Closed jessevdp closed 1 year ago
Hi! I can help fix this, but I'll need a bit more info to reproduce and work through this.
If possible, a minimal reproduction would be great - if you could share a repo, that'd be great. If not - can you share your vite.config.ts
and the versions of vite
(ideally the entire package.json
Also, it looks like you are importing from a ../../
path. It could be outside where Vite is allowed to serve from - I saw a similar issue here: You might want to check this one out.
Finally, can you re-run Cypress with DEBUG=cypress:* yarn cypress...
and reproduce this issue, and then copy paste in the entire terminal output? There should be tons of logs with that env. variable - it will give us more insight into exactly what's going on under the hood. Thanks!
Thanks for your quick response!
Unfortunately I can't share my full repo. I might have time to setup a minimal reproduction repo later this week. For now, here's the most important files:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import RubyPlugin from 'vite-plugin-ruby'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
"all": {
"sourceCodeDir": "app/frontend",
"watchAdditionalPaths": []
"development": {
"autoBuild": true,
"publicOutputDir": "vite-dev",
"port": 3036
"test": {
"autoBuild": true,
"publicOutputDir": "vite-test",
"port": 3037
"devDependencies": {
"@babel/core": "^7.17.9",
"@storybook/addon-actions": "^6.5.6",
"@storybook/addon-essentials": "^6.5.6",
"@storybook/addon-interactions": "^6.5.6",
"@storybook/addon-links": "^6.5.6",
"@storybook/react": "^6.5.6",
"@storybook/testing-library": "0.0.11",
"babel-loader": "^8.2.5",
"cypress": "^10.2.0",
"msw": "^0.39.2",
"msw-storybook-addon": "^1.6.3",
"sass": "1.32.0",
"vite": "^2.9.6",
"vite-plugin-ruby": "^3.0.9"
"scripts": {
"dev": "bin/vite dev",
"storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006",
"build-storybook": "build-storybook"
"dependencies": {
"@radix-ui/react-radio-group": "^0.1.5",
"@radix-ui/react-tabs": "^0.1.5",
"babel-eslint": "^10.1.0",
"bootstrap": "^5.1.3",
"classnames": "^2.3.1",
"eslint": "^8.15.0",
"eslint-config-airbnb": "^19.0.4",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.5.0",
"eslint-config-react-app": "^7.0.1",
"eslint-loader": "^4.0.2",
"eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^6.5.1",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.29.4",
"eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.5.0",
"formik": "^2.2.9",
"node-sass": "^7.0.1",
"prettier": "^2.6.2",
"react": "^18.1.0",
"react-dom": "^18.1.0",
"sass-loader": "^12.6.0",
"storybook": "^6.5.6",
"storybook-addon-sass-postcss": "^0.1.3",
"style-loader": "^3.3.1",
"yup": "^0.32.11"
"msw": {
"workerDirectory": "public"
"prettier": {
"singleQuote": true,
"semi": true,
"printWidth": 140,
"trailingComma": "none"
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,jsx}": [
"prettier --write"
"*.scss": [
"stylelint --fix",
"prettier --write"
For structure, I've cut the output into several sections, starting a new one every time I took another action / clicked a button. Hope this helps 😁
Note: the 404 in the last section.
DEBUG=cypress:* npx cypress open
cypress:cli:cli cli starts with arguments ["/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node","/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/node_modules/.bin/cypress","open"] +0ms
cypress:cli NODE_OPTIONS is not set +0ms
cypress:cli:cli program parsing arguments +2ms
cypress:cli:cli opening Cypress +0ms
cypress:cli parsed cli options {} +289ms
cypress:cli verifying Cypress app +0ms
cypress:cli checking environment variables +0ms
cypress:cli checking if executable exists /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +2ms
cypress:cli Binary is executable? : true +2ms
cypress:cli binaryDir is /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +1ms
cypress:cli Reading binary package.json from: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +0ms
cypress:cli Found binary version 10.2.0 installed in: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +4ms
cypress:cli { verified: true } +6ms
cypress:cli is Verified ? true +2ms
cypress:cli opening from options {"project":"/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>"} +0ms
cypress:cli command line arguments ["--project","/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>"] +0ms
cypress:cli needs to start own Xvfb? false +0ms
cypress:cli spawning, should retry on display problem? false +0ms
cypress:cli spawn args [ '--no-sandbox', '--', '--project', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--cwd', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--userNodePath', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.8.0' ] { detached: false, stdio: 'inherit' } +8ms
cypress:cli spawning Cypress with executable: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +1ms
cypress:ts registering ts-node on directory undefined +0ms
cypress:ts Running without ts-node hook in environment "production" +112ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/cache +0ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers +108ms
cypress:server:cypress starting cypress with argv [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', '--no-sandbox', '--', '--project', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--cwd', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--userNodePath', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.8.0' ] +0ms
cypress:server:args argv array: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', '--no-sandbox', '--project', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--cwd', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--userNodePath', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.8.0' ] +0ms
cypress:server:args parsed argv options { options: { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0' } } +2ms
cypress:server:args argv parsed: { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true } +3ms
cypress:server:util:proxy found proxy environment variables { npm_config_noproxy: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:args options { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {} } +1ms
cypress:server:args argv options: { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>' } +0ms
cypress:server:cypress from argv [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', '--no-sandbox', '--project', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--cwd', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--userNodePath', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.8.0' ] got options { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>' } +8ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production +87ms
cypress:server:cypress starting in mode interactive with options { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>' } +129ms
cypress:server:cypress running Electron currently +1ms
objc[99130]: Class WebSwapCGLLayer is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/libANGLE-shared.dylib (0x7ffa62862318) and /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ Framework.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLESv2.dylib (0x11415a9c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudProjectBySlug +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudProjectsBySlugs +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.cloudViewer +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for Query.versions +1ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Adding nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin for CurrentProject.cloudProject +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils getBrowsers +0ms
cypress:launcher:detect detecting if the following browsers are present [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'google-chrome', 'chrome', 'google-chrome-stable' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chromium', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chromium', versionRegex: /Chromium (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'chromium-browser', 'chromium' ], minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Chrome Beta', versionRegex: /Google Chrome (\S+) beta/m, binary: 'google-chrome-beta', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Canary', versionRegex: /Google Chrome Canary (\S+)/m, binary: 'google-chrome-canary', minSupportedVersion: 64 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox ([^\sab]+)$/m, binary: 'firefox', minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+b\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-developer-edition', 'firefox' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'nightly', displayName: 'Firefox Nightly', versionRegex: /^Mozilla Firefox (\S+a\S*)$/m, binary: [ 'firefox-nightly', 'firefox-trunk' ], minSupportedVersion: 86 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Edge', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'edge', 'microsoft-edge' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'canary', displayName: 'Edge Canary', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge Canary (\S+)/m, binary: 'edge-canary', minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'beta', displayName: 'Edge Beta', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge Beta (\S+)/m, binary: 'edge-beta', minSupportedVersion: 79 }, { name: 'edge', family: 'chromium', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Edge Dev', versionRegex: /Microsoft Edge Dev (\S+)/m, binary: [ 'edge-dev', 'microsoft-edge-dev' ], minSupportedVersion: 79 } ] +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource config: { isRunMode: false, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', onError: [Function (anonymous)], onBranchChange: [Function: onBranchChange], onGitInfoChange: [Function: onGitInfoChange] } +0ms
cypress:scaffold-config:detect Detected cypress.config.js - using JS +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc fork child process { CHILD_PROCESS_FILE_PATH: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', configProcessArgs: [ '--projectRoot', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', '--file', '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js' ], childOptions: { stdio: 'pipe', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', execPath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node' } } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc trigger the load of the file +2ms
cypress:server:util:editors get user editor +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state missing project path, looking for project here +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +19ms
cypress:server:saved_state for project path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for project /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +16ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/<my-project>-ba64a6bae74443fecd2722cb1b61b5b6/state.json +1s
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/<my-project>-ba64a6bae74443fecd2722cb1b61b5b6/state.json +1ms
cypress:server:saved_state making new state file around /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/<my-project>-ba64a6bae74443fecd2722cb1b61b5b6/state.json +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for global mode +7ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +7ms
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state making new state file around /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource On current branch donationflows/cypress-setup +111ms
cypress:server:windows creating electron window with options { backgroundColor: 'white', width: 1200, height: 800, minWidth: 597, minHeight: 400, x: 303, y: 201, type: 'INDEX', devTools: false, trackState: { width: 'appWidth', height: 'appHeight', x: 'appX', y: 'appY', devTools: 'isAppDevToolsOpen' }, onBlur: [Function: onBlur], onFocus: [Function: onFocus], onClose: [Function: onClose], show: true, frame: true, transparent: false, webPreferences: { contextIsolation: true, partition: null, webSecurity: false, nodeIntegration: false, backgroundThrottling: false }, url: 'http://localhost:62303/__launchpad/index.html', contextMenu: false, recordFrameRate: null, onCrashed: [Function: onCrashed], onNewWindow: [Function: onNewWindow] } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:99133 configFile: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:99133 projectRoot: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:99133 try loading /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js +224ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:99133 Loading file /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js +0ms
cypress:server:util:editors return preferred editor: { id: 'code', name: 'Visual Studio Code', openerId: 'code', isOther: false } +407ms
cypress:server:util:editors user has the following editors: [ { id: 'code', binary: 'code', name: 'Visual Studio Code' }, { id: 'vim', binary: 'vim', name: 'Vim' } ] +70ms
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +434ms
cypress:server:saved_state missing project path, looking for project here +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for global mode +30ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +464ms
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
cypress:server:util:editors saved preferred editor: { id: 'code', name: 'Visual Studio Code', openerId: 'code', isOther: false } +46ms
cypress:server:util:editors return available editors: [ { id: 'computer', name: 'Finder', binary: 'computer' }, { id: 'code', name: 'Visual Studio Code', binary: 'code' }, { id: 'vim', name: 'Vim', binary: 'vim' } ] +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +54ms
cypress:server:saved_state missing project path, looking for project here +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for global mode +10ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +64ms
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +1ms
cypress:cli exporting Cypress module interface +0ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils found browsers { browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 } ] } +658ms
cypress:server:browsers:utils adding Electron browser { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:99133 loaded config file /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js +433ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigIpc loadConfig:reply +791ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager config is loaded for file /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js null +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:99133 loaded config from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' } } +1ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing execution for Query.versions +1s
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +0ms
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 80 } +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing execution for Query.cloudViewer +9ms
cypress:graphql:remoteSchemaWrapped executing: {"operationName":"HeaderBar_HeaderBarQuery_cloudViewer","requestPolicy":"cache-first"} +0ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing Query.cloudViewer resolved immediately +6ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Query.versions did not resolve immediately +7ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +101ms
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 80 } +100ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 80, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1623', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1123', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1923', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1723', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1a23', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1523', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1b23', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1423', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1223', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1023', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1323', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700::6810:1823', family: 6 } ] } +8ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +16ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 80, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2606:4700:20::681a:6b0', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700:20::ac43:450c', family: 6 }, { address: '2606:4700:20::681a:7b0', family: 6 } ] } +49ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +47ms
cypress:data-context:sources:VersionsDataSource NPM release dates received { modified: '2022-06-21T20:30:18.934Z' } +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:VersionsDataSource retrieving latest version information with headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-cypress-version': '10.2.0', 'x-os-name': 'darwin', 'x-arch': 'x64', 'x-initial-launch': 'true', 'x-machine-id': '99277ae5a6275a7fa0c705dfb58238ab85d849dd9f80b92956f48a2d68266c9a', 'x-dev-server': 'vite', 'x-framework': 'react' } +168ms
cypress:data-context:sources:VersionsDataSource latest version information: { name: 'Cypress', version: '10.2.0', packages: { mac: { url: '' }, linux64: { url: '' }, darwin: { url: '' }, linux: { url: '' }, 'darwin-x64': { url: '' }, 'darwin-arm64': { url: '' }, 'linux-x64': { url: '' }, 'linux-arm64': { url: '' }, 'win32-x64': { url: '' } } } +1ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing Query.versions eventually resolved with { latest: { id: '10.2.0', version: '10.2.0', released: '2022-06-21T19:17:41.550Z' }, current: { id: '10.2.0', version: '10.2.0', released: '2022-06-21T19:17:41.550Z' } } HeaderBar_HeaderBarQuery +376ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Resolving versions for pushFragment with {"latest":{"id":"10.2.0","version":"10.2.0","released":"2022-06-21T19:17:41.550Z"},"current":{"id":"10.2.0","version":"10.2.0","released":"2022-06-21T19:17:41.550Z"}} +1ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GraphQLDataSource pushFragment value {"data":{"versions":{"current":{"id":"10.2.0","version":"10.2.0","released":"2022-06-21T19:17:41.550Z","__typename":"Version"},"latest":{"id":"10.2.0","version":"10.2.0","released":"2022-06-21T19:17:41.550Z","__typename":"Version"},"__typename":"VersionData"}}} +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource Refreshing git data +1m
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource On current branch donationflows/cypress-setup +53ms
Click on 'component testing'
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +2m
cypress:server:config setting config object { cliConfig: {}, projectName: '<my-project>', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', config: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, envFile: {}, options: { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', testingType: 'component', configFile: 'cypress.config.js' } } +0ms
cypress:server:config config is { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' } +0ms
cypress:server:config merged config with options, got { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js' } +1ms
cypress:server:config using CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV production +1ms
cypress:server:config resolved config is { value: [], from: 'default' } +1ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +5ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +0ms
cypress:server:config validate that there is no breaking config options before setupNodeEvents +1ms
cypress:server:config setting support file /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js +11ms
cypress:server:config for project root /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:config resolved support file /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js +0ms
cypress:server:config set support folder /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +12ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +12ms
cypress:server:validation browsers [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ] +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:run_require_async_child:99133 setupTestingType component { additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', autoOpen: false, baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], clientRoute: '/__/', configFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', cypressEnv: 'production', defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', hosts: null, includeShadowDom: false, indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, pageLoadTimeout: 60000, platform: 'darwin', port: null, projectId: null, projectName: '<my-project>', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', requestTimeout: 5000, resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' } }, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, ope cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _get:task:body with id 0 +2m
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_get:task:body' +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event _get:task:keys with id 1 +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event '_get:task:keys' +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event dev-server:start with id 2 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event 'dev-server:start' +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager register plugins process event file:preprocessor with id 3 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar register event 'file:preprocessor' +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +422ms
cypress:server:config setting config object { cliConfig: {}, projectName: '<my-project>', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', config: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, envFile: {}, options: { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', testingType: 'component', configFile: 'cypress.config.js' } } +423ms
cypress:server:config config is { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' } +0ms
cypress:server:config merged config with options, got { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js' } +0ms
cypress:server:config using CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV production +1ms
cypress:server:config resolved config is { value: [], from: 'default' } +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +1ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +424ms
cypress:server:config validate that there is no breaking config options before setupNodeEvents +1ms
nMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', scrollBehavior: 'top', slowTestThreshold: 250, socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, version: '10.2.0', video: true, videoCompression: 32, videoUploadOnPasses: true, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', testingType: 'component' } +2m
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 project root: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 passing config { additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', autoOpen: false, baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], clientRoute: '/__/', configFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress.config.js', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', cypressEnv: 'production', defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', hosts: null, includeShadowDom: false, indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, pageLoadTimeout: 60000, platform: 'darwin', port: null, projectId: null, projectName: '<my-project>', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', requestTimeout: 5000, resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' } }, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', scrollBehavior: 'top', slowTestThreshold: 250, socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, version: '10.2.0', video: true, videoCompression: 32, videoUploadOnPasses: true, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', testingType: 'component' } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 Loading the RunPlugins +2ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 register event _get:task:body with id 0 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 register event _get:task:keys with id 1 +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 Calling setupNodeEvents +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 register event dev-server:start with id 2 +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 register default preprocessor +1ms
cypress:server:plugins resolving typescript with projectRoot '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>' +0ms
cypress:server:plugins could not resolve typescript, error: Cannot find module 'typescript'
Require stack:
- /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/
- /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/
- /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/
- /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 creating webpack preprocessor with options {} +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 register event file:preprocessor with id 3 +390ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 plugins file successfully loaded +1ms
cypress:server:config setting support file /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js +2ms
cypress:server:config for project root /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:config resolved support file /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js +1ms
cypress:server:config set support folder /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support +0ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +4ms
cypress:server:validation clientCerts: [] +3ms
cypress:server:validation browsers [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ] +0ms
cypress:server:config updateWithPluginValues { cfg: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: [Object], component: [Object], devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: [Object], arch: [Object], baseUrl: [Object], blockHosts: [Object], chromeWebSecurity: [Object], clientCertificates: [Object], defaultCommandTimeout: [Object], downloadsFolder: [Object], env: {}, execTimeout: [Object], experimentalFetchPolyfill: [Object], experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: [Object], experimentalSessionAndOrigin: [Object], experimentalSourceRewriting: [Object], fileServerFolder: [Object], fixturesFolder: [Object], excludeSpecPattern: [Object], includeShadowDom: [Object], keystrokeDelay: [Object], modifyObstructiveCode: [Object], numTestsKeptInMemory: [Object], platform: [Object], pageLoadTimeout: [Object], port: [Object], projectId: [Object], redirectionLimit: [Object], reporter: [Object], reporterOptions: [Object], requestTimeout: [Object], resolvedNodePath: [Object], resolvedNodeVersion: [Object], responseTimeout: [Object], retries: [Object], screenshotOnRunFailure: [Object], screenshotsFolder: [Object], slowTestThreshold: [Object], scrollBehavior: [Object], supportFile: [Object], supportFolder: [Object], taskTimeout: [Object], trashAssetsBeforeRuns: [Object], userAgent: [Object], video: [Object], videoCompression: [Object], videosFolder: [Object], videoUploadOnPasses: [Object], viewportHeight: [Object], viewportWidth: [Object], waitForAnimations: [Object], watchForFileChanges: [Object], browsers: [Object], hosts: [Object], isInteractive: [Object], specPattern: [Object] } }, overrides: {} } +1ms
cypress:config:browser validating configuration +1ms
cypress:server:config validate that there is no breaking config options added by setupNodeEvents +1ms
cypress:server:config config diffs null +0ms
cypress:server:config merged config object { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' } } } +0ms
cypress:server:config merged plugins config { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' } } } +1ms
cypress:data-context:sources:ProjectDataSource found specs [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/' ] +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource getting git info for [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/' ]: +45s
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource executing command `git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:%ci %ar %an|%h|%s" /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/`: +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource gitBaseDir `/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>`: +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'dev-server:start', isRegistered: true } +18ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar execute plugin event 'dev-server:start' Node 'v16.13.2' with args: { specs: [ { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'example', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: '', specType: 'component', name: 'cypress/component/', relative: 'cypress/component/', absolute: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/' } ], config: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: [Object], component: [Object], devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: null, blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: [Object], arch: [Object], baseUrl: [Object], blockHosts: [Object], chromeWebSecurity: [Object], clientCertificates: [Object], defaultCommandTimeout: [Object], downloadsFolder: [Object], env: {}, execTimeout: [Object], experimentalFetchPolyfill: [Object], experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: [Object], experimentalSessionAndOrigin: [Object], experimentalSourceRewriting: [Object], fileServerFolder: [Object], fixturesFolder: [Object], excludeSpecPattern: [Object], includeShadowDom: [Object], keystrokeDelay: [Object], modifyObstructiveCode: [Object], numTestsKeptInMemory: [Object], platform: [Object], pageLoadTimeout: [Object], port: [Object], projectId: [Object], redirectionLimit: [Object], reporter: [Object], reporterOptions: [Object], requestTimeout: [Object], resolvedNodePath: [Object], resolvedNodeVersion: [Object], responseTimeout: [Object], retries: [Object], screenshotOnRunFailure: [Object], screenshotsFolder: [Object], slowTestThreshold: [Object], scrollBehavior: [Object], supportFile: [Object], supportFolder: [Object], taskTimeout: [Object], trashAssetsBeforeRuns: [Object], userAgent: [Object], video: [Object], videoCompression: [Object], videosFolder: [Object], videoUploadOnPasses: [Object], viewportHeight: [Object], viewportWidth: [Object], waitForAnimations: [Object], watchForFileChanges: [Object], browsers: [Object], hosts: [Object], isInteractive: [Object], specPattern: [Object] } } } undefined undefined +1ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager call event dev-server:start for invocation id inv1 +19ms
cypress:lifecycle:child:RunPlugins:99133 execute plugin event: dev-server:start ({ invocationId: 'inv1', eventId: 2 }) +30ms
cypress:vite-dev-server:getVite resolved viteImportPath as /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.js +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource command execution error: { stdout: '2022-06-24 10:55:18 +0200 3 days ago Jesse van der Pluijm|680b39d02|feat(cypress): setup component testing', stderr: '', code: 0, failed: false, killed: false, signal: null, cmd: 'git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:i %ar %an|%h|%s" /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/', timedOut: false }
cypress:vite-dev-server:devServer Creating Vite Server +0ms
cypress:vite-dev-server:resolve-config resolved config file at /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/vite.config.ts using root /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:vite-dev-server:plugins:inspect skipping vite inspect because CYPRESS_INTERNAL_VITE_INSPECT is not set +0ms
cypress:vite-dev-server:resolve-config The resolved server config is {
"root": "/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>",
"base": "/__cypress/src/",
"configFile": "/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/vite.config.ts",
"optimizeDeps": {
"esbuildOptions": {
"incremental": true,
"plugins": [
"name": "cypress-esbuild-plugin"
"entries": [
"server": {
"fs": {
"allow": [
"plugins": [
"name": "cypress:main",
"enforce": "pre"
} +2ms
cypress:vite-dev-server:devServer Vite server created +8s
cypress:vite-dev-server:devServer Successfully launched the vite server on port 3036 +20ms
cypress:lifecycle:ProjectConfigManager promise resolved for id 'inv1' with value { port: 3036 } +9s
cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +0ms
cypress:server:open_project open_project create /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:open_project opening project /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:open_project and options { ctx: <ref *1> DataContext { update: [Function (anonymous)], debug: [Function: debug] { namespace: 'cypress:data-context', useColors: true, color: 185, extend: [Function: extend], destroy: [Function: deprecated], enabled: [Getter/Setter], inspectOpts: [Object] }, _debugCache: {}, debugNs: [Function (anonymous)], onError: [Function (anonymous)], onWarning: [Function (anonymous)], _config: { schema: [GraphQLSchema], schemaCloud: [GraphQLSchema], mode: 'open', browserApi: [Object], configApi: [Object], appApi: [Object], authApi: [Object], projectApi: [Object], electronApi: [Object], localSettingsApi: [Object] }, _modeOptions: { _: [Array], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>' }, _coreData: { servers: [Object], cliBrowser: null, cliTestingType: null, machineBrowsers: [Promise], hasInitializedMode: 'open', baseError: null, dashboardGraphQLError: null, dev: [Object], app: [Object], localSettings: [Object], authState: [Object], currentProject: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', currentProjectData: [Object], currentProjectGitInfo: [GitDataSource], currentTestingType: 'component', wizard: [Object], migration: [Object], warnings: [], activeBrowser: null, user: null, electron: [Object], scaffoldedFiles: null, packageManager: 'npm', forceReconfigureProject: null, versionData: [Object] }, lifecycleManager: ProjectLifecycleManager { ctx: [Circular *1], _currentTestingType: 'component', _projectMetaState: [Object], onProcessExit: [Function (anonymous)], onLoadError: [Function (anonymous)], _eventRegistrar: [EventRegistrar], _projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', _initializedProject: undefined, _cachedInitialConfig: [Object], _cachedFullConfig: [Object], _configManager: [ProjectConfigManager] } }, onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser], args: { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', testingType: 'component' } } +0ms
cypress:server:project Project created { testingType: 'component', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>' } +0ms
cypress:server:project get saved state +1ms
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +2m
cypress:server:saved_state for project path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for project /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/<my-project>-ba64a6bae74443fecd2722cb1b61b5b6/state.json +2m
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/<my-project>-ba64a6bae74443fecd2722cb1b61b5b6/state.json +1ms
cypress:server:project opening project instance /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +5ms
cypress:server:project project open options { report: false, onFocusTests: [Function: onFocusTests], onError: [Function: onError], onWarning: [Function (anonymous)], ctx: <ref *1> DataContext { update: [Function (anonymous)], debug: [Function: debug] { namespace: 'cypress:data-context', useColors: true, color: 185, extend: [Function: extend], destroy: [Function: deprecated], enabled: [Getter/Setter], inspectOpts: [Object] }, _debugCache: {}, debugNs: [Function (anonymous)], onError: [Function (anonymous)], onWarning: [Function (anonymous)], _config: { schema: [GraphQLSchema], schemaCloud: [GraphQLSchema], mode: 'open', browserApi: [Object], configApi: [Object], appApi: [Object], authApi: [Object], projectApi: [Object], electronApi: [Object], localSettingsApi: [Object] }, _modeOptions: { _: [Array], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>' }, _coreData: { servers: [Object], cliBrowser: null, cliTestingType: null, machineBrowsers: [Promise], hasInitializedMode: 'open', baseError: null, dashboardGraphQLError: null, dev: [Object], app: [Object], localSettings: [Object], authState: [Object], currentProject: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', currentProjectData: [Object], currentProjectGitInfo: [GitDataSource], currentTestingType: 'component', wizard: [Object], migration: [Object], warnings: [], activeBrowser: null, user: null, electron: [Object], scaffoldedFiles: null, packageManager: 'npm', forceReconfigureProject: null, versionData: [Object] }, lifecycleManager: ProjectLifecycleManager { ctx: [Circular *1], _currentTestingType: 'component', _projectMetaState: [Object], onProcessExit: [Function (anonymous)], onLoadError: [Function (anonymous)], _eventRegistrar: [EventRegistrar], _projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', _initializedProject: undefined, _cachedInitialConfig: [Object], _cachedFullConfig: [Object], _configManager: [ProjectConfigManager], _runModeExitEarly: undefined } }, onReloadBrowser: [Function: onReloadBrowser], args: { _: [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/' ], sandbox: false, project: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', cwd: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', userNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', userNodeVersion: '16.8.0', invokedFromCli: true, config: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', testingType: 'component' }, testingType: 'component' } +0ms
cypress:server:project project has config { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3036', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: null, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' }, testingType: { value: 'component' } }, testingType: 'component', componentTesting: true, state: { firstOpened: 1655996080852, lastOpened: 1656059186181, appX: 303, appY: 201 } } +1ms
cypress:server:server-base server open +0ms
cypress:network:client-certificates loaded client certificates for 0 URL(s) +0ms
cypress:server:server-base Server listening on { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 62346 } +23ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/proxy +29ms
cypress:https-proxy:ca checking CA version { actualVersion: 1, CA_VERSION: 1 } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy Created SNI HTTPS Proxy Server { port: 62347 } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3036', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3036', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3036', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3036', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } } for http://localhost:3036 +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3036', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3036', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3036', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } } for: http://localhost:3036 +0ms
cypress:server:project project config: { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3036', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 62346, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', testingType: 'component', componentTesting: true, state: { firstOpened: 1655996080852, lastOpened: 1656059186181, appX: 303, appY: 201 }, remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:62346', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__cypress/reporter', xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:62346' } +39ms
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +46ms
cypress:server:saved_state for project path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for project /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +0ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/<my-project>-ba64a6bae74443fecd2722cb1b61b5b6/state.json +18ms
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/<my-project>-ba64a6bae74443fecd2722cb1b61b5b6/state.json +1ms
cypress:server:project project has config { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3036', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 62346, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' }, testingType: { value: 'component' } }, testingType: 'component', componentTesting: true, state: { firstOpened: 1655996080852, lastOpened: 1656317168099, appX: 303, appY: 201 }, remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:62346', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__cypress/reporter', xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:62346' } +35ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '3036', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +37ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:3036', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'localhost', props: { port: '3036', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } } for: http://localhost:3036 +37ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing execution for Query.versions +2m
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing execution for Query.cloudViewer +0ms
cypress:graphql:remoteSchemaWrapped executing: {"operationName":"HeaderBar_HeaderBarQuery_cloudViewer","requestPolicy":"cache-first"} +2m
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing Query.cloudViewer resolved immediately +3ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing Query.versions resolved immediately +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:VersionsDataSource resetting latest version telemetry call due to a different testing type +2m
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +2m
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:VersionsDataSource retrieving latest version information with headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'x-cypress-version': '10.2.0', 'x-os-name': 'darwin', 'x-arch': 'x64', 'x-initial-launch': 'false', 'x-testing-type': 'component', 'x-machine-id': '99277ae5a6275a7fa0c705dfb58238ab85d849dd9f80b92956f48a2d68266c9a', 'x-dev-server': 'vite', 'x-framework': 'react' } +268ms
cypress:data-context:sources:VersionsDataSource latest version information: { name: 'Cypress', version: '10.2.0', packages: { mac: { url: '' }, linux64: { url: '' }, darwin: { url: '' }, linux: { url: '' }, 'darwin-x64': { url: '' }, 'darwin-arm64': { url: '' }, 'linux-x64': { url: '' }, 'linux-arm64': { url: '' }, 'win32-x64': { url: '' } } } +1ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource Refreshing git data +14s
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource getting git info for [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/' ]: +16ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource executing command `git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:%ci %ar %an|%h|%s" /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/`: +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource gitBaseDir `/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>`: +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource command execution error: { stdout: '2022-06-24 10:55:18 +0200 3 days ago Jesse van der Pluijm|680b39d02|feat(cypress): setup component testing', stderr: '', code: 0, failed: false, killed: false, signal: null, cmd: 'git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:i %ar %an|%h|%s" /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/', timedOut: false }
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource On current branch donationflows/cypress-setup +16ms
Choose Chrome:
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource Refreshing git data +1m
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource getting git info for [ '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/' ]: +14ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource executing command `git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:%ci %ar %an|%h|%s" /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/`: +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource gitBaseDir `/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>`: +0ms
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource command execution error: { stdout: '2022-06-24 10:55:18 +0200 3 days ago Jesse van der Pluijm|680b39d02|feat(cypress): setup component testing', stderr: '', code: 0, failed: false, killed: false, signal: null, cmd: 'git log --max-count=1 --pretty="format:i %ar %an|%h|%s" /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/', timedOut: false }
cypress:data-context:sources:GitDataSource On current branch donationflows/cypress-setup +14ms
cypress:server:open_project resetting project state, preparing to launch browser chrome for spec { name: '', absolute: '', relative: '', specType: 'component' } options {} +1m
cypress:server:project resetting project instance /Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo> +1m
cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '80', tld: '', domain: '' } +1m
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for http://localhost:62346 +1m
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
cypress:server:project_utils no spec absolute path, returning: http://localhost:3036/__/ +0ms
cypress:server:open_project open project url http://localhost:3036/__/ +1ms
cypress:server:project project has config { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3036', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 62346, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' }, testingType: { value: 'component' } }, testingType: 'component', componentTesting: true, state: { firstOpened: 1655996080852, lastOpened: 1656317168099, appX: 303, appY: 201 }, remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:62346', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__cypress/reporter', xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:62346' } +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
cypress:server:open_project launching browser: { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103, isHeaded: true, isHeadless: false }, spec: +2ms
cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance +1m
cypress:server:browsers getBrowserLauncher { browser: { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103, isHeaded: true, isHeadless: false } } +0ms
cypress:server:browsers opening browser { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103, isHeaded: true, isHeadless: false } +3ms
cypress:server:browsers:chrome reading chrome preferences... { userDir: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome-stable/interactive', CHROME_PREFERENCE_PATHS: { default: 'Default/Preferences', defaultSecure: 'Default/Secure Preferences', localState: 'Local State' } } +0ms
cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'before:browser:launch', isRegistered: false } +1m
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/extensions +1m
cypress:server:browsers:chrome launching in chrome with debugging port {
url: 'http://localhost:3036/__/',
args: [
"--simulate-outdated-no-au='Tue, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 GMT'",
'--load-extension=/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome-stable/interactive/CypressExtension,/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/',
'--user-data-dir=/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome-stable/interactive',
'--disk-cache-dir=/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome-stable/interactive/CypressCache'
port: 62359
} +82ms
cypress:launcher:browsers launching browser { browser: { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103, isHeaded: true, isHeadless: false }, url: 'about:blank' } +0ms
cypress:launcher:browsers spawning browser with args { args: [ 'about:blank', '--test-type', '--ignore-certificate-errors', '--start-maximized', '--silent-debugger-extension-api', '--no-default-browser-check', '--no-first-run', '--noerrdialogs', '--enable-fixed-layout', '--disable-popup-blocking', '--disable-password-generation', '--disable-single-click-autofill', '--disable-prompt-on-repos', '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--disable-renderer-backgrounding', '--disable-renderer-throttling', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', '--disable-restore-session-state', '--disable-new-profile-management', '--disable-new-avatar-menu', '--allow-insecure-localhost', '--reduce-security-for-testing', '--enable-automation', '--disable-print-preview', '--disable-device-discovery-notifications', '--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required', '--disable-site-isolation-trials', '--metrics-recording-only', '--disable-prompt-on-repost', '--disable-hang-monitor', '--disable-sync', '--disable-web-resources', '--safebrowsing-disable-download-protection', '--disable-client-side-phishing-detection', '--disable-component-update', "--simulate-outdated-no-au='Tue, 31 Dec 2099 23:59:59 GMT'", '--disable-default-apps', '--use-fake-ui-for-media-stream', '--use-fake-device-for-media-stream', '--disable-ipc-flooding-protection', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-window', '--disable-breakpad', '--password-store=basic', '--use-mock-keychain', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--proxy-server=http://localhost:62346', '--proxy-bypass-list=<-loopback>', '--remote-debugging-port=62359', '--remote-debugging-address=', '--load-extension=/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome-stable/interactive/CypressExtension,/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', '--user-data-dir=/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome-stable/interactive', '--disk-cache-dir=/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/browsers/chrome-stable/interactive/CypressCache' ] } +0ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 0, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +3m
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 1, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +106ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 2, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +103ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 3, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +101ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 4, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +106ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 5, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +103ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 6, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +103ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 7, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +100ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 8, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +103ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 9, delay: 100, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +102ms
cypress:network:connect received error on connect, retrying { iteration: 10, delay: 500, err: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1161:16) { errno: -61, code: 'ECONNREFUSED', syscall: 'connect', address: '', port: 62359 } } +100ms
cypress:launcher:browsers chrome stderr: DevTools listening on ws:// +1s
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { host: '', port: 62359, getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayMsForRetry] }, iteration: 11 } +506ms
cypress:launcher:browsers chrome stderr: objc[372]: Class WebSwapCGLLayer is implemented in both /System/Library/Frameworks/WebKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/WebCore.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/libANGLE-shared.dylib (0x7ffa62862318) and /Applications/Google Chrome Framework.framework/Versions/103.0.5060.53/Libraries/libGLESv2.dylib (0x118b69d18). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. +590ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +1m
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +1m
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03/�]��\b\x03\x13�-Ynh1��)\x07��\x00�zO�卨�9�� \x07_�\x05n\x02K�}��M8_�\x13�z6���' } +3ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: "\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03[��8P�_ԉ�w~R�9d���4���q���\\�yN� ��G\x01'�̛;�v\x1B�r_\x15�n`\x17��" } +2ms
cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connecting { target: 'ws://localhost:62359/devtools/browser/842beca6-7049-4d5e-bd0a-4a7762ac4a16' } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62347 +18ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62347 +1ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62347, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +603ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62347, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +1ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62379 } +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62347, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +2ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62347, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +2ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62380 } +2ms
cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client Attaching to target url about:blank +0ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +52ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +25ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03eu\x16մ0\x16�p2�{S\x13�\x07�\x0E�\r�;#�ù����\x11\x17 1������ξU�z)\t�\f�w\x05^$S�' } +2ms
cypress:server:browsers:cri-client connecting { target: '4384215DE9BB4C8AAADD9B0E961B8641' } +56ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62347 +11ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62347, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +43ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62347, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +5ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62384 } +43ms
cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.requestWillBeSent' } +25ms
cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Network.responseReceived' } +0ms
cypress:server:browsers:chrome options.onScreencastFrame is false +2s
cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Page.downloadWillBegin' } +43ms
cypress:server:browsers:cri-client registering CDP on event { eventName: 'Page.downloadProgress' } +1ms
cypress:server:browsers:chrome received CRI client +2ms
cypress:server:browsers:chrome navigating to page http://localhost:3036/__/ +0ms
cypress:server:project project has config { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3036', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 62346, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' }, testingType: { value: 'component' } }, testingType: 'component', componentTesting: true, state: { firstOpened: 1655996080852, lastOpened: 1656317168099, appX: 303, appY: 201 }, remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:62346', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__cypress/reporter', xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:62346' } +3s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +3s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +3s
GET /__/ 200 6.211 ms - -
cypress:server:browsers browser opened +3s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index.6575a47e.js, params[0] index.6575a47e.js +0ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/index.bed6a494.css, params[0] index.bed6a494.css +2ms
GET /__/assets/index.bed6a494.css 200 3.145 ms - -
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:62346 +281ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:62346', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:62346', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +263ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:62346', head: 'GET /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localho' } +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62346 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62346, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +265ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62346, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +1ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62392 } +265ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket +2ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket', remotePort: 62392, remoteAddress: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:socket-base socket connected +0ms
cypress:server:socket-ct do onSocketConnection +0ms
cypress:server:socket-base automation:client connected +5ms
GET /__/assets/index.6575a47e.js 200 5.776 ms - -
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:3036 +235ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:3036', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:3036', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +235ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:3036', head: 'GET /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localho' } +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62346 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62346, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +238ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62346, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +2ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62395 } +237ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket +4ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket/?EIO=4&transport=websocket', remotePort: 62395, remoteAddress: '' } +1ms
GET /__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.css 200 2.625 ms - -
cypress:server:socket-base socket connected +249ms
cypress:server:socket-ct do onSocketConnection +254ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from localhost:3036 +32ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: 'localhost:3036', headLength: 0, headers: { host: 'localhost:3036', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +33ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: 'localhost:3036', head: 'GET /__socket-graphql HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: localhost:3036\r\nConnection' } +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62346 +0ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62346, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +35ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62346, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +1ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62398 } +34ms
cypress:server:server-base Got UPGRADE request from /__socket-graphql +3ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed is incoming request allowed? { isAllowed: true, reqUrl: '/__socket-graphql', remotePort: 62398, remoteAddress: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Specs.d91c53fd.js, params[0] Specs.d91c53fd.js +347ms
GET /__/assets/Specs.d91c53fd.js 200 1.244 ms - 479
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Index.8f76e9d7.css, params[0] Index.8f76e9d7.css +3ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Index.ce0f6045.js, params[0] Index.ce0f6045.js +2ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/add-large_x16.c28fd06d.js, params[0] add-large_x16.c28fd06d.js +1ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/SpecPatterns.90f9f749.js, params[0] SpecPatterns.90f9f749.js +0ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/CreateSpecModal.264d66ed.js, params[0] CreateSpecModal.264d66ed.js +2ms
GET /__/assets/add-large_x16.c28fd06d.js 200 3.635 ms - 753
GET /__/assets/Index.8f76e9d7.css 200 5.743 ms - -
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/warning_x16.d0f61640.js, params[0] warning_x16.d0f61640.js +4ms
GET /__/assets/SpecPatterns.90f9f749.js 200 3.351 ms - -
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/settings_x16.4b5c8829.js, params[0] settings_x16.4b5c8829.js +2ms
GET /__/assets/Index.ce0f6045.js 200 4.732 ms - -
GET /__/assets/CreateSpecModal.264d66ed.js 200 3.534 ms - -
GET /__/assets/warning_x16.d0f61640.js 200 6.075 ms - -
GET /__/assets/settings_x16.4b5c8829.js 200 5.891 ms - -
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/cypress_s.29af549a.png, params[0] cypress_s.29af549a.png +50ms
GET /__/assets/cypress_s.29af549a.png 200 3.891 ms - 4425
cypress:server:project project has config { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3036', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 62346, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' }, testingType: { value: 'component' } }, testingType: 'component', componentTesting: true, state: { firstOpened: 1655996080852, lastOpened: 1656317168099, appX: 303, appY: 201 }, remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:62346', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__cypress/reporter', xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:62346' } +473ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +473ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +473ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing execution for Query.versions +1m
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing execution for Query.cloudViewer +0ms
cypress:graphql:remoteSchemaWrapped executing: {"operationName":"HeaderBar_HeaderBarQuery_cloudViewer","requestPolicy":"cache-first"} +1m
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing Query.cloudViewer resolved immediately +5ms
cypress:graphql:nexusDeferIfNotLoadedPlugin Racing Query.versions resolved immediately +0ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/chrome.1b5cb774.svg, params[0] chrome.1b5cb774.svg +91ms
GET /__/assets/chrome.1b5cb774.svg 200 1.185 ms - -
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/electron.fb07f5cc.svg, params[0] electron.fb07f5cc.svg +11ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/firefox.9be61e66.svg, params[0] firefox.9be61e66.svg +1ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/firefox-developer-edition.8f88b864.svg, params[0] firefox-developer-edition.8f88b864.svg +1ms
GET /__/assets/electron.fb07f5cc.svg 200 2.638 ms - -
GET /__/assets/firefox.9be61e66.svg 200 2.285 ms - -
GET /__/assets/firefox-developer-edition.8f88b864.svg 200 1.998 ms - -
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'clientservices' } +162ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +162ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +0ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +1m
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +275ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: 'com', domain: 'google' } +8ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +8ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer appending chunk to buffer { bytesWritten: 0, chunkLength: 1 } +4ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +5ms
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +4ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +1ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2a00:1450:400e:802::2003', family: 6 } ] } +35ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2a00:1450:400e:80d::200d', family: 6 } ] } +1ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +41ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +2ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request2', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-gzip' } } +0ms
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request2' } +1ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/chrome-variations/seed?osname=mac&channel=stable&milestone=103' }, request: undefined } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +74ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +74ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'clientservices' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'clientservices' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +2ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +2ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request3', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' } } +8ms
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request3' } +0ms
GET /chrome-variations/seed?osname=mac&channel=stable&milestone=103 200 589.706 ms - -
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/ListAccounts?gpsia=1&source=ChromiumBrowser&json=standard' }, request: undefined } +6ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +4ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +4ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: 'com', domain: 'google' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: 'com', domain: 'google' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
POST /ListAccounts?gpsia=1&source=ChromiumBrowser&json=standard 200 591.241 ms - -
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +386ms
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +388ms
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03q�3\x16h�s���EoC��\x18+)���h�\x17OƲ��\n$^ �4z\x12uC\x06�3\x0E���\x152�\x13��r�' } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62347 +2ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62347, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +76ms
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62347, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +2ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62415 } +391ms
GET /__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js 200 2.751 ms - -
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'content-autofill' } +546ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +546ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +627ms
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +585ms
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +516ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2a00:1450:400e:810::200a', family: 6 } ] } +35ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +41ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request4', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' } } +647ms
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request4' } +0ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/v1/pages/ChRDaHJvbWUvMTAzLjAuNTA2MC41MxIQCZn9u06bB-cGEgUNE1Cf1BirqcoB?alt=proto' }, request: undefined } +647ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +98ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +98ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'content-autofill' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'content-autofill' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
GET /v1/pages/ChRDaHJvbWUvMTAzLjAuNTA2MC41MxIQCZn9u06bB-cGEgUNE1Cf1BirqcoB?alt=proto 200 605.561 ms - -
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 62379 } +5s
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 62380 } +0ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 62415 } +649ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +12s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +12s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03��\x15G|(W�{��]��c�\x03lQۘy��\x14������� ޱ�Jo�G�&\x17����Ҕ�Ia��\x15b' } +1ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62347 +2ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62347, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +11s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62347, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +1ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62421 } +6s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'optimizationguide-pa' } +12s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +12s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer appending chunk to buffer { bytesWritten: 0, chunkLength: 132 } +12s
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +12s
cypress:network:connect beginning getAddress { hostname: '', port: 443 } +509ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +1ms
cypress:network:connect got addresses { hostname: '', port: 443, addresses: [ { address: '', family: 4 }, { address: '2a00:1450:400e:811::200a', family: 6 } ] } +23ms
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +28ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request5', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/x-protobuf' } } +12s
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request5' } +0ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/v1:GetModels?key=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw' }, request: undefined } +12s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +54ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +54ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'optimizationguide-pa' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +1ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'optimizationguide-pa' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
POST /v1:GetModels?key=AIzaSyBOti4mM-6x9WDnZIjIeyEU21OpBXqWBgw 200 558.795 ms - -
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 62421 } +6s
Click on
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 62384 } +42s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner.c9896f15.js, params[0] Runner.c9896f15.js +60s
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Runner.7591f1d0.css, params[0] Runner.7591f1d0.css +0ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/Switch.afb43baa.js, params[0] Switch.afb43baa.js +1ms
cypress:server:routes proxying static assets /__/assets/refresh_x16.0772a160.js, params[0] refresh_x16.0772a160.js +0ms
GET /__/assets/Switch.afb43baa.js 200 1.526 ms - -
GET /__/assets/Runner.7591f1d0.css 200 2.001 ms - -
GET /__/assets/refresh_x16.0772a160.js 200 1.263 ms - -
GET /__/assets/Runner.c9896f15.js 200 2.114 ms - -
cypress:server:project project has config { devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>', rawJson: { e2e: { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:5017', defaultCommandTimeout: 10000, supportFile: 'cypress/support/e2e.js' }, component: { devServer: [Object], specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}' }, devServer: { framework: 'react', bundler: 'vite' }, specPattern: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', envFile: {}, projectRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', projectName: '<my-project>' }, configFile: 'cypress.config.js', animationDistanceThreshold: 5, arch: 'x64', baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3036', blockHosts: null, chromeWebSecurity: true, clientCertificates: [], defaultCommandTimeout: 4000, downloadsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/downloads', env: {}, execTimeout: 60000, experimentalFetchPolyfill: false, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: false, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: false, experimentalSourceRewriting: false, fileServerFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>', fixturesFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/fixtures', excludeSpecPattern: [ '**/__snapshots__/*', '**/__image_snapshots__/*' ], includeShadowDom: false, keystrokeDelay: 0, modifyObstructiveCode: true, numTestsKeptInMemory: 50, platform: 'darwin', pageLoadTimeout: 60000, port: 62346, projectId: null, redirectionLimit: 20, reporter: 'spec', reporterOptions: null, requestTimeout: 5000, resolvedNodePath: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/.n/bin/node', resolvedNodeVersion: '16.8.0', responseTimeout: 30000, retries: { runMode: 0, openMode: 0 }, screenshotOnRunFailure: true, screenshotsFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/screenshots', slowTestThreshold: 250, scrollBehavior: 'top', supportFile: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support/component.js', supportFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/support', taskTimeout: 60000, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: true, userAgent: null, video: true, videoCompression: 32, videosFolder: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/videos', videoUploadOnPasses: true, viewportHeight: 500, viewportWidth: 500, waitForAnimations: true, watchForFileChanges: true, additionalIgnorePattern: 'cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', autoOpen: false, browsers: [ { name: 'chrome', family: 'chromium', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Chrome', version: '103.0.5060.53', path: '/Applications/Google Chrome', minSupportedVersion: 64, majorVersion: 103 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'stable', displayName: 'Firefox', version: '101.0.1', path: '/Applications/', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 101 }, { name: 'firefox', family: 'firefox', channel: 'dev', displayName: 'Firefox Developer Edition', version: '99.0', path: '/Applications/Firefox Developer', minSupportedVersion: 86, majorVersion: 99 }, { name: 'electron', channel: 'stable', family: 'chromium', displayName: 'Electron', version: '100.0.4896.160', path: '', majorVersion: 100, info: 'Electron is the default browser that comes with Cypress. This is the default browser that runs in headless mode. Selecting this browser is useful when debugging. The version number indicates the underlying Chromium version that Electron uses.' } ], clientRoute: '/__/', cypressBinaryRoot: '/Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/', devServerPublicPathRoute: '/__cypress/src', hosts: null, isInteractive: true, isTextTerminal: false, morgan: true, namespace: '__cypress', reporterRoute: '/__cypress/reporter', socketId: null, socketIoCookie: '__socket', socketIoRoute: '/__socket', version: '10.2.0', xhrRoute: '/xhrs/', indexHtmlFile: 'cypress/support/component-index.html', cypressEnv: 'production', resolved: { animationDistanceThreshold: { value: 5, from: 'default' }, arch: { value: 'x64', from: 'default' }, baseUrl: { value: null, from: 'default' }, blockHosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, chromeWebSecurity: { value: true, from: 'default' }, clientCertificates: { value: [], from: 'default' }, defaultCommandTimeout: { value: 4000, from: 'default' }, downloadsFolder: { value: 'cypress/downloads', from: 'default' }, env: {}, execTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, experimentalFetchPolyfill: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalInteractiveRunEvents: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSessionAndOrigin: { value: false, from: 'default' }, experimentalSourceRewriting: { value: false, from: 'default' }, fileServerFolder: { value: '', from: 'default' }, fixturesFolder: { value: 'cypress/fixtures', from: 'default' }, excludeSpecPattern: { value: [Array], from: 'default' }, includeShadowDom: { value: false, from: 'default' }, keystrokeDelay: { value: 0, from: 'default' }, modifyObstructiveCode: { value: true, from: 'default' }, numTestsKeptInMemory: { value: 50, from: 'default' }, platform: { value: 'darwin', from: 'default' }, pageLoadTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, port: { value: null, from: 'default' }, projectId: { value: null, from: 'default' }, redirectionLimit: { value: 20, from: 'default' }, reporter: { value: 'spec', from: 'default' }, reporterOptions: { value: null, from: 'default' }, requestTimeout: { value: 5000, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodePath: { value: null, from: 'default' }, resolvedNodeVersion: { value: null, from: 'default' }, responseTimeout: { value: 30000, from: 'default' }, retries: { value: [Object], from: 'default' }, screenshotOnRunFailure: { value: true, from: 'default' }, screenshotsFolder: { value: 'cypress/screenshots', from: 'default' }, slowTestThreshold: { value: 250, from: 'default' }, scrollBehavior: { value: 'top', from: 'default' }, supportFile: { value: 'cypress/support/component.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'default' }, supportFolder: { value: false, from: 'default' }, taskTimeout: { value: 60000, from: 'default' }, trashAssetsBeforeRuns: { value: true, from: 'default' }, userAgent: { value: null, from: 'default' }, video: { value: true, from: 'default' }, videoCompression: { value: 32, from: 'default' }, videosFolder: { value: 'cypress/videos', from: 'default' }, videoUploadOnPasses: { value: true, from: 'default' }, viewportHeight: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, viewportWidth: { value: 500, from: 'default' }, waitForAnimations: { value: true, from: 'default' }, watchForFileChanges: { value: true, from: 'default' }, browsers: { value: [Array], from: 'runtime' }, hosts: { value: null, from: 'default' }, isInteractive: { value: true, from: 'default' }, specPattern: { value: 'cypress/component/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}', from: 'config' }, testingType: { value: 'component' } }, testingType: 'component', componentTesting: true, state: { firstOpened: 1655996080852, lastOpened: 1656317168099, appX: 303, appY: 201 }, remote: {}, browser: null, specs: [], proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:62346', browserUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__/', reporterUrl: 'http://localhost:3036/__cypress/reporter', xhrUrl: '__cypress/xhrs/', proxyServer: 'http://localhost:62346' } +1m
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +48s
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +48s
GET /__cypress/iframes//Users/jessevanderpluijm/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/ 404 8.288 ms - -
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +2m
cypress:server:saved_state missing project path, looking for project here +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state making saved state from /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Caches/Cypress/10.2.0/ +1ms
cypress:server:saved_state missing project path, looking for project here +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for global mode +1ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +1m
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
cypress:server:saved_state state path for global mode +1ms
cypress:server:appdata path: /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +1ms
cypress:server:saved_state full state path /Users/jessevanderpluijm/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/production/projects/__global__/state.json +0ms
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +48s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +48s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02C\x01\x00\x02?\x03\x03�EG_����\x1C��B3A��LG�/{s�\x01\x02���&�(� �>�C=��\x7F5��Qh*\x1Cy�a�t' } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62347 +1ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62347, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +48s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62347, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +0ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62437 } +339ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'content-autofill' } +746ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: undefined for: +746ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
cypress:server:stream_buffer stream buffer writeable final called +48s
cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' } +48s
cypress:network:agent got family { family: 6, href: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:request received status code & headers on request { requestId: 'request6', statusCode: 200, headers: { 'content-type': 'text/plain' } } +48s
cypress:server:request successful response received { requestId: 'request6' } +0ms
cypress:net-stubbing:server:intercept-response InterceptResponse { req: { url: '/v1/pages/ChRDaHJvbWUvMTAzLjAuNTA2MC41MxIQCUuvX4XcrqZJEgUNN5ze0xirqcoB?alt=proto' }, request: undefined } +48s
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +44ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +44ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'content-autofill' } +0ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', tld: '', domain: 'content-autofill' } +1ms
cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '62346', tld: 'localhost', domain: '' } +0ms
cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'http://localhost:62346', strategy: 'file', fileServer: 'http://localhost', domainName: 'localhost', props: null } for: http://localhost:62346 +0ms
GET /v1/pages/ChRDaHJvbWUvMTAzLjAuNTA2MC41MxIQCUuvX4XcrqZJEgUNN5ze0xirqcoB?alt=proto 200 548.554 ms - -
cypress:server:server-base Got CONNECT request from +3s
cypress:https-proxy Writing browserSocket connection headers { url: '', headLength: 0, headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36' } } +3s
cypress:https-proxy Got first head bytes { url: '', head: '\x16\x03\x01\x02\x00\x01\x00\x01�\x03\x03��˂Mm�;��\fy�9�\x00��U�\x0E�|[�2\x17\b\x1Bs�� ��)��@�S��9ځIs�\x15`��j\x07' } +0ms
cypress:https-proxy Making intercepted connection to 62347 +1ms
cypress:network:connect successfully connected { opts: { port: 62347, host: 'localhost', getDelayMsForRetry: [Function: getDelayForRetry] }, iteration: 0 } +3s
cypress:https-proxy received upstreamSocket callback for request { port: 62347, hostname: 'localhost', err: undefined } +0ms
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowing socket { localPort: 62440 } +3s
cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 62437 } +3s
I have same error. First test in test's sequence done OK, but second fails always.
<pre>Cannot GET /__cypress/iframes/</pre>
BTW, why cypress encodes path to test? Originally must be 'cypress/e2e/api/'.
Vue 2.16 Typescript 4.7.4 Cypress 8.7 | 9.7 | 10
I am experiencing the same issue (as OP, not the above comment) but with Vue instead of React.
Conjecture follows that this issue is related to Vite specifically, and quite possibly serving from ../* directories.
(I believed that in my config, however, Vite was serving directly from /src which contained both the component tests and the components being loaded)
I am attempting a minimal repro now.
My first attempt as per the above comment did not go well (or rather, it did.)
Ruling out (in isolation) ../../* as inherently a problem, as I managed to reproduce that fine with a passing test. It's also not to do with the http(s) setting, and it is not inherently caused by Yarn PnP either (I have no information as to whether OP is using this or not).
The issue happens for me in a monorepo in a workspace. I may attempt this in my repro later on.
@jessevdp, do you have any comments on the findings so far? Are you using workspaces? Anything else we may have in common?
I do think this full path issue may be key, but I'm not familiar enough with how the Cypress component test setup works. What generates the requested path? This might be a clue for somebody more familiar with the codebase itself.
@jessevdp I will try to reproduce now. What's vite.json
? I can't find any docs around how this would detected/consumed by Vite.
Edit: success!
Still curious about vite.json
- where is this documented?
@boligolov cypress/e2e/api/
looks like an E2E test. I wonder why that's executing when you run your component tests? This seems incorrect. Can you share some more info (cypress.config.js
, etc). Ideally a minimal reproduction.
@TPHRyan Did you see this comment? It links to this issue: which mentions Vite prevents serving content outside of where it is run (eg with ../../
). That might be your issue.
I am looking into this in more depth right now, but worth considering that and the solution which is using the allowFs
setting in your Vite config, docs. Disregard this if you've already explored this.
The dev-server will start in your project root. So if you have something like
-- components
---- Foo.vue
It'll start in src
. If Foo.vue
imports something outside of src
, eg import Something from '../../../outside/src/foo.js'
, then Vite will complain unless you configure allowFs
@TPHRyan Did you see this comment? #22505 (comment). It links to this issue: #22422 (comment) which mentions Vite prevents serving content outside of where it is run (eg with
). That might be your issue.
Just replying to clear any potential ambiguity in my original text: I have been able to create a project with the exact same directory structure that has passing tests, thus ruled it out as a problem in isolation.
I have been able to create a project with the exact same directory structure that has passing tests, thus ruled it out as a problem in isolation.
Is your problematic repo using config/vite.json
like the OP? Just trying to see if we actually have two separate issues, or just one.
@lmiller1990 My suspicion is now that we have two separate issues, as actually my problem does not include the error message on the same screen (I get it when requesting the .cy.ts file while testing) and I have run a profiling session to find no apparent network errors. I'll try to find some distinguishing factor in my issue so I can know for sure, but until then probably disregard the details I've shared.
It seems config/vite.json
is a file used by Vite Ruby (see configuration).
I strongly suspect that the issue has something to do with the full paths being used by Cypress to attempt to fetch the component test code. Since this is different from the e2e setup.
I could, however, not find the code in cypress that declares how these paths are constructed. I don't actually know if this is regular behavior or a problem.
I'll have time to look into this more later today 👍
@lmiller1990 did you replicate the issue with success? Do you also see the same 404 server output in your terminal?
GET /__cypress/iframes//Users/<me>/<path/to/repo>/cypress/component/ 404 2.497 ms - -
Could you share your reproduction repository? For anyone willing to take a stab at this.
Any suspicions as to what seems to be the main problem? Any suggestions on (perhaps) how to re-organize my repo in order to prevent / work around this issue?
I will post a minimal repro soon. I can only reproduce it with the vite-ruby plugin so far. I am trying to figure out what the config options end up mapping to inside of Vite. It's ending up assigning to outDir
, which is a build
option in Vite, so it shouldn't do anything here.
I'd like to reproduce w/o the Vite Ruby plugin.
I cannot reproduce without Vite Ruby.
Have you had any success narrowing down the issue? I don't quite get how my Vite configuration should impact the path that Cypress uses to attempt to GET my spec file. And how that then results in a 404.
If there is a problem with Vite handling the spec file, then perhaps a 500 or some other error..
The repro above is the furthest I've gone. The problem is related to how Vite Ruby merges:
Vite has a configFile
arg that looks like it is resolved after we resolve your vite.config.js
. Vite Ruby uses this configFile
arg. I guess whatever is getting resolved in Vite Ruby is overriding our internal Vite config and the assumptions we make.
Next thing I'd like to try is modifying vite.json
to and getting it to work.
A work around might be to have a different vite.config.js
for Cypress, and load it. Ctrl F for "function syntax" in this readme. You could have a vite.cypress.config.ts
, perhaps, and do not include the Vite Ruby plugin. Not sure if this will work for your use case, but something to consider/explore in the meantime.
It seems like i stumbled over this issue as well while trying to use cypress for component/unit testing. Cypress lists the spec file but is unable to load it. So i did some research.
After reading through this issue i prepared a minimal example:
It uses express.js with a wildcard route for all *.js
files. I was able to observe the same behavior described by @jessevdp and noticed that the route never got called. Here is a link to the corresponding commit.
This was my cypress.config.mjs
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import express from 'express';
export default defineConfig({
component: {
devServer: async (cypressConfig) => {
const app = express();
app.get('/*.js', (req, res) => {
console.log('Express got request for js file: ', req.url);
.send('it("should run",() => expect(true);')
const server = await app.listen(3000);
return {
port: 3000,
close: () => server.close(),
supportFile: false,
After that i added another wildcard route for everything that served some HTML and noticed that when cypress requests the spec file it actually forwards the request to index.html
for the second test:
import { defineConfig } from 'cypress';
import express from 'express';
export default defineConfig({
component: {
devServer: async (cypressConfig) => {
const app = express();
app.get('/*.html', (req, res) => {
console.log('Express got request for file: ', req.url);
res.send('<html>Hello from express!</html>')
app.get('/*.js', (req, res) => {
console.log('Express got request for js file: ', req.url);
.send('it("should run",() => expect(true)')
const server = await app.listen(3000);
return {
port: 3000,
close: () => server.close(),
supportFile: false,
Here is a screenshot of cypress during the second test. You can see that cypress sends a request for
that ends up inside the handler for *.html
I could, however, imagine that this is the expected behavior and cypress tries to load some sort of bundle? If that's the case please forgive me for my long post and just ignore it...
@mogoe1 your issue seems similar, but I'm fairly sure it has a different root cause.
I'm seeing something similar: full path in the spec file, no 404, but the request never resolves. I'm using React and Webpack.
@mogoe1 interesting repo, I didn't realise we'd documented how to make your own dev server but apparently we did (cool!)
I am not sure if it's the same as the original issue described here, though.
@tpict can you share your repository? The only time I've recreated this is with the Vite Ruby plugin, which is a good reproduction, but I am trying to narrow this down to something in our code base, as opposed to a conflict of tooling. Are you using any other plugins? If you can provide a minimal repo, that'd be great, or even just your cypress.config.ts
, webpack.config.js
, etc.
@lmiller1990 Can't share repo, but I managed to narrow it down to this chunk of the Webpack config:
devServer: {
allowedHosts: ["", "localhost"],
port: 9000,
hot: true,
headers: {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
server: {
type: "https",
options: {
cert: "./cert.pem",
key: "./key.pem",
client: {
webSocketURL: "wss://localhost:9000/ws",
Simple enough for me to omit it when Cypress is running.
@Tpict thanks for this - it's useful to know. I'm not actively looking into this right now, but I'd like to revisit it soon. This should be helpful for myself or others debugging this.
@lmiller1990 I have attempted to create a separate Vite config that does not use ViteRuby in order to resolve this problem. However, the issue still seems to persist.
Here's a reproduction repository, forked from yours. And an overview of what's changed.
yarn run cypress open --component
in your consoleGET /__cypress/iframes/
GET /__cypress/iframes//Users/jessevanderpluijm/Repositories/debug/cypress-vite-issue/cypress/component/ 404 7.441 ms - -
Interesting. It's not clear what the problem is - I guess does something? It doesn't look like you've even introduced any new configuration.
Thanks for the minimal reproduction. This is useful.
i am running into the same issue, though with a different project configuration: (it's a rather complex project, and i can't share the whole code-base, but i try my best to include everything needed.)
It's a laravel 9 Project configured with laravel-mix and vite.
this is the error, when i click on the test inthe ui:
GET /__cypress/iframes//srv/http/ 404 19.277 ms - 0
"vue": "^3.1.4"
"cypress": "^10.3,1"
"vite": "^2.9.14"
project root: "/srv/http/"
import {defineConfig} from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue()],
resolve: {
alias: {
'@app': '/resources/js'
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
export default defineConfig({
viewportWidth: 1920,
viewportHeight: 1080,
component: {
devServer: {
framework: "vue",
bundler: "vite",
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "esnext",
"module": "esnext",
"allowJs": true,
"strict": false,
"noImplicitAny": false,
"moduleResolution": "node",
"baseUrl": "./",
"paths": {
"@app/*": [
"@vendorModules": [
"@modules": [
"typeRoots": [
"types": [
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true
"include": [
FYI: I just created a completely empty Laravel 9 Project from scratch (via composer), installed it's inital npm dependencies, added vue3 and cypress, opened up the ui, let the autoconf do it's magic and created an empty spec from the ui.
same error here.
let the autoconf do it's magic
Seems this is related. A lot of templates/plugins seem to mess with the baseUrl or proxy. Can you link the source code that generates a Laravel project with Cypress? I'm guessing I can look through there and see how they configure things.
Yes of course! I will set up you a minimal repo, as soon as i´m back to work on monday!
Here you go:
Minimal repository. Just installed latest Laravel9, which comes with it's own vite config right from the start.
I just added cypress and vue on top and started cypress once for the autoconfig and created a component test via the ui.
Thanks for this. I am not sure I can prioritize this in the immediate future, but happy to help out if someone else wants to take a stab.
ANY updates / additional info on this? ANY idea where the problem resides, or how to work around it?
ANY updates / additional info on this? ANY idea where the problem resides, or how to work around it?
@jessevdp @thunder809 @lmiller1990 I've been having the same issue with a Laravel project using Vite and Vue. The solution for me was to disable the laravel-vite-plugin while running cypress tests. I found the idea from this project that was given as a talk at Laracon:
The config is just set up to ignore the plugins it doesn't need when running cypress tests.
Oh, interesting. I wonder why the Laravel Vite plugin ignores other plugins?
Sounds like this is a Laravel/Ruby specific issue, where they are ignoring our plugin. I don't know if there's anything we can do on our end to solve this.
Seems like we hit the same problem while adding support for Vite + Cypress in Quasar: We probably play with Vite plugins in a way Cypress don't like
That's strange tho, webpack version works without a flinch
using DEBUG="cypress:server:open_project"
the path resolution looks correct. relative, absolute, root all ok if you ask me.
fileExtension: ".ts",
baseName: "",
fileName: "QuasarButton",
specFileExtension: ".cy.ts",
relativeToCommonRoot: "",
specType: "component",
name: "src/components/__tests__/",
relative: "src\\components\\__tests__\\",
options: {
projectRoot: "<projectRoot>",
shouldLaunchNewTab: false,
onError: "[Function (anonymous)]",
videoApi: {
onError: "[Function (anonymous)]",
useFfmpegVideoController: "[AsyncFunction: useFfmpegVideoController]",
useVideoController: "[Function: useVideoController]",
onProjectCaptureVideoFrames: "[Function: onProjectCaptureVideoFrames]",
automationMiddleware: {
onBeforeRequest: "[Function: onBeforeRequest]",
onAfterResponse: "[Function: onAfterResponse]",
onWarning: "[Function: onWarning]",
I've found the source of the problem. Everything starts with iframes/*
It delegates to here where it proxies to a path that uses devServerPublicPathRoute
as the base:
In the configuration step, it sets base
of the Vite config to devServerPublicPathRoute
Everything seems fine until here. However, the Vite config gets merged using vite.mergeConfig
where the configuration defined by Cypress can be overridden by another user/framework configuration:
So, if base
is defined in the user's Vite config, it will not be overridden by Cypress. But, Cypress doesn't actually expect that to happen, so everything breaks.
Quasar sets it here:
Laravel sets it here:
Vite Ruby sets it here:
One of the following ways can be chosen:
or similar options on which Cypress highly depends.
-> custom/base/x.js
before passing it to Cypress. Doesn't sound fair to me as a user. But, at least everyone can use this approach as a workaround. We will utilize this workaround in, see
from finalized Vite config when proxying or doing similar operations. Probably the best solution for users, not sure about maintainers.We have a ticket in progress that's related to this, that seems like it would allow this to work more like number 3, if I'm reading everything correctly, that would make this start to behave a bit more intuitively:
Wow, great debugging!
Use the base from finalized Vite config when proxying or doing similar operations. Probably the best solution for users, not sure about maintainers.
Is this something we can access? It looks like it's resolved internally in Vite after the plugins execute (like our Cypress plugin for Vite).
If we can, that'd be great - this seems the most attractive solution.
Request URL: http://localhost:5174/__cypress/iframes//Users/macuser/code/nkdb/resources/js/Shared/Components/
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
GET http://localhost:5174/__cypress/iframes//Users/macuser/code/nkdb/resources/js/Shared/Components/ 404 (Not Found)
Anyone found a solution or temp fix?
Can you share a minimal repro @Thinkro ? You might be having the same issue, or a different one.
@lmiller1990 Thanks for the reply.
Kinda hard to extract just the code needed, so i tried setting up a fresh laravel install, and i got the exact same results.
Installed Laravel (
composer create-project laravel/laravel example-app
Installed Jetstream for quick scaffolding (includes Vite & Vue)
Installed Cypress Tested e2e - works Tested Component testing and:
Request URL: http://localhost:5173/__cypress/iframes//Users/macuser/code/cypresslaravel/resources/js/Components/
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 404 Not Found
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy: strict-origin-when-cross-origin
A similar test is quite easy to setup, max 5 min.
I'm running Laravel Valet, serving the site at the domain cypresslaravel.test. Could that be the problem? Do i need to set domains anywhere?
Does that double slash at the beginning of users do anything?
I am sure it's the same issue, most likely the laravel plugin is like Vite Ruby and overrides some part we assume isn't overridden:
Any link to the source for the Laravel/Vite integration?
Thanks. I think the differing base
is the issue. We expect /
I suppose we need to either 1) look at the user config and use that (and adjust whatever else accordingly) or 2) ignore the user config just when using it with Cypress. This seems like better option.
Actually, third option - I don't know if we can ignore this, since it's possible a user plugin overrides the public endpoint (like the Laravel and Ruby plugins). I'll see if I can find a way to get Cypress to respect these, although it's tricky since our Vite plugin could be applied before other ones change the public dev server URL.
Edit @Thinkro thanks for the repro, I could repro w/o Laravel, just
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react'
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
Is there a fix for this while we wait for an official fix either from laravel-vite-plugin
or cypress
Would love to start testing components.
I thought this was documented, but now I cannot find it. Here's something you can try. It looks like the Vite Laravel plugin just sets up some routes, for the most part, which aren't relevant in Component Tests. You should be able to override remove the laravel
plugin duringfor Component Testing in cypress.config.ts
. Example.
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue' // or react, etc
export default {
component: {
devServer: {
framework: 'vue'
bundler: 'vite',
viteConfig: {
// can config here
So if you have a vite.config.ts
like this:
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '@vitejs/plugin-vue'
import laravel from 'laravel-vite-plugin'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [vue(), laravel.default([])],
You could do this is cypress.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
import viteConfig from './vite.config'
export default defineConfig({
component: {
devServer: {
framework: "vue",
bundler: "vite",
viteConfig: {
plugins: viteConfig.plugins.filter(x => {
// remove laravel plugin when using with Cypress.
// Laravel plugin is an array of plugins for whatever reason.
return x[0]?.name !== 'laravel'
Play around with this. When you remove the Laravel plugin, you also remove things like the alias they give you, so you might need to re-add that to your Vite config.
If you need some assets that would be loaded by the Laravel plugin, you could just import them in cypress/support/component.ts
import myAsset from '../../asset.scss'
Let me know if you can't get this working. I'll see if I can make this work-around more concise.
Ok, you should be able to just do base: "/"
in your Vite config and it'll work. The Laravel Vite plugin guards against this, though, and defaults to ''
. Bug? I'll file an issue.
Laravel Vite writes the baseUrl
after Cypress, so we can't do anything to respect it from what I can see. Right now, the only work-around would be removing that plugin during development (shouldn't be an issue, since the plugin integrates with Laravel, which you don't generally care about too much during Component Tests).
We can potentially patch Laravel Vite, I made an issue: The same can likely be said for Vite Ruby - we need some way to say "No, don't override this baseUrl".
I have a similar issue. but with Angular. Wierd thing is that that the error thrown comes from html-webpack-plugin saying html is not extensible , which is as far as I can see it not part of Cypress, but is part of storybook. So I wonder if this is a conflict when using storybook with webpack 5 and Cypress. This happening on Cypress version 12.1.0 and 12.0.2 which is the versions where I tried to make component testing work.
I had html-webpack-html v 4.5 installed. Just did npm install --save-dev html-webpack-plugin
and solved it on my end. Not sure what to make of it. So anyone runs into the same issue. atleast this worked for me
Current behavior
When component testing, Cypress does not seem to be able to load the spec file contents. Cypress does list my spec file, but when I click to run it it keeps infinitely loading.
URL in my Cypress window:
What I see in my console:
Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that it seems to attempt to load a full path, starting from the root
directory. When I run my e2e tests the sameGET
request in my console lists a path relative to the current repo.Screenshots
List of all specs:
Infinitly loading spec details:
Desired behavior
Find the spec file and run it, just like my e2e tests 😁
Test code to reproduce
Cypress Version
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