cyfile / Matlab-base-toolbox

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提取matlab commandwindow 的快捷键 #4

Open 213cy opened 8 years ago

213cy commented 8 years ago
text = fileread('Windows Default Set.txt');
mid = regexprep(text,'[^\n]*?Command Window[^\n]*?\n','AAA$0BBB');
out = regexprep(mid,'(\nBBB|^).*?(AAA|$)','\n');
out = regexprep(out,'\n','|\n|');
out = regexprep(out,'\t','\t|');
fileID = fopen('','w');
213cy commented 8 years ago

" Windows Default Set.txt " 可以从 preferences => keyboard => shortcuts => active settings 里导出

Matlab Keyboard Shortcuts Preferences

213cy commented 8 years ago
Action name Tool Shortcut in Windows Default Set Description
Adjust To Bottom Command Window Scrolls to bottom without moving cursor position
Adjust To Top Command Window Scrolls to top without moving cursor position
Beep Command Window Makes computer's default beep sound
Break Line Command Window Enter Inserts a new line
Break Line Without Code Execution Command Window Shift+Enter Inserts a new line without executing the current statement
Clear Command Window Command Window Clears the Command Window
Clear Command Window MATLAB Desktop Clears the Command Window
Clear Selection Command Window Ctrl+\ Clears the selection
Clear Text at Prompt Command Window Ctrl+U Clears the text at the prompt
Clear Text at Prompt Command Window Escape Clears the text at the prompt
Close Command Window Ctrl+W Closes the selected window
Copy Command Window Ctrl+C Puts selected item on the clipboard
Copy Command Window Ctrl+Insert Puts selected item on the clipboard
Cursor Backward Command Window Ctrl+B Moves the cursor backward one character
Cursor Backward Command Window Left Moves the cursor backward one character
Cursor Begin Document Command Window Ctrl+Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document
Cursor Begin Line Command Window Home Moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
Cursor Down Command Window Moves the cursor down one line
Cursor End Document Command Window Ctrl+End Moves the cursor to the end of the document
Cursor End Line Command Window Ctrl+E Moves the cursor to the end of the line
Cursor End Line Command Window End Moves the cursor to the end of the line
Cursor Forward Command Window Right Moves the cursor forward one character
Cursor Next Word Command Window Ctrl+Right Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word
Cursor Previous Word Command Window Ctrl+Left Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous word
Cursor Up Command Window Moves the cursor up one line
Cut Command Window Ctrl+X Deletes selected item and puts it on the clipboard
Cut Command Window Shift+Delete Deletes selected item and puts it on the clipboard
Delete Command Window Delete Deletes the current selection or the next item
Delete Previous Character Command Window Backspace Deletes the previous character
Delete Previous Character Command Window Shift+Backspace Deletes the previous character
Evaluate Selection Command Window F9 Evaluates the selected text
Find Files... Command Window Ctrl+Shift+F Opens the Find Files dialog box
Find... Command Window Ctrl+F Opens the Find & Replace dialog box
Find... Command Window Ctrl+H Opens the Find & Replace dialog box
Follow Hyperlink Command Window Ctrl+Enter Follows hyperlink under the cursor in the Command Window
Function Browser Command Window Shift+F1 Opens the Function Browser
Function Hints Command Window Ctrl+F1 Opens Function Hints
Help on Selection Command Window F1 Displays help on the selected text
Interrupt MATLAB Execution Command Window Ctrl+C Interrupts MATLAB execution
Interrupt MATLAB Execution Command Window Ctrl+Cancel Interrupts MATLAB execution
Kill Line Command Window Ctrl+K Deletes to the end of the line
New Script Command Window Ctrl+N Opens a new MATLAB script
Next History Command Command Window Down Inserts the next command from the history at the Command Window prompt
Open Selection Command Window Ctrl+D Calls the open function with the selected text as the argument
Page Down Command Window Page Down Scrolls the window down one page
Page Setup... Command Window Opens a dialog box for setting up printing options
Page Up Command Window Page Up Scrolls the window up one page
Paste Command Window Ctrl+V Pastes clipboard contents
Paste Command Window Shift+Insert Pastes clipboard contents
Previous History Command Command Window Up Inserts the previous command from the history at the Command Window prompt
Print Selection... Command Window Opens the Print dialog box for printing the selected text
Print... Command Window Ctrl+P Opens the Print dialog box
Product Help Command Window Opens the Help browser
Redo Command Window Alt+Shift+Backspace Redoes the last operation
Redo Command Window Ctrl+Shift+Z Redoes the last operation
Redo Command Window Ctrl+Y Redoes the last operation
Save Workspace... Command Window Ctrl+S Saves the MATLAB workspace to a .MAT file
Select All Command Window Ctrl+A Selects the entire region
Selection Backward Command Window Shift+Left Extends the selection backward one character
Selection Begin Document Command Window Ctrl+Shift+Home Extends the selection to the beginning of the document
Selection Begin Line Command Window Shift+Home Extends the selection to the beginning of the line
Selection Down Command Window Shift+Down Extends the selection down one line
Selection End Document Command Window Ctrl+Shift+End Extends the selection to the end of the document
Selection End Line Command Window Shift+End Extends the selection to the end of the line
Selection Forward Command Window Shift+Right Extends the selection forward one character
Selection Next Word Command Window Ctrl+Shift+Right Extends the selection forward to the beginning of the next word
Selection Page Down Command Window Shift+Page Down Extends the selection down one page
Selection Page Up Command Window Shift+Page Up Extends the selection up one page
Selection Previous Word Command Window Ctrl+Shift+Left Extends the selection to include the previous word
Selection Up Command Window Shift+Up Extends the selection up one line
Show Function Browser Button Command Window Displays the Function Browser (fx) button in the Command Window
Start Incremental Search Backwards Command Window Ctrl+Shift+R Begins incremental search in the backward direction
Start Incremental Search Forwards Command Window Ctrl+Shift+S Begins incremental search in the forward direction
Tab Command Window Tab Inserts a tab
Toggle Insert/Overwrite Mode Command Window Toggles between inserting and overwriting text
Undo Command Window Alt+Backspace Undoes the last operation
Undo Command Window Ctrl+Z Undoes the last operation