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CloudTurbine - Data Streaming Middleware
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CTscreencap changes to support the new preview window and webcam capture #84

Closed jpw-erigo closed 7 years ago

jpw-erigo commented 7 years ago

o put the preview image in a scrollpane; this way, the window doesn’t need to be expanded to full view in order to see everything

o graphics calls in DisplayImage are now called using SwingUtilities.invokeLater() for thread safety

o if user is previewing the webcam image, don’t display the screen capture region box – ie, only display the controls panel; disable resizing of the controls panel, but moving is still supported

o add “Preview” checkbox to the controls panel; center the frames/sec selection and image quality slider in the controls panel

o if user is previewing the webcam image, set the initial size of the preview window to view the entire webcam image

o get rid of the slf4j logging warning at startup by including “slf4j-nop.jar” in the build

o integrate open/close of the Webcam object into CTscreencap.startCapture() and CTscreencap.stopCapture()