When the Beyond20 extension is installed, the JSON importer can no longer parse dice formulae, since the extension injects some extra HTML:
<div class="ct-beyond20-roll" id="de23c2df-d104-4590-a83e-760d4ec5d580" style="display: block;"><button class="ct-beyond20-roll-button ct-theme-button ct-theme-button--filled ct-theme-button--interactive ct-button character-button character-button-small"><img class="ct-beyond20-icon" src="chrome-extension://gnblbpbepfbfmoobegdogkglpbhcjofh/images/dice16.png" style="margin-right: 6px;"><span class="ct-button__content">Royal Spear</span></button></div>
<em><strong>Royal Spear.</strong> Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:</em>
<u class="ct-beyond20-custom-roll"><strong>+5</strong><img class="ct-beyond20-custom-icon" x-beyond20-name="Royal Spear" x-beyond20-roll="1d20+5" src="chrome-extension://gnblbpbepfbfmoobegdogkglpbhcjofh/images/icons/icon16.png" style="margin-right: 3px; margin-left: 3px;"></u> to hit, reach 10 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. <em>Hit:</em> 10 (<u class="ct-beyond20-custom-roll"><strong>2d6 + 3</strong><img class="ct-beyond20-custom-icon" x-beyond20-name="Royal Spear" x-beyond20-roll="2d6 + 3" src="chrome-extension://gnblbpbepfbfmoobegdogkglpbhcjofh/images/icons/icon16.png" style="margin-right: 3px; margin-left: 3px;"></u>) piercing damage, or 12 (<u class="ct-beyond20-custom-roll"><strong>2d8 + 3</strong><img class="ct-beyond20-custom-icon" x-beyond20-name="Royal Spear" x-beyond20-roll="2d8 + 3" src="chrome-extension://gnblbpbepfbfmoobegdogkglpbhcjofh/images/icons/icon16.png" style="margin-right: 3px; margin-left: 3px;"></u>) piercing damage if used with two hands to make a melee attack. If the target is a Medium or smaller creature, it must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be knocked <a class="tooltip-hover condition-tooltip" href="/compendium/rules/basic-rules/appendix-a-conditions#Prone" data-tooltip-href="//www.dndbeyond.com/conditions/12-tooltip?disable-webm=1&disable-webm=1">prone</a>.
This results in a JSON string like:
"Hit: 10 () piercing damage, or 12 () piercing damage if used with two hands"
A bit of tweaking on whatever is scraping the HTML might be able to overcome the extra injected HTML for this rather common exception.
When the Beyond20 extension is installed, the JSON importer can no longer parse dice formulae, since the extension injects some extra HTML:
This results in a JSON string like:
"Hit: 10 () piercing damage, or 12 () piercing damage if used with two hands"
A bit of tweaking on whatever is scraping the HTML might be able to overcome the extra injected HTML for this rather common exception.