default path arrive to the configMap usage with auto-routing to the frontend. But path are ignored

olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

the authentication via haproxy replicaset > proxy service > pod > keycloak is operational and routing is tested. COnnection to CYBNITY realms, to master realm, to admin console is performed with success since http port 80 . The keycloak configuration injected in nodejs is changed (but is not taken in consideration during the npm start when tested on the page).

olivierlemee commented 1 year ago

authentification from webbrowser is tested and operational via keycloak rerouting. The test of access to a protected resources exposed by the frontend server (nodejs+express) does not accept for cause of CORS issue (headers missing): Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.

Is blocked by the haproxy or by keycloak configuration ?