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Cypress is running really slow after upgrading to v10 #22868

Closed SadiqRahim closed 1 year ago

SadiqRahim commented 2 years ago

Current behavior

We were on 9.5.4. Then did the upgrade to the latest version of cypress 10.3.1. Now the test execution time takes too long. This appears to occur when loading a page. Just the cypress package and cypress.config.js file changed. Screenshot attached with the differences on the same test code. Hopefully the information provided helps

Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 15 52 30 Screenshot 2022-07-20 at 15 52 54

Desired behavior

We expect to run faster or at the same speed

Test code to reproduce

it('Create new forecast', () => { cy.intercept('/transformation/').as('wait') cy.visit(${global.url}/company/adient/forecasting/annual-iu62wfojz8iourjk74wn) cy.wait('@wait').its('response.statusCode').should('be.oneOf', [200, 307]) cy.wait('@wait').its('response.statusCode').should('be.oneOf', [200, 307]) cy.wait(1500)

cy.window().then((appWindow) => {
  let spreadHostElement = appWindow.document.querySelector(pageObj.forecastObj.hostElement)
  let spread = appWindow.GC.Spread.Sheets.findControl(spreadHostElement)
  let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet()
  activeSheet.setActiveCell(4, 5)
  activeSheet.startEdit(true, '10')

cy.get(':nth-child(3) > .cc-ui-button').click({force: true})
cy.get('.cc-company-forecasting-save > .cc-ui-field > input').type('New forecast')

cy.intercept('POST', '/graphql', (req) => {
  aliasMutation(req, 'SaveForecast')
cy.get('.cc-company-forecasting-save__actions > .cc-ui-button').click({force: true})
cy.get('.is-active > .cc-ui-icon > .iconPlus').click({ force: true })


Cypress Version



No response

mjhenkes commented 2 years ago

On first glance this appears to be a duplicate of

lmiller1990 commented 2 years ago

I do not think this is duplicate of #22353, because that is only related to Component Testing, where we changed from 1 tab per run to 1 tab per spec. E2E changed from one browser launch per spec to a single browser launch, opening a new per spec, which is substantially faster.

Also, #22353 points out the entire run time is slower, but the individual spec run time is not - the time is getting lost on rendering the runner UI, parsing JS, etc. This screenshot seems to imply the actual spec execution is slower, which would indicate a different issue.

@SadiqRahim I'm quite curious here... your test takes 20 seconds to execute:

cy.window().then((appWindow) => {
  let spreadHostElement = appWindow.document.querySelector(pageObj.forecastObj.hostElement)
  let spread = appWindow.GC.Spread.Sheets.findControl(spreadHostElement)
  let activeSheet = spread.getActiveSheet()
  activeSheet.setActiveCell(4, 5)
  activeSheet.startEdit(true, '10')

cy.get(':nth-child(3) > .cc-ui-button').click({force: true})
cy.get('.cc-company-forecasting-save > .cc-ui-field > input').type('New forecast')

cy.intercept('POST', '/graphql', (req) => {
  aliasMutation(req, 'SaveForecast')
cy.get('.cc-company-forecasting-save__actions > .cc-ui-button').click({force: true})
cy.get('.is-active > .cc-ui-icon > .iconPlus').click({ force: true })

Do you have any feeling on which part of this is slow? cy.get and click are basically instant. The only thing that looks like it would be taking time here is waiting for API requests. Are you able to clarify which part(s) of your test seem to be taking longer/account for the additional 5 seconds?

mjhenkes commented 2 years ago

@SadiqRahim, Is it just that test in question that is substantially slower or are other tests also slower? Could you comment out lines in that test to try to narrow down which step is taking the most time?

SadiqRahim commented 2 years ago

@lmiller1990 @mjhenkes thanks for looking at it. It slows down ridiculously at the cy.visit() command. I use the cy.visit() command in two different places on the code

I run the same code

Note that I have tried running them on electron and chrome and I see the same slowness on both the browsers

The migration instruction to v10 does not have any comments/notes about any lack of performance nor does it have any related fixes in the late releases. Thus I'm not quite sure what's going on.

lmiller1990 commented 2 years ago

I completely misread your screenshots - I didn't fully grasp how much slower this was for you.

I think it's something on your end, but happy to help you debug - if cy.visit was really 6x slower, we'd see it in our test suite, or the entire product would be on fire.

The best way to start debugging is using our debug logs. Run your test with DEBUG=cypress:* yarn cypress ... and it will print lots of logs in the terminal. You could compare 9.x and 10.x and see if there's anything different. Especially pay attention to what is printed during cy.visit.

If you could do this and copy paste the logs here (they'll be huge, no problem) that will greatly help. Without a minimal reproduction or some logs, we can only really speculate.

mjhenkes commented 2 years ago

@SadiqRahim Have you been able to grab the debug logs? I'm fairly curious about what is going on with the slowness.

mjhenkes commented 2 years ago

Possibly related?

SadiqRahim commented 2 years ago

@mjhenkes Thanks for looking at it. Sorry that I just got back from my holidays. Let me look at the issue #22528 and get back to you with more info.

SadiqRahim commented 2 years ago

@mjhenkes @AtofStryker @lmiller1990 My apologies for the late in reply. I did a quick debug only by visiting to see the difference just with the following code,


I ran the same line of code with 10v & < and 9v & >

The obvious diff I see between them are the time taken on cypress:server:request and cypress:network:cors and 10v & < running additional requests, which I do not see on 9.7.0v & below. Also, I'm able to see this issue only on our lower environments and one of the url is called on the code above.

This is replicable if you try with the pertinent versions. Something has evidently changed on the 10v and above. Appreciate any help on this pls as we're blocked to upgrade this to the latest cypress version,

AtofStryker commented 2 years ago

Hey @SadiqRahim. What operating system are you on? Is the issue reproducible just from running cy.visit('') between v9 and v10?

SadiqRahim commented 2 years ago

@AtofStryker I'm trying to run it on my MacOS Monterey version 12.1. Yes its reproducible just from running that line of code between v9 and v10. Thanks for looking at this. Let me know should you need any more details pls.

AtofStryker commented 2 years ago

@SadiqRahim I was able to reproduce the issue and made a repository here

lmiller1990 commented 2 years ago

I think the problem is our network proxy has a bottleneck when there is many XHR requests. This website's login page makes over 800 XHR requests, and ~500 CSS resources. Just to clarify, @SadiqRahim, is that intentional? It takes 30 seconds to finish even outside of Cypress - I think what's happening is Cypress is waiting for all network activity to stop, which takes a very long time.

Prod in browser:




SadiqRahim commented 2 years ago

@lmiller1990 Those are icons, images downloads. It appears to be because some of the popular browsers does show everything within the xhr panel nowadays particularly chrome I think. However, this area was not changed lately from our development point of view. Also no indication of such issue occurred on cypress 9v or below. The problem appears to be only on any of the 10v. So i'm unclear as to what has changed on 10v that this was loading faster on all other versions below 10v :(

public commented 1 year ago

+1. Cypress 10 (and 11) is more than 2x slower than 9 for us.

This is very frustrating because 9 uses Rosetta to make x64 build of Chrome it uses work on Apple Silicon which is extremely slow in local development. (e.g. devtools takes 30+ seconds to open.) So our options are currently either that every single CI build takes 30 minutes instead of less than 10 minutes, or our local development experience is incredibly slow.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

@public that sounds painful. This performance issue from 9->10 seems to only impact a subset of users (or sites? hard to say). In this issue, based on the debugging I've seen, this issue is greatly amplified for sites making large (several hundred) XHR requests on the initial load. I wonder if something in the proxy layer got changed between 9->10.

To debug a little more, can you share some info about the site you are testing? Are you primarily seeing this slowdown on a specific site (eg, the one you work on) or across all sites in general? If it's specific to 1 website, is it the kind of app that makes a large amount of XHR requests as soon as it's loaded? If so, this would be the same issue described in this issue, and help us narrow down the surface area for the problem.

public commented 1 year ago

@lmiller1990 We don't do a tremendous amount of XHRs or other requests within the page but we do quite a lot of tasks to setup specific test data in our backend.

Our test suite is very site specific so I can't tell you if it affects other sites or not. It is also somewhat difficult to really narrow down the problem as when running locally I only have Apple Silicon hardware to run on which is not a particularly fair test for Cypress 9 as I mentioned above.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

Hmm I had a similar problem on my M1, but my colleagues did not. I have a feeling my problem was something in the Rosetta compat layer (I am not sure if I messed something up during configuration). I was specifically seeing this problem when using Chrome, but it was nice and quick with Firefox. Are you seeing this problem on other browsers?

I am in the process of reformatting my M1 to see if that will fix the slowness I had there. Will report back, but I think you/mine M1 specific issue is unrelated to the issue described by the OP.

onthespotqa commented 1 year ago

@lmiller1990 so i don't think we have an unreasonable amount of requests in our app. But we do frontload a lot of data when you initially log in. We do use apis to create test data during the test.

i've noticed that the app is slow to load when running locally. Like on initial run the app takes over 30s to load the first page. Not on an M1 chip and generally using chrome/electron.

Where i noticed the slow down the most though was in ci. the time to complete doubled (~17 mins on avg to ~35 on avg with cypress 10). We did not change how we write tests. We got things down to a more manageable size in ci by increase the machine executor we use from circle's medium to large.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

Ok, if it is in CI it's definitely not related to M1 or Rosetta emulation.

Other thing to debug would be running both 9.x and 10.x side by side with DEBUG=cypress:*. You can narrow down the logs with more specific debugs, eg DEBUG=cypress:network* etc... I'm not really sure how much else I can help without access to your app, but the best advice I can offer is trying to figure out what part of Cypress is causing the bottleneck.

I don't think much changed in the network layer - it was mostly UI changes - but evidently something changed, somewhere, that's causing a significant bottleneck.

jueinin commented 1 year ago

i have this problems too。 when using cypress open local vite based page. It has about 200 js requests. in Chrome it takes about 5s to load. With cypress v11 it takes about 1 minute

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for posting @jueinin - can you try running your tests against the built version of your Vite app (not development) and see if the problem persists?

If so -- I think we are narrowing down on the issue, a bottleneck in the network layer when requesting JS modules. I do not know the network layer very well, but my understanding is we do some rewriting of JS modules in the rewriter package. I wonder if this is the problem?

If you can confirm it works better against your production build, it could be a dev-server with ES modules bottleneck - I could try build a binary without the rewriting logic for you, to test. Then, if it fixes the issue, we can find a more permanent solution. This could improve perf across the board.

jueinin commented 1 year ago

@lmiller1990 I have build this project to a index.esm.js. about 900KB, when load this file from vite in chrome disable cache mode, it takes about 60ms, when load this js from cypress it takes 150ms to 400ms. when enable cache(return 304 status code), in chrome it takes about 2-30ms, in cypress it takes about 60ms

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

Right - I think Vite relies heavily on caching. I am fairly sure Cypress clears the cache each test to ensure a fresh, deterministic run, resulting in 2x-3x slowdown -- I guess this is the problem. I think that happens here. This only happens between specs - not tests - once your tests start, does everything proceed nice and quickly? Is the first test for each spec the only one that takes a long time?

Did you also have the same problem in Cypress 9? Were using using Vite in Cypress 9?

I wonder if there is way we could let users to change the caching behavior in Cypress to speed things up.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

I am fairly sure this is a caching issue. @SadiqRahim - I tried the original reproduction again - it's VERY slow (times out) on the first try. Subsequent loads are nice and quick. This is the same across Cy 9 and Cy 10, though.

Also I noticed the website constantly makes ongoing requests for lots of tiny CSS files - is that correct? Probably unrelated, but I let it sit there for a while and the number of requests keeps climbing.

@jueinin how about on your end - once it loads once, and you re-run (click the little re-run icon in the command log) is it quick the second time? This would confirm a caching issue.

This icon to re-run:


jueinin commented 1 year ago

@lmiller1990 it seems not cache to blame, when i click rerun, it's almost no different times to load. I am just running one test. it seems cypress will proxy and rewrite all js files? may be the problem is here? i noticed the CPU is about 30% when i refresh page in cypress, while in browser is about 8%.

jueinin commented 1 year ago

by the way, do you know how to set timeout of mocha testcase? in here it was set to false?

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

@lmiller1990 it seems not cache to blame, when i click rerun, it's almost no different times to load. I am just running one test. it seems cypress will proxy and rewrite all js files? may be the problem is here? i noticed the CPU is about 30% when i refresh page in cypress, while in browser is about 8%.

There is some rewriting - I need to look into this part of the code base more, and find out exactly why.

by the way, do you know how to set timeout of mocha testcase? in here it was set to false?

There's a few ways to change the timeout, how about:

describe('some test', { defaultCommandTimeout: 10000 }, () => {
  // ...

You can also set them globally in your cypress.config.js.

Timeout is set to false - a test times out when a command fails to complete. There is a few different timeouts you can control, see here.

jueinin commented 1 year ago

@lmiller1990 could you please help with this issue? the performance is almost crazy!!! and this issue seems more serious in Windows image

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

I will try and get some more eyes on this internally, especially those with more experience in the network layer than I.

kyleburnett commented 1 year ago

I suspect we might be running into the same issue. We were trying to do an upgrade between v6.6.0 and v11.2.0. I let Cypress automatically handle renaming the integration folder to e2e, converting cypress.json to cypress.config.js, etc. and that all went fine. Then I noticed that the build times for our Cypress jobs in CI went from less than 15 minutes to over 30 minutes.

Once you have a version to fix the issue reported above, I would be interested to test it out to see if it also addresses the performance in our upgrade scenario.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

I'm working on reproducing this. I've tried a bunch of the apps I work on, and on the Cypress monorepo, but the results are basically 1:1.

Cypress 9

1 Spec 10 times: ./  36.48s user 7.91s system 51% cpu 1:26.19 total
10 specs 1 time: ./  26.07s user 4.48s system 41% cpu 1:14.49 total

Cypress 10

1 Spec 10 times: ./  34.47s user 9.54s system 51% cpu 1:25.83 total
10 specs 1 time: ./  27.68s user 4.65s system 42% cpu 1:15.38 total

Can you provide some info about your project @kyleburnett? Do you run against a dev server (webpack/vite?) Does your project make a large amount of network requests?

I am going to keep trying out different apps until I find something that suffers from the same slowdown everyone is describing. FYI I am working on linux (which is what I suspect most people running Cypress on CI providers are using).

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

Ok team, I think I had some luck reproducing this. I will record and get some numbers, will update the post as I go.

Edit: run mode similar on my local machine (linux, beefy 32GB ram, beast CPU) but slower on CI (see here).

Cypress 9 (Run one spec) - 4.71s user 0.95s system 55% cpu 10.268 total

CLI Ouptut ```yarn run v1.22.11 warning package.json: No license field $ /home/lachlan/code/dump/rhythm/node_modules/.bin/cypress run --config video=false ==================================================================================================== (Run Starting) ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Cypress: 9.7.0 │ │ Browser: Electron 100 (headless) │ │ Node Version: v16.17.0 (/home/lachlan/.nvm/versions/node/v16.17.0/bin/node) │ │ Specs: 1 found ( │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Running: (1 of 1) authentication flow ✓ signs up (7033ms) 1 passing (7s) (Results) ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Tests: 1 │ │ Passing: 1 │ │ Failing: 0 │ │ Pending: 0 │ │ Skipped: 0 │ │ Screenshots: 0 │ │ Video: false │ │ Duration: 7 seconds │ │ Spec Ran: │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ==================================================================================================== (Run Finished) Spec Tests Passing Failing Pending Skipped ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ✔ 00:07 1 1 - - - │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ✔ All specs passed! 00:07 1 1 - - - Done in 10.18s. yarn cypress run --config video=false 4.71s user 0.95s system 55% cpu 10.268 total ```

Cypress 10 (Run one spec) - 4.38s user 1.15s system 46% cpu 11.858 total

CLI Ouptut ```yarn run v1.22.11 yarn run v1.22.11 warning package.json: No license field $ /home/lachlan/code/dump/rhythm/node_modules/.bin/cypress run --config video=false ==================================================================================================== (Run Starting) ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Cypress: 11.0.1 │ │ Browser: Electron 106 (headless) │ │ Node Version: v16.17.0 (/home/lachlan/.nvm/versions/node/v16.17.0/bin/node) │ │ Specs: 1 found ( │ │ Searched: cypress/e2e/**/*.cy.{js,jsx,ts,tsx} │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Running: (1 of 1) authentication flow ✓ signs up (5395ms) 1 passing (5s) (Results) ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Tests: 1 │ │ Passing: 1 │ │ Failing: 0 │ │ Pending: 0 │ │ Skipped: 0 │ │ Screenshots: 0 │ │ Video: false │ │ Duration: 5 seconds │ │ Spec Ran: │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ==================================================================================================== (Run Finished) Spec Tests Passing Failing Pending Skipped ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ✔ 00:05 1 1 - - - │ └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ ✔ All specs passed! 00:05 1 1 - - - Done in 8.55s. ```

Open mode looks suspect - but most of the problems here seem to be around CI. Here's what I was able to reproduce:

Cypress 9

Pretty quick.

Cypress 10

Look how much longer it takes! I will try reproduce this on CI.

I reproduced it by adding lots of tiny JS modules:

import * as mod1 from './mod-1'
import * as mod2 from './mod-2'
import * as mod3 from './mod-3'
import * as mod4 from './mod-4'
import * as mod200 from './mod-200'

Each module is just export const foo = 'FOO'. It looks like somewhere between Cypress 9 and 10, something changed that makes loading lots of JS modules (and maybe other files) much slower.

This is a Vite app. I tried a Vanilla app -- no dev server -- and there's no difference in Cy 9 vs Cy 10. That Vanilla app is here.

jueinin commented 1 year ago

@lmiller1990 i have tested on my mac and windows. in mac that's OK. this problem may be Windows special?

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

@jueinin maybe - one other user says they are on MacOS. It could be windows. I am able to (sometimes) reproduce slowness on Linux, as you can see above.

I can try windows, too, and see what happens. @kyleburnett what OS are you on? Locally and CI?

jueinin commented 1 year ago

image it takes about 40s to load 300 js files. windows

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

It's not just you, I am able to reproduce (finally). It's not a minimal reproduction, but we are getting there. This data is the same as the videos I posted above, but I ran it on CI, which is plain old Ubuntu. It's on GitHub Actions.



Cypress 9

Done in 13.51s.                                                                                                  

real    0m13.656s
user    0m8.576s
sys     0m1.459s

Cypress 10

Done in 24.01s.                                                                                                  

real    0m24.185s
user    0m9.431s
sys     0m2.132s

I am still finding a minimal reproduction so we can actually FIX this, but it's pretty clear to me that, at least, loading lots of JS modules (many lots of , I'm not sure yet) is significantly slower between Cypress 9 and Cypress 10.

Please wait a bit more while I debug this, I will fix it.

kyleburnett commented 1 year ago

I have observed the slowdown in CI, and I have not done a performance comparison locally. I am running a Mac locally, so I will give that a try and report back. In CI, we run Cypress within an Ubuntu 22.04 container.

Here are a few other details:

jueinin commented 1 year ago

is there any way to disable network proxy feature?

jueinin commented 1 year ago

add comments for this line?

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

@kyleburnett your situation sounds a little different to the others here. The fact it's so specific makes it difficult to give much more debugging advice, but let's see if fixing the general slowness I'm encountering helps on your end. It sounds like you make very few API requests, so I would not expect the network proxy to be the bottleneck. Weird.

@jueinin I don't think so, I think a lot of Cypress features and the general architecture relies on things going via the network proxy, some info here.

jueinin commented 1 year ago

related issues:

VictorGosse commented 1 year ago

👋 We are facing the same issue: lot of JS files loaded (~200) and each of them takes ~0.5sec to load when loaded in Cypress. If we load the same page outside of Cypress they are loading really fast (<~0.1sec). It makes local testing really complicated and frustrating. That said, if the page has been loaded at least once, refreshing the test makes it load faster (I guess because the files are in cache).

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

Hello all, I'm still debugging this. I am chipping away this, bit by bit. In this reproduction, you can see that after exactly 138 JS module requests, it goes slow. The JS modules appear to be loaded in chunks of 6. It loads 6, waits for a (0.5s?) and then loads some more. This seems like a reproduction in line with what @VictorGosse is encountering.

Based on the below, it looks like it's not between Cy 9.7 (last version of Cy 9) and Cy 10.0.0 (first version of Cy 10) but a later regression. This also lines up with the OP:

We were on 9.5.4. Then did the upgrade to the latest version of cypress 10.3.1.

So, assuming this is the same bug for everyone involved, and there's only one bug, it was somewhere between 9.7.0 and 10.3.1.

I had to turn off cache to reproduce this. Makes sense - if the modules do not go through the Cypress network layer, they don't go through the bottleneck.

I will now try to find the commit that introduced this.

Must be in here:

git log --pretty=oneline v10.2.0...v10.3.0 tags/v10.2.0

Commit range 61f8bdc0def0c8d9b8c61d558bcb9919a30168ab chore: updating version for 10.3.0 (#22566) f902b968970f1b6160f07215b881dab6c39c21f1 chore: Adding record key context for internal ui jobs (#22559) 54e31e3243dd872435fd9300c46c055e019c3178 chore: Improve pkg/driver types part 2 (#21610) c0ea9bdaa566a6f9296b6b70f0894a6c62d23ae3 fix: use posix path for ts-node loader (#22550) 5d5574e1bb9b030c1426fb5f918d59c12b9eca06 fix: add baseUrl to TestConfigOverrides (#22445) 9101a9066c44fa2bb5bcbca64351c30cb5457cae fix: distribute files to machines for external contributors. (#22326) 4726ea90a9acdb6dec75616be29f5b761f17ecb8 feat: Display Cypress Dashboard metrics in the Specs Explorer (#21250) 24052eb62a2467b79af7b1d5050e88e047a8c113 test: Addressing launchpad test flake in Windows (#22536) fac83fd451acf8fff0691e10b8c13ec61449a37e chore(deps): update dependency semantic-release to v19 [security] (#22238) 22d2c31d856203b5110a1ed3270d0c93467e13fe chore: Address skipped specs in server package (#22356) 3ee77a8e55e8aa1efc25a4436b998c12676563b1 Empty-Commit to generate new percy nonce c7f63e1f2973b2de6478e1fd73262ee4da627273 fix: handle case of implicit plugins/index.js files during migration (#22501) 2f8475cbc0780e463251785c71fa19645f1b2706 chore: add reporter webpack to gulp watch script (#22386) 0fccc45aaf1edabf1a3539df02fbef2982352307 fix: Increase timeout for npm-webpack-dev-server tests (#22489) 172c36402127acbea0473c93760cc6435ccad471 fix: Time out unmatched prerequests in proxy to avoid leaking memory (#22462) 120052680ca520a29457d3a69ddf6180c86d6a33 fix: Sort results in findCrossOriginLogs test helper to deterministic (#22481) 75a5daf9d5e403e4bc179b5dd58ff21ce4fa6684 fix: memory leak caused by storing base64 encoded files recieved by CDP `Network.requestWillBeSent` (#22460) a21c942ee41ac175b30403c7dd9c6aefb137d1f5 fix: Improve cross-origin cookie handling (#22320) b678b1487731c5379fc8c75474beaf4712b79f95 feat: Add button to clear value from search fields (#22202) 0dc1f268c1ee47959502ed6699fefa1759a9d8ab chore: Add test to verify settings panels are collapsed by default (#22382) defde91f2a2354a1cae7dea7741f6e5c20a72e4b fix: process_profiler follow up work for v10 (#22363) 6458f6cd5c8e13d0181dc5eaf99bc1a61d63635e chore: Update Chrome (stable) to 103.0.5060.53 (#22441) a8f5e59b7dfabebb17c8be5f0f226d3982043f68 refactor: use design system windicss config (#21503) 2603f013ac106704277f38cc8a2067a264b2a9de chore: update readme logo (#22433) f2f0652743b1faace5794bf94907832c4f67228e chore: Update Chrome (beta) to 103.0.5060.53 (#22351)

Edit: yes, here is the offending commit! 172c36402127acbea0473c93760cc6435ccad471. The PR in question:

Demonstrating the bug ## Cypress 9 - all modules loaded without delay ## Cypress 10.0.0 - all modules loaded without delay ## Cypress 11.2.0 - loaded in batches of 6 after 138 requests
lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

I found the point where the regression was introduced, here it is:

172c36402127acbea0473c93760cc6435ccad471. The PR in question:

I will find out more about what that PR fixed and if there's another way to handle that fix that doesn't impact performance.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

After a certain number of requests this starts happening:

[cy:open:dev:576967]: GET /assets/mod-130.4b328c39.js 200 5.620 ms - -
[cy:open:dev:576967]: GET /assets/mod-131.20fe225b.js 200 6.070 ms - -
[cy:open:dev:576967]: GET /assets/mod-132.0411856e.js 200 10.253 ms - -
[cy:open:dev:576967]: GET /assets/mod-133.0ab33992.js 200 7.729 ms - -
[cy:open:dev:576967]: GET /assets/mod-134.37cfe664.js 200 6.695 ms - -
[cy:open:dev:576967]: GET /rune_delta.png 200 1041.509 ms - -
[cy:open:dev:576967]: Never received pre-request for request GET-http://localhost:5566/assets/mod-135.43411b4c.js after waiting 500ms. Continuing without one.
[cy:open:dev:576967]: ->>>>> pending
[cy:open:dev:576967]: GET /assets/mod-135.43411b4c.js 200 507.778 ms - -
[cy:open:dev:576967]: Never received pre-request for request GET-http://localhost:5566/assets/mod-136.99fc4cd4.js after waiting 500ms. Continuing without one.
[cy:open:dev:576967]: ->>>>> pending
[cy:open:dev:576967]: Never received pre-request for request GET-http://localhost:5566/assets/mod-137.4841f7c7.js after waiting 500ms. Continuing without one.

I'll find out more.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

More info... it looks like @flotwig fixed this bug in The original issue the OP reported about his website loading slowly is nice and quick on the latest version of Cypress. @SadiqRahim can you try Cypress 11 (or Cypress 10.6, which has the fix, but always good to be on the latest).

I am still having some issues with the reproduction I put together, though, where I load 400 JS modules. Checking out the commit before #22462 fixes it. I also found I can remove this code and it fixes it:

I wonder if the logic around sweepInterval is incorrect. cc @BlueWinds - maybe you have some context. The original PR says:

It also sweeps unmatched prerequests more than 10s old

But looking at the code:

, this.requestTimeout * 2)

requestTimeout is 500 so we sweep every 1 second. Is the code incorrect? I think it should be I tried adding that code and the regression I encountered goes away.

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

Tentative PR

lmiller1990 commented 1 year ago

@VictorGosse @kyleburnett @jueinin can any of you try the pre-release binaries with my attempted fix here? Thanks!

I still think there is some other weirdness going on somewhere, for apps with many JS module requests, Cy 9 appears slightly quicker - I'm going to keep digging, but if you can at least verify if this does or doesn't help with the slowness you've encountered, that'd be great.

jueinin commented 1 year ago

sorry, due to time constraints, I have removed cypress and construct our e2e testing with plain mocha and vite. it's very fast!

so may be i can not reproduce this bug again.