cyborg5 / IRLib2

Library for receiving, decoding, and sending infrared signals using Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
384 stars 138 forks source link

Receiver or decode problem #108

Open SefaGeleri opened 2 years ago

SefaGeleri commented 2 years ago

For my project I need to take 6 IR signals and assign it in a array while printing the results in serial monitor. ` uint8_t j = 0;

while(j < 6) {
if (receiver.getResults()) //check if IR sensor receiving or not { decoder.decode(); //start decoding decoder.dumpResults(true); //print decode results to serial prot scrren for debugging buttonValue[j] = decoder.value; receiver.enableIRIn(); delay(2000); j++; } }`

When I use dumpResults with true input program works just right. But when I use dumpResults with "false" input my code takes the first signal twice as seen in the screenshot.

Ekran görüntüsü 2021-08-11 134613

I tried to look library files but I did not understand why changing input of dumpResults function effects the decoding the signal input.

I am using Arduino Mega and 1838T IR receiver.


SefaGeleri commented 2 years ago

In the screenshot I only pressed the remote button once but I see the signal value twice and it just do this for first input, other inputs works fine.

SefaGeleri commented 2 years ago

My experiments show that when we use enableIRIn function right after dumpResults function it prints signal values twice, sometimes even more. My idea is we need to give a short delay after dumpResults to call enableIRIn. That way program finishes the processing signal datas and works properly