Open Robinlovelace opened 6 years ago
I'm going to add the Quiet routes as a separate table. Or does PostGIS support multiple geometry columns?
Yes for sure, just like with sf. See here:
New data in the pctlsoa table
idn INT PRIMARY KEY, id VARCHAR(19) NOT NULL, allCommuters INT NULL, onfoot INT NULL, carorvan INT NULL, pctcensus INT NULL, pctgov INT NULL, pctgen INT NULL, pctdutch INT NULL, pctebike INT NULL, fastDist REAL NULL, fastTime REAL NULL, fastSlope REAL NULL, fastGeom GEOMETRY NULL, quietDist REAL NULL, quietSlope REAL NULL, quietTime REAL NULL, quietGeom GEOMETRY NULL, straightDist REAL NULL, straightGeom GEOMETRY NULL, fastCircuity REAL NULL, quietCircuity REAL NULL, quietDiversion REAL NULL, quietDiverTime REAL NULL
There are 3 geometries in here fast routes, quiet routes, and straight line, with spatial index built on the fast routes.
I'd sugges that we add a new layer call missing links allowing filtering on the different circuity options
Put the PCT routes in there.