cyborg5 / IRLib2

Library for receiving, decoding, and sending infrared signals using Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The codes received from the IR receiver is not relaying ON & OFF signals to the AC according to the temp conditions given. #125

Open sathyashriya opened 4 months ago

sathyashriya commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to control an air-conditioner using Arduino UNO with the program. To receive IR signals from the remote, I'm using IR receiver module to receive signals form the remote and give codes for the ON and OFF command. And once I receive an array of codes for both, I'll give them in another program and give temperature conditions accordingly to invoke them to switch the AC on and off.

But the AC is not switching ON and OFF according to the temp conditions given. The air-conditioner is Mitsubishi Electric.

What could be the reason for this?

I've attached the codes obtained from the receiver module. codes for ON and OFF.txt

Please help me out here.