When using pygooglevoice to call, I get the following error while trying to
make a call WITHOUT a forwarding number.
I don't actually want to connect two phones anyway, I'm just trying to make the
outgoing number ring -- it's a notification for an error in a program that at
least needs to call a phone to get that person's attention. It then uses the
send_sms to alert that person of what the actual problem was.
gvoice> call
Outgoing number: 8178441234
Forwarding number [optional]:
Phone type [1-Home, 2-Mobile, 3-Work, 7-Gizmo]:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "k:\errcall\scripts\gvoice", line 97, in <module>
int(input('Phone type [1-Home, 2-Mobile, 3-Work, 7-Gizmo]:') or 2)
File "k:\errcall\lib\site-packages\googlevoice\voice.py", line 106, in call
'remember': '1'
File "k:\errcall\lib\site-packages\googlevoice\voice.py", line 210, in __valid
load_and_validate(self.__do_special_page(page, data))
File "k:\errcall\lib\site-packages\googlevoice\util.py", line 65, in load_and_
File "k:\errcall\lib\site-packages\googlevoice\util.py", line 59, in validate_
raise ValidationError('There was a problem with GV: %s' % response)
googlevoice.util.ValidationError: There was a problem with GV: {u'data': {u'code
': 20}, u'ok': False}
Logging out of voice...
Original issue reported on code.google.com by googlevo...@seidal.com on 20 Dec 2010 at 11:41
Original issue reported on code.google.com by
on 20 Dec 2010 at 11:41