cyipt / actdev

ActDev - Active travel provision and potential in planned and proposed development sites
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Additional Sites #155

Open EmmaY74 opened 3 years ago

EmmaY74 commented 3 years ago

Will there be the functionality to bring in all the sites for a district so we can compare all the sites in a district?

Robinlovelace commented 3 years ago

Hi @EmmaY74, thanks for asking and good question. It's something I had been wondering about and it is technically possible. However... we would need to do a few additional things to allow the user to add sites via the web interface:

  1. Write a script that takes an input boundary dataset and updates all the relevant files in the ActDev project site list (perhaps 3 days of work)
  2. Add user interface elements to the tool allowing people to upload data, e.g. as a .geojson file (perhaps 2 days work)
  3. Create an interface that would allow the data to 'build' on a separate server in response to input from 2 and update the data (perhaps 5 days work to get it working and testing)

That ends up being quite a lot of work, and we've used must of the time budget we have on the project already - it ends this month (March). One idea, we could just do 1. of the options above, allowing people to add new sites using R code and putting in Pull Requests. @natesheehan has talked about adding another site - one we could look into.

Robinlovelace commented 3 years ago

Also good documentation encouraging others add sites.

EmmaY74 commented 3 years ago

If something could be done in order for LAs to add sites would be good particularly as our Local Plan is currently out to consultation. It would be really interesting to see how our sites compare

dabreegster commented 3 years ago

For importing new sites into the A/B Street simulation, there is a "self-service" tool that just requires somebody to draw the boundary of their area and wait a few minutes for downloading. But the simulation depends on some data generated by the rest of the actdev scripts, so there would have to be automation there anyway.

@EmmaY74, what is the turnaround time that would be required for adding sites? If it's "a few minutes", this may take a bit more work. If it's next day, we can batch requests and continue running existing automation on our end.

natesheehan commented 3 years ago

Hi @EmmaY74 ! We now have the ability to add new sites very quickly.

All we need is a geojson file of the site which includes:

An example of this schema is as such:

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "name": "new_site",
  "crs": {
    "type": "name",
    "properties": {
      "name": "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84"
  "features": [{
    "type": "Feature",
    "properties": {
      "site_name": "exeter-red-cow-village",
      "full_name": "Exeter Red Cow Village (Liveable Exeter)",
      "main_local_authority": "Mid Devon",
      "is_complete": "no",
      "dwellings_when_complete": 664.0,
      "planning_url": ""
    "geometry": {
      "type": "Polygon",
      "coordinates": [
          [-3.543820381164551, 50.734567435695219],
          [-3.543562889099121, 50.733385886087575],
          [-3.543412685394287, 50.732720402498096],
          [-3.543219566345215, 50.732190725128717],
          [-3.542940616607666, 50.731688205164716],
          [-3.542768955230713, 50.731484479319221],
          [-3.54257583618164, 50.73103627934033],
          [-3.542060852050781, 50.730737476971974],
          [-3.54182481765747, 50.73047941884731],
          [-3.541781902313232, 50.730139866517433],
          [-3.541395664215088, 50.729936133938146],
          [-3.541116714477539, 50.729610159968296],
          [-3.540816307067871, 50.729352095633558],
          [-3.540515899658203, 50.729352095633558],
          [-3.539292812347412, 50.729555830752815],
          [-3.538906574249267, 50.729623742262341],
          [-3.539228439331055, 50.730167030794412],
          [-3.539443016052246, 50.730547329017952],
          [-3.539614677429199, 50.731022697455842],
          [-3.539915084838867, 50.731294334397361],
          [-3.540365695953369, 50.731633878359197],
          [-3.541095256805419, 50.732122817340489],
          [-3.541867733001709, 50.732815472161164],
          [-3.542361259460449, 50.733263655116687],
          [-3.542790412902832, 50.733576022519415],
          [-3.543305397033691, 50.734105684224097],
          [-3.543820381164551, 50.734567435695219]

By the end of the week, we should have a tutorial on the steps to do this, however, I am more than happy to jump on a call with you in order to add the site sooner.

Robinlovelace commented 3 years ago

Chiming in here too - don't worry about all that code Emma, all you need is to go to and draw the approximate boundary. We can take care of the rest (also need to know number of dwellings and any other details you may have including link to the planning docs).