cyntler / react-doc-viewer

File viewer for React.
Apache License 2.0
336 stars 115 forks source link

New version does not include commonJS files for importing of Dist files #273

Open bppdddqqqq opened 2 weeks ago

bppdddqqqq commented 2 weeks ago

New version of React-Doc-Viewer only contains header files and compiled [c]js in ~/dist/.


We have custom PDF reader which has to stick to certain UI principles and we've used PDFContext component located formerly in '@cyntler/react-doc-viewer/dist/esm/renderers/pdf/state', but this pathing had changed entirely and we are unable to figure out where we can pull PDFContext now... or for that matter other components

michael-vasyliv commented 4 days ago

I have the same issue, it's not possible to import PDFProvider, PDFPages