cyga / www_fdw

fdw extension for postgres
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where in a query #36

Open quidoz opened 7 years ago

quidoz commented 7 years ago

I don't understand why the clause "WHERE" don't filter my query. In fact the two queries give the same result. In my case I can divert the problem with a with but it does not seem to be the best solution. SELECT FROM pheno_table ; SELECT FROM pheno_table WHERE espece_id='765' ; WITH REQ AS (SELECT FROM pheno_table) SELECt FROM REQ WHERE espece_id='765' ; Do you have a solution to advise me to solve this problem with the SQL language ?

-- example DROP SERVER IF EXISTS pheno_server CASCADE;

CREATE SERVER pheno_server FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER www_fdw OPTIONS (uri '',response_type 'json');

CREATE FOREIGN TABLE pheno_table (espece_nom_scientifique text, espece_nom_vernaculaire text,espece_id text) SERVER pheno_server;

create user mapping for current_user server pheno_server;