cyouh95 / recruiting-chapter
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add figure(s) of number of events by type and in-state, out-of-state #10

Closed ozanj closed 6 months ago

ozanj commented 3 years ago

Hey @cyouh95 !

Can you add figures for "number of events by type and in-state, out-of-state" to the recruiting chapter?

you can copy figure 2 from our most recent AERJ submission

Make separate figures for private colleges/universities and for public research universities [too many orgs to cram into a single figure].

totally fine to create these figures in python/javascript/d3 etc. whatever makes the task easiest for you.

in terms of placement, these will probably be the first figures in the results section.

Thank you!

cyouh95 commented 3 years ago

Added to the figures folder! (public & private)