I think that it could be very useful to be able to search in the output displayed in Kitty with a simple shortcut like ctrl +F . After having typed 100 commands I often want to search a past result in the scrollback. For Now I "copy all to clipboard" then paste it to notepad++ to make a an efficient search : it's not fast nor handy.
It could be an awesome improvement to be able to search in Kitty !
(I already see some saying "you could use history | grep "blablabla" or something like that but it has nothing to see with what I'm looking for : I want to be able to search in the telnet output from a cheap chinese device without any history implemented in the source OS.)
And in mNotepad too!
By the way far2l file manager copies this output to its editor by simple F4 hotkey. Of course, if you use it in Linux, which I strongly recommend
I think that it could be very useful to be able to search in the output displayed in Kitty with a simple shortcut like ctrl +F . After having typed 100 commands I often want to search a past result in the scrollback. For Now I "copy all to clipboard" then paste it to notepad++ to make a an efficient search : it's not fast nor handy. It could be an awesome improvement to be able to search in Kitty !
(I already see some saying "you could use history | grep "blablabla" or something like that but it has nothing to see with what I'm looking for : I want to be able to search in the telnet output from a cheap chinese device without any history implemented in the source OS.)