cycle / database

Database Abstraction Layer, Schema Introspection, Schema Generation, Query Builders
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💡 Support for Querying JSON Columns in Databases for better DX #129

Closed lotyp closed 8 months ago

lotyp commented 11 months ago

I have an idea!

Feature Request:

I am requesting the inclusion of enhanced methods to query JSON column types directly via cycle/orm. This feature not only aligns with the capabilities offered by frameworks like Laravel, but also significantly improves the overall Developer Experience (DX).

Current Behavior:

Currently, querying JSON in cycle/orm involves more complex, less intuitive code:


use Cycle\Database\Injection\Parameter;


$exists = $webhookCallsRepository
    ->where(['name' => 'stripe'])
    ->andWhere("JSON_EXTRACT(payload, '$.id')", '=', new Parameter(['payloadId' => $request->get('id')]))

Full class located here:

Desired Behavior:

$users = $repository->select()
                ->whereJson('preferences->dining->meal', 'salad')

$users = $repository->select()
                ->whereJsonContains('options->languages', 'en')

$users = $repository->select()
                ->whereJsonLength('options->languages', '>', 1)


I've checked internal code of cycle/orm and found that first thing to modify would be WhereTrait.php, where additional methods could be implemented:


trait WhereTrait
    // ... (other existing methods) ...

    public function whereJson(string $column, $value): self
            [$column, '->', $value],

        return $this;

    public function whereJsonContains(string $column, $value): self
            [$column, '->', $value],

        return $this;

    public function whereJsonLength(string $column, $operator, $value = null): self
        if ($value === null) {
            $value = $operator;
            $operator = '=';

            [$column, 'json_length', $operator, $value],

        return $this;


Improved Developer Experience (DX): This change would significantly reduce the complexity and verbosity of JSON-related queries, leading to faster and more intuitive coding.

Reduced Errors: Leveraging built-in methods reduces the likelihood of errors from manually written SQL statements.

Alignment with Popular Frameworks: It brings cycle/orm on par with other frameworks, making it a more attractive option for developers familiar with those patterns. I believe this feature, coupled with other necessary changes, would be a valuable addition to cycle/orm. I look forward to feedback and potential inclusion in a future release.