cyd01 / KiTTY

:computer: KiTTY, a free telnet/ssh client for Windows
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Can the autoreconnect feature be added to the command line parameters? #518

Open worm001 opened 7 months ago

worm001 commented 7 months ago

klink.exe Currently, this parameter is not supported, which is very inconvenient! Alternatively, klink. exe can support reading parameters such as [-c conf. ini], and in such usage cases: [klink. exe root@ -P 22 -pw root -C -R 8080: -N -batch] The above is the complete command line. Write the command line to conf.ini and automatically reconnect it!

worm001 commented 7 months ago

After testing, the [kitty_portableexe - load "1"] command line can allow the main program to automatically reconnect, but there is a significant logical bug! If the SSH server is shut down first, it will directly prompt Network error: Connection reused after running And automatic reconnection fails!

worm001 commented 7 months ago

[klink. exe - load "1"] klink cannot fully read the configuration of 1, nor can it disconnect and reconnect!

worm001 commented 7 months ago

In terms of reconnection logic, ExtraPutty performs quite well! I hope KiTTY can solve this big bug as soon as possible!