cybozu-go / aptutil

Go utilities for Debian APT repositories
MIT License
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error= no files in .../Sources.gz #51

Open ChrisChoke opened 4 years ago

ChrisChoke commented 4 years ago


I've got an error while mirroring the debian buster repo.

2020-04-16T19:54:42.020106Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror error: "update failed" error="debian: no Files in dists/buster-updates/main/source/Sources.gz"
2020-04-16T19:54:42.020187Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror error: "debian: no Files in dists/buster-updates/main/source/Sources.gz"

My mirror.toml:

# Directory to store mirrored files and other control files.
# The directory must be writable by go-apt-mirror.
dir = "/mnt/mirror"

# Maximum concurrent connections for an upstream server.
# Setting this 0 disables limit on the number of connections.
# Default: 10
max_conns = 10

# log specifies logging configurations.
# Details at
level = "info"
format = "plain"
#filename = "go-apt-mirror.log"

# [] defines a mirror configuration for a debian repository.
# "xxx" must match this regexp: ^[a-z0-9_-]+$
# url:           The repository base URL.
# suites:        List of suites to mirror.  see sources.list(5).
# sections:      List of sections to mirror.  see sources.list(5).
# mirror_source: true to mirror source archives.  Default is false.
# architectures: List of architectures to mirror.  "all" is always mirrored.
url = ""
suites = ["stretch", "stretch-updates", "buster", "buster-updates"]
sections = ["main"]
mirror_source = true
architectures = ["amd64"]

#url = ""
#suites = ["bionic", "bionic-updates"]
#sections = ["main"]
#mirror_source = false
#architectures = ["amd64"]

url = ""
suites = ["buster/updates"]
sections = ["main"]
mirror_source = true
architectures = ["amd64"]

So with the security repo its run fine. In the buster, buster-updates repo go-apt-mirror stops with the error above. But only if i set the "source = true". When source = false, go-apt mirror download the 78Gb repo. But the terminal output show me a lot of "missing file" like:

2020-04-16T19:54:41.910018Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/main/Contents-udeb-mips" repo="debian"
2020-04-16T19:54:41.911268Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/contrib/binary-mips/Packages" repo="debian"
2020-04-16T19:54:41.914372Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/contrib/Contents-udeb-i386" repo="debian"
2020-04-16T19:54:41.924035Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/non-free/debian-installer/binary-mips/Packages" repo="debian"

this output i get always when i start go-apt-mirror. What do this mean? This warning give me the feeling that anything isnt right. i am not sure. I use the 1.4.1 release. This is my first issue. so i hope i make it right :-)

best regards Chris

ChrisChoke commented 4 years ago

hey hey,

3 month without a feedback. no maintenance at this project?!

look forward to an answer.

much greetings

ChrisChoke commented 3 years ago

hey there,

i tried for the last time. i hope anyone can answer my questions from the first post. its a really nice project, but it needs reasonable support. i really hope there is any activity on this project. @ymmt2005

a liitle output in debug mode. the misisng files comes from the 404 http error. but you can see, with wget i get the file where i tried on. so the file is on the online-mirror. dont know why the http status returns 404.

2020-12-11T20:10:36.018749Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror debug: "downloaded" http_status_code=404 path="dists/buster-updates/non-free/debian-installer/binary-all/Packages" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.018809Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/non-free/debian-installer/binary-all/Packages" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.018834Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror debug: "downloaded" http_status_code=404 path="dists/buster-updates/non-free/source/Sources" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.018902Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/non-free/source/Sources" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.018927Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror debug: "downloaded" http_status_code=404 path="dists/buster-updates/main/Contents-mips" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.018978Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/main/Contents-mips" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.026534Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror debug: "downloaded" http_status_code=404 path="dists/buster-updates/main/debian-installer/binary-mipsel/Packages" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.026592Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/main/debian-installer/binary-mipsel/Packages" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.032712Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror debug: "downloaded" http_status_code=404 path="dists/buster-updates/non-free/binary-i386/Packages" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.032769Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror warning: "missing file" path="dists/buster-updates/non-free/binary-i386/Packages" repo="debian"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.032792Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror info: "stats" downloaded=6 repo="debian" reused=313 total=454
2020-12-11T20:10:36.038954Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror error: "update failed" error="debian: no Files in dists/buster-updates/main/source/Sources.gz"
2020-12-11T20:10:36.038993Z goaptmirror go-apt-mirror error: "debian: no Files in dists/buster-updates/main/source/Sources.gz"
root@goaptmirror:/home/ansible# wget
--2020-12-11 21:12:57--
Resolving ( 2a00:8a60:e012:a00::21,
Connecting to (|2a00:8a60:e012:a00::21|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 529 [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘Packages.gz’

Packages.gz                                         100%[================================================================================================================>]     529  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2020-12-11 21:12:57 (80.9 MB/s) - ‘Packages.gz’ saved [529/529]

some greetz and still healthy


ymmt2005 commented 3 years ago

@ChrisChoke I'm not maintaining this repository right now. will check the current status with my colleagues.

Hsn723 commented 3 years ago

@ChrisChoke We haven't encountered the issue you reported in our day to day operations and do not have the bandwidth to investigate your issue, but you are welcome to submit a pull request.

ChrisChoke commented 3 years ago


Well I would love to support but I am not really a developer. Can you share you're mirror.toml? I don't understand the issue, because on Debian buster security-repo I can download the source too and it seems on Ubuntu bionic,too. If I understand the error message right, the script don't find a file in the in the gzip after decompress. But why? If you download manually, the file exist. Maybe you can give some hints and tips to debug and I will try my best.

Hsn723 commented 3 years ago

@ChrisChoke Our internal settings file is not something I can share. From a quick look at your config and logs, it seems you are using third party repositories. These may be badly configured (and therefore unsupported) as outlined in #27

ChrisChoke commented 3 years ago


thank you for your hint. i tried a couple of servers. but all runs end with no file in source.gz. the mirror in my config is an official debian repo. look here: i tried following mirrors. all with the same result. and some from france:

so i think there were a lot of servers with wrong config. its really weird, because the security debian repo works fine. so they are different in some cases.