cyborg5 / IRLib2

Library for receiving, decoding, and sending infrared signals using Arduino
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problem with sending codes on Pro Micro #51

Closed JabberwockPL closed 6 years ago

JabberwockPL commented 6 years ago

I have a Pro Micro with receiver on PIN 2 and sender on PIN 9. While I have no problem with receiving the codes, I cannot send anything - I need NECX and SAMSUNG36. The hardware is not a problem as it works with IRremote (but that one has no SAMSUNG36 support). Is anyone using Pro Micro? Maybe I am missing something? My code:

#include <IRLibSendBase.h>  
#include <IRLib_P07_NECx.h>
#include <IRLib_P08_Samsung36.h>  
#include <IRLibCombo.h>

IRsend mySender;

void setup() {
  delay(2000); while (!Serial); //delay for Leonardo

void loop() {
    Serial.println(F("Sent signal."));
JabberwockPL commented 6 years ago

The code (and hardware) works fine when used with UNO on PIN 3. I am out of ideas...

cyborg5 commented 6 years ago

The Pro Micro I believe uses the 32u4 processor similar to the Arduino Leonardo. The default output pin on that processor is 9 instead of 3. Let me know if that works.

cyborg5 commented 6 years ago

My apologies. I see from your earlier message that you were using pin 9. I don't have a Pro Micro to test with. Can you make sure that the pin mapping really is the same as other 32u4 boards? Play around with the compiler defines in IRLibHardware.h and see if it is recognizing as a 32u4.

JabberwockPL commented 6 years ago

I have tried to play around with the values (e.g. switching to timer2 with pin 5), but to no avail. I am not sure how can I check which defines are chosen in IRLibHardware.h?

JabberwockPL commented 6 years ago

Hmm... I have moved to my 'production' (i.e. living-room) computer to test various options. Just to be sure I have compiled the code there and it works flawlessly... Maybe on my test computer the libraries were somehow borked.

So, for the information, Pro Micro works out of the box with the sender pin 9.

cyborg5 commented 6 years ago

I'm glad you got it working