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Gather data from cloud providers APIs #8

Open xlr-8 opened 7 years ago

xlr-8 commented 7 years ago

Trying to list all services mostly used by people - to gather them from the API. If you think about anything please let me know and/or add it to the list. I have tried to list that in terms of "priority", with 3 big groups: very used, used, not much used.

Very used:

feature AWS GCP
virtual machines :ballot_box_with_check: Instances :ballot_box_with_check: Instances
firewall :ballot_box_with_check: Security Group :ballot_box_with_check: Compute Engine firewall rules
network :ballot_box_with_check: EC2 Subnets :ballot_box_with_check: networks
load balancing :ballot_box_with_check: ELB/ALB :ballot_box_with_check: Compute Engine load balancers
storage :ballot_box_with_check: EC2 Volumes :ballot_box_with_check: Compute Engine persistent disks
database :ballot_box_with_check: RDS :ballot_box_with_check: SQL service
buckets :ballot_box_with_check: S3 :ballot_box_with_check: cloud storage
cache :ballot_box_with_check: elasticache :black_square_button: memory store
cdn :ballot_box_with_check: Cloudfront :ballot_box_with_check: : Cloud CDN
iam :ballot_box_with_check: iam :ballot_box_with_check: iam
mailing :ballot_box_with_check: SES :black_square_button: :grey_question:
dns :ballot_box_with_check: route53 :ballot_box_with_check: cloud DNS


Not much used:

talset commented 4 years ago

Dropping it here.

I listed all the terraform resources used in our current projects. Here is the report with number of used

aws_route53_record -> 1931
aws_security_group -> 533
aws_route53_zone -> 385
aws_route -> 212
aws_cloudwatch_metric_alarm -> 204
aws_iam_policy -> 183
aws_instance -> 180
aws_iam_policy_attachment -> 169
aws_security_group_rule -> 164
aws_iam_user -> 134
aws_s3_bucket -> 132
aws_iam_role -> 129
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment -> 116
aws_iam_access_key -> 104
aws_iam_instance_profile -> 102
aws_eip -> 97
aws_elb -> 75
aws_ebs_volume -> 72
aws_volume_attachment -> 71
aws_route53_zone_association -> 58
aws_db_instance -> 55
aws_vpc_peering_connection -> 50
aws_db_parameter_group -> 45
aws_iam_user_policy_attachment -> 44
aws_iam_user_policy -> 38
aws_cloudfront_distribution -> 38
aws_lb_target_group_attachment -> 35
aws_elasticache_cluster -> 31
aws_lb_listener -> 29
aws_iam_group -> 27
aws_alb_listener -> 27
aws_autoscaling_policy -> 26
aws_alb_target_group -> 25
aws_iam_group_membership -> 25
aws_lb_cookie_stickiness_policy -> 24
aws_subnet -> 24
aws_lb_target_group -> 24
aws_db_subnet_group -> 23
aws_lambda_function -> 22
aws_autoscaling_schedule -> 22
aws_lb_listener_rule -> 21
aws_cloudfront_origin_access_identity -> 20
aws_route_table_association -> 20
aws_launch_configuration -> 19
aws_efs_file_system -> 19
aws_efs_mount_target -> 19
aws_cloudformation_stack -> 18
aws_lb -> 17
aws_route_table -> 17
aws_iam_group_policy -> 17
aws_ecr_repository -> 16
aws_iam_user_ssh_key -> 16
aws_lambda_permission -> 15
aws_iam_group_policy_attachment -> 13
aws_alb -> 13
aws_key_pair -> 12
aws_iam_role_policy -> 11
aws_alb_listener_rule -> 11
aws_internet_gateway -> 10
aws_vpc -> 10
aws_network_interface -> 10
github_team_membership -> 9
aws_alb_listener_certificate -> 9
github_membership -> 9
aws_codecommit_repository -> 8
aws_ecs_task_definition -> 8
aws_elasticsearch_domain -> 8
aws_autoscaling_group -> 8
aws_launch_template -> 8
aws_ecs_service -> 8
aws_elasticache_subnet_group -> 8
aws_vpc_dhcp_options_association -> 6
aws_vpc_dhcp_options -> 6
aws_alb_target_group_attachment -> 6
aws_acm_certificate -> 6
aws_elasticsearch_domain_policy -> 6
aws_api_gateway_rest_api -> 5
aws_cloudwatch_event_target -> 5
aws_elasticache_replication_group -> 5
aws_nat_gateway -> 5
aws_sns_topic -> 5
aws_sqs_queue -> 5
aws_acm_certificate_validation -> 5
aws_api_gateway_deployment -> 5
aws_vpn_gateway_route_propagation -> 4
aws_s3_bucket_object -> 4
aws_cloudwatch_event_rule -> 4
aws_api_gateway_stage -> 4
aws_autoscaling_attachment -> 4
aws_elasticache_parameter_group -> 4
random_shuffle -> 4
aws_vpc_endpoint -> 4
random_string -> 4
aws_ecs_cluster -> 3
aws_sns_topic_subscription -> 3
aws_vpn_gateway -> 3
nomad_job -> 3
aws_vpn_connection -> 3
aws_lb_listener_certificate -> 3
aws_vpn_connection_route -> 3
aws_route53_health_check -> 2
null_resource -> 2
aws_kinesis_stream -> 2
aws_ses_identity_notification_topic -> 2
aws_api_gateway_integration -> 2
aws_lambda_event_source_mapping -> 2
aws_api_gateway_method -> 2
aws_placement_group -> 2
aws_s3_bucket_policy -> 2
vault_policy -> 2
aws_ses_domain_identity -> 2
aws_kms_key -> 2
aws_customer_gateway -> 2
aws_cloudwatch_log_group -> 2
template_file -> 1
aws_db_option_group -> 1
aws_waf_web_acl -> 1
aws_ecr_lifecycle_policy -> 1
aws_kms_alias -> 1
tls_self_signed_cert -> 1
aws_datasync_location_efs -> 1
aws_eks_cluster -> 1
aws_datasync_location_nfs -> 1
aws_iam_user_policy_attachement -> 1
vault_mount -> 1
github_team_repository -> 1
aws_api_gateway_account -> 1
github_repository_deploy_key -> 1
aws_api_gateway_resource -> 1
aws_datasync_agent -> 1
aws_rds_cluster_instance -> 1
aws_sqs_queue_policy -> 1
aws_waf_rule -> 1
github_team -> 1
random_id -> 1
aws_rds_cluster -> 1
kubernetes_config_map -> 1
tls_private_key -> 1
vault_auth_backend -> 1
postgresql_database -> 1
postgresql_role -> 1
github_repository -> 1
aws_cloudwatch_log_resource_policy -> 1
aws_datasync_task -> 1

NOTE: Edited to reverse the list