cyd01 / KiTTY

:computer: KiTTY, a free telnet/ssh client for Windows
1.55k stars 132 forks source link

UTF-8 encoded `Windows Title` is not decoded properly #523

Open abakum opened 5 months ago

abakum commented 5 months ago

UTF-8 encoded Windows Title is not decoded properly. Please look how decoded Администратор: 2024-01-30_10-50-51

abakum commented 5 months ago

sshd over winPTY send Windows Title as:

std::string("\x1b]0;") +utf8FromWide(newTitle) + "\x07";
mariuszjedrzejewski commented 5 months ago

What about "vanilla" PuTTY? Just asking because KiTTY seems to be somewhat inactive since 09'2023 and last tag

BTW: @cyd01, do you plan to revive this ultimate PuTTY replacement?

abakum commented 5 months ago
chcp 65001
klink ...

no bug