cyd01 / KiTTY

:computer: KiTTY, a free telnet/ssh client for Windows
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DetachedCertificate supported in Putty but not in Kitty #529

Open Finnlife opened 3 months ago

Finnlife commented 3 months ago

In Putty there is a Reg Key called DetachedCertificate. You can specify a pub Key File.

Its being used to accept a CA as CA for the HOST-Key i think. Would be great if it would be possible to add this to kitty since currently its not possible for me to use kitty as a client for proxied SSH Sessions via Teleport. They use a custom CA for their Host-Keys.

Maybe there is a way, but I didn't find it. Would also be great if there is a Commandline-Option to define this.

Thank you

Finnlife commented 3 months ago

image I think this is related