cyclestreets / ios

iPhone app
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Photo picker: use native Apple version for OS4.1+ #20

Closed mvl22 closed 12 years ago

mvl22 commented 14 years ago

The existing photo picker is used because the OS version doesn't supply the geolocation EXIF tags. However, it is believed that OS4.1 fixes that.

So the application should use the native one for 4.1 and above, and the current one for below that.

neilkachu commented 14 years ago

Will look into this. Should mean removal of the old style photopicker for +OS4 devices.

mvl22 commented 13 years ago

Adding these useful links which came up in discussions in August at the time when the 1.0 release was being done (and the workaround of using a different picker put in):

mvl22 commented 12 years ago

Implemented in 2.0.