cyipt / actdev

ActDev - Active travel provision and potential in planned and proposed development sites
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LA programming #170

Closed natesheehan closed 3 years ago

natesheehan commented 3 years ago

I have updated all sites (except great-kneighton & trumpington meadows, something funky going on there, continuing to investigate) to programmatically add main_local_authority to all-sites.geojson. This was achieved through the following reproducible example:

# Aim: Programtically add LA's to site data
# Inputs: ActDev site data & ONS local authority boundaries
# Method: Loop through site and ONS sf_intersections
# Libraries:
#> Linking to GEOS 3.9.0, GDAL 3.2.1, PROJ 7.2.1

if (!file.exists("la_boundaries.geojson")) {
  # Download latest ONS "Local Authority Districts in the United Kingdom" data
  download.file(url = '',
                destfile = 'la_boundaries.geojson',
                method = 'wininet')
  # Read input data
  la_ew = sf::read_sf("la_boundaries.geojson") %>% sf::as_Spatial() %>% sf::st_as_sf()
  sites = sf::read_sf("data-small/all-sites.geojson")
  # Transform Data (and drop great-kneighton & Trumpington Meadows something funky going on there)
  sites_geo = sites[1] %>% sf::st_as_sf()
  sites_geo = sites_geo[-c(18, 36), ]
  # Loop through sites and calculate main_local_authority
  for (i in 1:nrow(sites_geo)) {
    row <- sites_geo[i, ]
    row_name = row$site_name
    la_site = sf::st_intersection(la_ew, row)
    sites$main_local_authority[sites$site_name == row_name] = la_site$LAD19NM
  # Write out sf
  sf::write_sf(sites, "data-small/all-sites.geojson")
  # Remove geojson file

I have slightly refactored the add_site.r and build.r file in order to automate the LA column.