cyd01 / KiTTY

:computer: KiTTY, a free telnet/ssh client for Windows
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OSC52 popup is too frequent #497

Open sscott33 opened 1 year ago

sscott33 commented 1 year ago

I am delighted to see OSC52 support in KiTTY, but needing to answer a prompt (the "Allow OSC52 clipboard sync?" popup) every time I make a selection in Tmux is rather annoying -- especially since I must answer the prompt to continue using the terminal. It would be nice to have a checkbox that says "don't ask me again" or "always allow OSC52 clipboard sync." Or maybe this is best configured in session settings.

I'll leave the solution up to you, but I don't think it is reasonable to continually answer this prompt when using this feature.

dyfrgi commented 11 months ago

@unxed As the author of the OSC52 feature, would you be willing to pick this bug up?

unxed commented 9 months ago

The code now checks for existence of environment variable OSC52ALLOWED. If it is set to any non-empty value, user will not be asked for confirmation any more.

How to set variable permanently:

YAMLcase commented 4 months ago

I discovered a workaround until the bug gets fixed.

My guess without digging through code, the config file/registry doesn't have this field/key so KiTTY is probably assuming "enabled" and it takes toggling the option to get it written to config.

unxed commented 4 months ago

I can probably get to it in a couple of weeks.