cyklokoalicia / OpenSourceBikeShare

The world's first low-cost and open source bike sharing system. (new version in development, use working "breakthrough" release instead!)
GNU General Public License v3.0
169 stars 71 forks source link

Only change the lock code every few rides. #119

Open ewooonk opened 7 years ago

ewooonk commented 7 years ago

Although this turned out to be not practical in our case, it might be helpful for others.

   if ($codereset == 3)
       { $newCode = sprintf("%04d",rand(100,9900));
   if ($codereset != 3)
       { $newCode=$currentCode;

   // do not create a code with more than one leading zero or more than two leading 9s (kind of unusual/unsafe).
   if ($force==FALSE)
      if ($currentUser==$userId)
         response(_('You already rented bike')." ".$bikeNum.". "._('Code is')." ".$currentCode.".",ERROR);
      if ($currentUser!=0)
         response(_('Bike')." ".$bikeNum." "._('is already rented').".",ERROR);
   if ($codereset == 3)
       { $message='<h3>'._('Bike').' '.$bikeNum.': <span class="label label-primary">'._('Open with code').' '.$currentCode.'.</span></h3>'._('Change code immediately to').' <span class="label label-default">'.$newCode.'</span><br />'._('(open, move pin on the bottom to position B, set new code, move pin back to position A)').'.';
   if ($codereset != 3)
       { $message='<h3>'._('Bike').' '.$bikeNum.': <span class="label label-primary">'._('Open with code').' '.$currentCode.'.</span></h3>'._('You do not need to change the code').' .';
nekromoff commented 7 years ago


Please, @jozefbalun add this as a config option to the new Laravel version as well as implement it accordingly (or assign to @miroc).

Reasoning: some systems may want to change the code only from time to time, e.g. every 10th ride or such.