cyklokoalicia / OpenSourceBikeShare

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possibility for mechanics to receive phone no. of the user from system #21

Closed mozares closed 9 years ago

mozares commented 9 years ago

This can help mechanics to directly contact the user if he see problem. No need to implement right now, future... command whois (username)

mmmaly commented 9 years ago

I agree, but I suggest using (overloading) “INFO” command instead of “whois", so we do not have to remember a lot of commands.

INFO stand - gives info about the stand, INFO user name - gives info about the user, INFO bikenumber - gives info about the bike, etc.

On 09 Oct 2014, at 11:25, mozares wrote:

This can help mechanics to directly contact the user if he see problem. No need to implement right now, future... command whois (username)

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mozares commented 9 years ago

sure, great.

NetroSK commented 9 years ago

there is no such a thing like user name, there is "phone number" as unique identifier (I expect) and there is "full name". please consider adding unique username to registration (both phone number or username could be used for login) or rethink the idea about "INFO user name" command

mmmaly commented 9 years ago

correct. maybe matching any substring of user full name, i.e. "info Luth" would give info about Martin Luther King. Substring could be limited to have at least 3 characters or to be not ambiguous (i.e. "INFO a" would be an error); or alternatively, the user would receive only one name as a result, i.e. "INFO a" would give information about the first user having "a" in the name.

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Peter Netri wrote:

there is no such a thing like user name, there is "phone number" as unique identifier (I expect) and there is "full name". please consider adding unique username to registration (both phone number or username could be used for login) or rethink the idea about "INFO user name" command

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NetroSK commented 9 years ago

i do not understand why repairmen needs to know user's name. isn't phone no. enough? if there is broken WB number N on stand X, repairmen check which user has rented the bike before... he receives SMS with phone number and maybe Full Name (just to be polite and say hi xxx) of the user and time of rent (start) and return (end of rent). I don't think repairmen needs access to list of users or search in the list.

mozares commented 9 years ago

1) Netri this is essential for COMMUNITY bikesharing system. Are you developing for 5k+ people? then you dont want to know the üsername (NICKANME). This bikesharing scheme is about people, names, feelings, not about zeros and ones.. In profesional bikesharing scheme, with 200k users, you always need KIOSKs and all the stuff what we are not using. I will try to find my old website about bikesharing schemes for you, to study a bit.

2) Another way. Mechanic (as you call it repairmen) is crucial part of the bikesharingscheme. For example in WIEN former mechanic is now a chief of the whole citybikes system.

3) otherwise, maybe you think you are developing something which is developed in at least 100 companies...Understand the difference?

NetroSK commented 9 years ago

tomas, no... you don't get it. please write a case (an example when repairman needs to find out a phone no. like you mentioned in title)

mozares commented 9 years ago

Ok. I will try to write some specs bout community bikesharing, but moreless all you can find at bikekitchen googledrive from kverulovania.doc... I mean why mechanic dont have to have all info about the user? Will there be a revolution needed like superadmin right for mechanics ? :)

NetroSK commented 9 years ago

please stop with bullshit. read again my 1st and especially 2nd post where I suggested how it should work fully compliant with repairman's needs to contact a user who rented the bike recently.