cyipt / actdev

ActDev - Active travel provision and potential in planned and proposed development sites
7 stars 3 forks source link

Fields in the site info box are in an illogical order #172

Open Robinlovelace opened 3 years ago

Robinlovelace commented 3 years ago

Example from Handforth:


It seems we're just showing all the fields, may be worth filtering. Is that easy to do @mvl22 ? Looking at the names, I think we only need to keep the first 6. Could the others be in a 'further information' link, that could just link to the GeoJSON?

#>  [1] "site_name"                        "full_name"                       
#>  [3] "main_local_authority"             "is_complete"                     
#>  [5] "dwellings_when_complete"          "planning_url"                    
#>  [7] "percent_commute_active_base"      "percent_drive_convertable"       
#>  [9] "percent_mapped_drive_convertable" "percent_commute_active_scenario" 
#> [11] "median_commute_distance"          "distance_to_town"                
#> [13] "crossing_points"                  "percent_commute_walk_base"       
#> [15] "percent_commute_cycle_base"       "percent_commute_drive_base"      
#> [17] "percent_commute_bus_base"         "percent_commute_rail_base"       
#> [19] "percent_commute_other_base"       "circuity_fast_cycle"             
#> [21] "circuity_walk"                    "busyness_fast_cycle"             
#> [23] "in_site_walk_circuity"            "in_site_cycle_circuity"          
#> [25] "in_site_drive_circuity"           "percent_commute_drive_scenario"  
#> [27] "percent_commute_walk_scenario"    "percent_commute_cycle_scenario"  
#> [29] "walk_base_rating"                 "cycle_base_rating"               
#> [31] "drive_base_rating"                "geometry"

Created on 2021-05-19 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)