cycsd / obsidian-card-note

Help you extract your thoughts more quickly in canvas
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Auto split bullet list into separate cards #4

Open macin opened 5 months ago

macin commented 5 months ago

Hi, on top of my previous suggestion, have you considered splitting the list into cards, i.e. as many cards as bullets in the list? That would be a huge time saver :)

cycsd commented 4 months ago

Sorry for replying so late. Do you mean using the command to split the list into cards or by the drag action?

macin commented 4 months ago

@cycsd automatically :) that could work for the lists initially (ordered or unordered, or maby paragraphs to start with :)

cycsd commented 4 months ago

When to trigger this automatic action? Or what's the user event to trigger this action?

macin commented 4 months ago

@cycsd It could either be here image a checkbox, or an option of the plugin in settings to "split into separate cards" by paragraphs/list or, maybe the best would be a button indicating cut and split

I would go for simple result, i.e name the cards as number 1, 2, 3.. depending on how many paragraphs/bullets are included, alternatively random, with suffix -1, -2, -3 ... indicating the number of paragraph/list element. Why do we need file name if we just cut the content?

If file name was optional, then when I do just the content cutting I would not have to worry about the correct file name... just a hint.

tociyou1995 commented 2 months ago

I have the same requirement as you. Cuz sometimes I collect many cards from other software like Zotero in markdown format, and then I'd like to break this md file into cards to re-organize them on a whiteboad.

tociyou1995 commented 2 months ago

@macin I know another plugin called "cardify" can realize what you want, but it just doesn't work on my ob and I couldn't figure out why. Maybe you can try throug this link or directly serach "cardify" in your ob.

macin commented 1 week ago

@tociyou1995 sorry for the delayed reply. I tested out cardify and it only works on files. I'd prefer to work on the canvas instead of creating files for every piece of note. So I'd have to wait for @cycsd solution on this :)

macin commented 2 days ago

Hi @cycsd, just wanted to check how things are going. Did you have a chance to look into this one?