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Error: WebSocket connection closed (in cypress 13.6) #28523

Closed joshkaplan closed 5 months ago

joshkaplan commented 10 months ago

Current behavior

Cypress reports Error: WebSocket connection closed and then stops running tests and returns with

  "failures": 1,
  "message": "Could not find Cypress test run results"

More context:

Desired behavior

Don't throw errors. Or give more information as to why the errors are happening.

Test code to reproduce

not sure how to reproduce; happens sporadically but consistently

Cypress Version


Node version


Operating System

linux/docker (CI/CD)

Debug Logs

No response


No response

ylkhayat commented 10 months ago

Having the error, it's quite annoying, we decided to downgrade to 13.5.x!

valse commented 10 months ago

Hi, same issue too: downgraded to 13.5.1.

jennifer-shehane commented 10 months ago

Could someone run Cypress in debug mode mode and print the entire set of logs here? That would help determine where it might be happening.

Is this only happening when using the Module API? Or a specific way of running Cypress? (headed, headless, run, open, specific browsers?)

joshkaplan commented 10 months ago

on our end:

allenbilar commented 10 months ago

We're encountering the same issue and I run the cypress test with debug logs. We're using cypress version 13.6.1 where we encountered the issue.

2023-12-13T03:14:20.390Z cypress:server:run received project end
2023-12-13T03:14:20.390Z cypress:server:run received videoController { videoController: { _pt: PassThrough { _readableState: [ReadableState], _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 4, _maxListeners: undefined, _writableState: [WritableState], allowHalfOpen: true, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false, [Symbol(kCallback)]: null }, cmd: m { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 6, _maxListeners: undefined, _inputs: [Array], _currentInput: [Object], _outputs: [Array], _currentOutput: [Object], _global: [Function], _complexFilters: [Function], options: [Object], logger: [Object], ffmpegProc: [ChildProcess], [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, endVideoCapture: [Function: m], writeVideoFrame: [Function: writeVideoFrame], startedVideoCapture: 2023-12-13T03:11:03.739Z, restart: [AsyncFunction: restart] } }
2023-12-13T03:14:20.390Z cypress:server:run delaying to extend video { DELAY_TO_LET_VIDEO_FINISH_MS: 1000 }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.617Z cypress:server:video capture ended
2023-12-13T03:14:21.617Z cypress:server:run ended video capture
2023-12-13T03:14:21.617Z cypress:server:run spec results: { error: null, reporter: 'spec', reporterStats: { suites: 1, tests: 3, passes: 3, pending: 0, failures: 0, start: 2023-12-13T03:11:24.723Z, end: 2023-12-13T03:14:20.388Z, duration: 175665 }, screenshots: [], spec: { absolute: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/administration/organization/', fileExtension: '.js', fileName: 'areaTests', name: '', relative: 'cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/administration/organization/' }, stats: { duration: 175662, endedAt: 2023-12-13T03:14:20.371Z, failures: 0, passes: 3, pending: 0, skipped: 0, startedAt: 2023-12-13T03:11:24.709Z, suites: 1, tests: 3 }, tests: [ { attempts: [Array], displayError: null, duration: 95728, state: 'passed', title: [Array] }, { attempts: [Array], displayError: null, duration: 39917, state: 'passed', title: [Array] }, { attempts: [Array], displayError: null, duration: 39906, state: 'passed', title: [Array] } ], video: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/videos/administration/organization/' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.617Z cypress:server:run execute after:spec
2023-12-13T03:14:21.617Z cypress:lifecycle:EventRegistrar plugin event registered? { eventName: 'after:spec', isRegistered: false }


  │ Tests:        3                                                                                │
  │ Passing:      3                                                                                │
  │ Failing:      0                                                                                │
  │ Pending:      0                                                                                │
  │ Skipped:      0                                                                                │
  │ Screenshots:  0                                                                                │
  │ Video:        true                                                                             │
  │ Duration:     2 minutes, 55 seconds                                                            │
  │ Estimated:    2 minutes, 44 seconds                                                            │
  │ Spec Ran:     administration/organization/                                      │

2023-12-13T03:14:21.625Z cypress:server:run attempting to close the browser tab
2023-12-13T03:14:21.625Z cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closing cri client { closed: false, target: 'A199E8AB0D396766F9294B2EA18DAF9C' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.627Z cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closed cri client { closed: true, target: 'A199E8AB0D396766F9294B2EA18DAF9C' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.627Z cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closing cri client { closed: false, target: 'ws://' }
WebSocket connection closed
Error: WebSocket connection closed
    at _._handleConnectionClose (<embedded>:2466:579841)
    at A.<anonymous> (<embedded>:2466:577905)
    at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)
    at A.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at A.emitClose (<embedded>:2466:558129)
    at Socket.W (<embedded>:2466:565440)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)
    at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:322:12)
2023-12-13T03:14:21.631Z cypress:server:lib:util:suppress_warnings suppressed emitWarning from node: { process: process { version: 'v18.15.0', versions: { node: '18.15.0', v8: '', uv: '1.44.2', zlib: '1.2.13', brotli: '1.0.9', ares: '1.18.1', modules: '116', nghttp2: '1.51.0', napi: '8', llhttp: '6.0.10', uvwasi: '0.0.15', acorn: '8.8.2', simdutf: '3.1.0', undici: '5.20.0', openssl: '1.1.1', cldr: '42.0', icu: '72.1', tz: '2023a', unicode: '15.0', electron: '25.8.4', chrome: '114.0.5735.289' }, arch: 'x64', platform: 'linux', release: { name: 'node', lts: 'Hydrogen', sourceUrl: '', headersUrl: '' }, _rawDebug: [Function: _rawDebug], moduleLoadList: [ 'Internal Binding builtins', 'Internal Binding errors', 'Internal Binding util', 'NativeModule internal/errors', 'Internal Binding config', 'Internal Binding timers', 'Internal Binding async_wrap', 'Internal Binding constants', 'Internal Binding types', 'NativeModule internal/util', 'NativeModule internal/util/types', 'NativeModule internal/validators', 'NativeModule internal/promise_hooks', 'Internal Binding task_queue', 'Internal Binding symbols', 'NativeModule internal/async_hooks', 'NativeModule internal/linkedlist', 'NativeModule internal/priority_queue', 'NativeModule internal/assert', 'Internal Binding icu', 'NativeModule internal/util/inspect', 'NativeModule internal/util/debuglog', 'NativeModule internal/timers', 'NativeModule events', 'Internal Binding buffer', 'Internal Binding string_decoder', 'NativeModule internal/buffer', 'Internal Binding blob', 'NativeModule internal/encoding', 'Internal Binding messaging', 'NativeModule internal/worker/js_transferable', 'NativeModule internal/constants', 'NativeModule internal/blob', 'NativeModule internal/file', 'NativeModule buffer', 'NativeModule internal/modules/esm/handle_process_exit', 'Internal Binding process_methods', 'NativeModule internal/process/per_thread', 'Internal Binding credentials', 'NativeModule internal/process/promises', 'NativeModule internal/fixed_queue', 'NativeModule async_hooks', 'NativeModule internal/process/task_queues', 'NativeModule timers', 'Internal Binding worker', 'NativeModule internal/util/parse_args/utils', 'NativeModule internal/util/parse_args/parse_args', 'NativeModule internal/mime', 'NativeModule util', 'Internal Binding performance', 'NativeModule internal/perf/utils', 'NativeModule internal/event_target', 'NativeModule internal/abort_controller', 'NativeModule internal/streams/utils', 'NativeModule internal/streams/end-of-stream', 'NativeModule internal/streams/destroy', 'NativeModule internal/streams/legacy', 'NativeModule internal/streams/add-abort-signal', 'NativeModule internal/streams/buffer_list', 'NativeModule internal/streams/state', 'NativeModule string_decoder', 'NativeModule internal/streams/from', 'NativeModule internal/streams/readable', 'NativeModule internal/streams/writable', 'NativeModule internal/streams/duplex', 'NativeModule internal/streams/pipeline', 'NativeModule internal/streams/compose', 'NativeModule internal/streams/operators', 'NativeModule stream/promises', 'NativeModule internal/streams/transform', 'NativeModule internal/streams/passthrough', 'NativeModule stream', 'NativeModule internal/worker/io', 'NativeModule internal/structured_clone', 'Internal Binding trace_events', 'NativeModule path', 'NativeModule internal/process/execution', 'NativeModule internal/process/warning', 'Internal Binding fs', 'NativeModule internal/querystring', 'NativeModule querystring', 'Internal Binding url', 'NativeModule internal/url', 'NativeModule internal/fs/utils', 'Internal Binding fs_dir', 'NativeModule internal/fs/dir', 'Internal Binding fs_event_wrap', 'Internal Binding uv', 'NativeModule internal/fs/watchers', 'NativeModule internal/fs/read_file_context', 'NativeModule fs', 'Internal Binding serdes', 'Internal Binding mksnapshot', 'NativeModule internal/v8/startup_snapshot', 'Internal Binding profiler', 'Internal Binding heap_utils', 'Internal Binding stream_wrap', 'NativeModule internal/stream_base_commons', 'NativeModule internal/heap_utils', 'Internal Binding options', ... 157 more items ], binding: [Function: binding], _linkedBinding: [Function: _linkedBinding], _events: [Object: null prototype] { newListener: [Function: startListeningIfSignal], removeListener: [Function: stopListeningIfSignal], warning: [Function: onWarning], uncaughtException: [Function], exit: [Array], SIGABRT: [Array], SIGALRM: [Array], SIGHUP: [Array], SIGINT: [Array], SIGTERM: [Array], SIGVTALRM: [Array], SIGXCPU: [Array], SIGXFSZ: [Array], SIGUSR2: [Array], SIGTRAP: [Array], SIGSYS: [Array], SIGQUIT: [Array], SIGIOT: [Array], SIGIO: [Array], SIGPOLL: [Array], SIGPWR: [Array], SIGSTKFLT: [Array], SIGUNUSED: [Array] }, _eventsCount: 23, _maxListeners: undefined, domain: null, _exiting: [Getter/Setter], config: [Getter/Setter], dlopen: [Function: func], uptime: [Function: uptime], _getActiveRequests: [Function: _getActiveRequests], _getActiveHandles: [Function: _getActiveHandles], getActiveResourcesInfo: [Function: getActiveResourcesInfo], reallyExit: [Function: g], _kill: [Function: _kill], cpuUsage: [Function: cpuUsage], resourceUsage: [Function: resourceUsage], memoryUsage: [Function: memoryUsage] { rss: [Function: rss] }, constrainedMemory: [Function: constrainedMemory], kill: [Function: kill], exit: [Function: exit], hrtime: [Function: hrtime] { bigint: [Function: hrtimeBigInt] }, openStdin: [Function (anonymous)], getuid: [Function: getuid], geteuid: [Function: geteuid], getgid: [Function: getgid], getegid: [Function: getegid], getgroups: [Function: getgroups], allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags: [Getter/Setter], assert: [Function: deprecated], features: { inspector: true, debug: false, uv: true, ipv6: true, tls_alpn: true, tls_sni: true, tls_ocsp: true, tls: true, cached_builtins: [Getter] }, _fatalException: [Function (anonymous)], setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: [Function: setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback], hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: [Function: hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback], emitWarning: [Function (anonymous)], nextTick: [Function (anonymous)], _tickCallback: [Function: runNextTicks], _debugProcess: [Function: _debugProcess], _debugEnd: [Function: _debugEnd], _startProfilerIdleNotifier: [Function (anonymous)], _stopProfilerIdleNotifier: [Function (anonymous)], stdout: [Getter], stdin: [Getter], stderr: [Getter], abort: [Function: abort], umask: [Function: wrappedUmask], chdir: [Function (anonymous)], cwd: [Function (anonymous)], initgroups: [Function: initgroups], setgroups: [Function: setgroups], setegid: [Function (anonymous)], seteuid: [Function (anonymous)], setgid: [Function (anonymous)], setuid: [Function (anonymous)], env: { JENKINS_HOME: '/var/jenkins_home', GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: 'jenkins', GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: '', npm_config_user_agent: 'npm/8.19.2 node/v16.18.1 linux x64 workspaces/false ci/jenkins', CI: 'true', NODE_VERSION: '16.18.1', HOSTNAME: '4c2fa517b0d2', RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect?page=changes', YARN_VERSION: '1.22.19', DEBUG: 'cypress:*', npm_node_execpath: '/usr/local/bin/node', GIT_COMMIT: 'f1f9b4fa3de2ecb502bb36155bb2034d2801b0ad', HUDSON_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/', NODE_LABELS: 'ec2-fleet-cypress i-0882530156d5f8d37', npm_config_noproxy: '', HOME: '/home/node', BUILD_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/', npm_package_json: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/package.json', GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'jenkins', JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE: 'durable-7a8e2a9e78e8f78e6f774372f29898df86b8a31175636aa809b514ddbe767c2d', npm_config_userconfig: '/home/node/.npmrc', npm_config_local_prefix: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', NO_COLOR: '1', WORKSPACE: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', CYPRESS_trashAssetsBeforeRuns: 'false', COLOR: '0', npm_config_metrics_registry: '', NODE_NAME: 'i-0882530156d5f8d37', RUN_ARTIFACTS_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect?page=artifacts', npm_config_prefix: '/usr/local', GIT_BRANCH: 'origin/bugfix/QA-1784-automation-ui-investigate-timed-out-run-in-cypress', EXECUTOR_NUMBER: '0', STAGE_NAME: 'Tester A', TERM: 'xterm', npm_config_cache: '/home/node/.npm', RUN_TESTS_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect?page=tests', BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME: '#1214', JOB_BASE_NAME: 'core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', HUDSON_HOME: '/var/jenkins_home', npm_config_node_gyp: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js', PATH: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/node_modules/.bin:/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/run-script/lib/node-gyp-bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', NODE: '/usr/local/bin/node', npm_package_name: 'master', BUILD_ID: '1214', BUILD_TAG: 'jenkins-core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress-1214', JENKINS_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/', JOB_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/', GIT_URL: '', npm_config_loglevel: 'warn', npm_lifecycle_script: 'cypress', BUILD_NUMBER: '1214', JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE: '11140b0a-a664-4f87-bec8-a3351ca26f94', npm_package_version: '1.0.0', npm_lifecycle_event: 'npx', RUN_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect', npm_config_unsafe_perm: 'true', HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE: '065f131076a82b5c', JOB_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/display/redirect', CLASSPATH: '', JOB_NAME: 'core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: '', npm_config_globalconfig: '/usr/local/etc/npmrc', npm_config_init_module: '/home/node/.npm-init.js', PWD: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', npm_execpath: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js', npm_config_global_prefix: '/usr/local', npm_command: 'exec', WORKSPACE_TMP: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress@tmp', CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: ****, INIT_CWD: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', EDITOR: 'vi', DISPLAY: ':99', FORCE_COLOR: '0', DEBUG_COLORS: '0', FORCE_STDIN_TTY: '0', FORCE_STDOUT_TTY: '0', FORCE_STDERR_TTY: '0', DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: 'disabled:', CHROME_DESKTOP: 'Cypress.desktop', ORIGINAL_XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: 'undefined', CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV: 'production', PROJECT_BASE_DIR: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app', UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE: '128', CYPRESS: 'true', GDK_BACKEND: 'x11', NO_AT_BRIDGE: '1', NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED: '0' }, type: 'browser', resourcesPath: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources', helperExecPath: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', crash: [Function (anonymous)], hang: [Function (anonymous)], getCreationTime: [Function (anonymous)], getHeapStatistics: [Function (anonymous)], getBlinkMemoryInfo: [Function (anonymous)], getProcessMemoryInfo: [Function (anonymous)], getSystemMemoryInfo: [Function (anonymous)], getSystemVersion: [Function (anonymous)], getIOCounters: [Function (anonymous)], getCPUUsage: [Function (anonymous)], takeHeapSnapshot: [Function (anonymous)], setFdLimit: [Function (anonymous)], activateUvLoop: [Function (anonymous)], title: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', argv: [ '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--', '--run-project', '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', '--ci-build-id', 'origin/bugfix/QA-1784-automation-ui-investigate-timed-out-run-in-cypress-1214', '--config', 'numTestsKeptInMemory=0,isInteractive=false', '--group', '1x-not-global', '--key', ****, '--parallel', '--record', 'true', '--spec', 'cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/**/*', '--cwd', '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.18.1' ], execArgv: [], pid: 421, ppid: 409, execPath: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', debugPort: 9229, argv0: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', exitCode: 1, _preload_modules: [], report: [Getter], setSourceMapsEnabled: [Function: setSourceMapsEnabled], _firstFileName: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app/index.js', mainModule: Module { id: '.', path: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app', exports: {}, filename: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app/index.js', loaded: true, children: [], paths: [Array] }, enablePromiseAPIs: false, noDeprecation: true, traceDeprecation: true, noAsar: undefined, __signal_exit_emitter__: EventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: Infinity, count: 2, emitted: {}, infinite: true, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, emit: [Function: f], log: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, warning: 'Error: WebSocket connection closed\n' + '    at _._handleConnectionClose (<embedded>:2466:579841)\n' + '    at A.<anonymous> (<embedded>:2466:577905)\n' + '    at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)\n' + '    at A.emit (node:events:513:28)\n' + '    at A.emitClose (<embedded>:2466:558129)\n' + '    at Socket.W (<embedded>:2466:565440)\n' + '    at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)\n' + '    at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:322:12)', type: 'UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning', code: undefined, args: [] }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.632Z cypress:server:lib:util:suppress_warnings suppressed emitWarning from node: { process: process { version: 'v18.15.0', versions: { node: '18.15.0', v8: '', uv: '1.44.2', zlib: '1.2.13', brotli: '1.0.9', ares: '1.18.1', modules: '116', nghttp2: '1.51.0', napi: '8', llhttp: '6.0.10', uvwasi: '0.0.15', acorn: '8.8.2', simdutf: '3.1.0', undici: '5.20.0', openssl: '1.1.1', cldr: '42.0', icu: '72.1', tz: '2023a', unicode: '15.0', electron: '25.8.4', chrome: '114.0.5735.289' }, arch: 'x64', platform: 'linux', release: { name: 'node', lts: 'Hydrogen', sourceUrl: '', headersUrl: '' }, _rawDebug: [Function: _rawDebug], moduleLoadList: [ 'Internal Binding builtins', 'Internal Binding errors', 'Internal Binding util', 'NativeModule internal/errors', 'Internal Binding config', 'Internal Binding timers', 'Internal Binding async_wrap', 'Internal Binding constants', 'Internal Binding types', 'NativeModule internal/util', 'NativeModule internal/util/types', 'NativeModule internal/validators', 'NativeModule internal/promise_hooks', 'Internal Binding task_queue', 'Internal Binding symbols', 'NativeModule internal/async_hooks', 'NativeModule internal/linkedlist', 'NativeModule internal/priority_queue', 'NativeModule internal/assert', 'Internal Binding icu', 'NativeModule internal/util/inspect', 'NativeModule internal/util/debuglog', 'NativeModule internal/timers', 'NativeModule events', 'Internal Binding buffer', 'Internal Binding string_decoder', 'NativeModule internal/buffer', 'Internal Binding blob', 'NativeModule internal/encoding', 'Internal Binding messaging', 'NativeModule internal/worker/js_transferable', 'NativeModule internal/constants', 'NativeModule internal/blob', 'NativeModule internal/file', 'NativeModule buffer', 'NativeModule internal/modules/esm/handle_process_exit', 'Internal Binding process_methods', 'NativeModule internal/process/per_thread', 'Internal Binding credentials', 'NativeModule internal/process/promises', 'NativeModule internal/fixed_queue', 'NativeModule async_hooks', 'NativeModule internal/process/task_queues', 'NativeModule timers', 'Internal Binding worker', 'NativeModule internal/util/parse_args/utils', 'NativeModule internal/util/parse_args/parse_args', 'NativeModule internal/mime', 'NativeModule util', 'Internal Binding performance', 'NativeModule internal/perf/utils', 'NativeModule internal/event_target', 'NativeModule internal/abort_controller', 'NativeModule internal/streams/utils', 'NativeModule internal/streams/end-of-stream', 'NativeModule internal/streams/destroy', 'NativeModule internal/streams/legacy', 'NativeModule internal/streams/add-abort-signal', 'NativeModule internal/streams/buffer_list', 'NativeModule internal/streams/state', 'NativeModule string_decoder', 'NativeModule internal/streams/from', 'NativeModule internal/streams/readable', 'NativeModule internal/streams/writable', 'NativeModule internal/streams/duplex', 'NativeModule internal/streams/pipeline', 'NativeModule internal/streams/compose', 'NativeModule internal/streams/operators', 'NativeModule stream/promises', 'NativeModule internal/streams/transform', 'NativeModule internal/streams/passthrough', 'NativeModule stream', 'NativeModule internal/worker/io', 'NativeModule internal/structured_clone', 'Internal Binding trace_events', 'NativeModule path', 'NativeModule internal/process/execution', 'NativeModule internal/process/warning', 'Internal Binding fs', 'NativeModule internal/querystring', 'NativeModule querystring', 'Internal Binding url', 'NativeModule internal/url', 'NativeModule internal/fs/utils', 'Internal Binding fs_dir', 'NativeModule internal/fs/dir', 'Internal Binding fs_event_wrap', 'Internal Binding uv', 'NativeModule internal/fs/watchers', 'NativeModule internal/fs/read_file_context', 'NativeModule fs', 'Internal Binding serdes', 'Internal Binding mksnapshot', 'NativeModule internal/v8/startup_snapshot', 'Internal Binding profiler', 'Internal Binding heap_utils', 'Internal Binding stream_wrap', 'NativeModule internal/stream_base_commons', 'NativeModule internal/heap_utils', 'Internal Binding options', ... 157 more items ], binding: [Function: binding], _linkedBinding: [Function: _linkedBinding], _events: [Object: null prototype] { newListener: [Function: startListeningIfSignal], removeListener: [Function: stopListeningIfSignal], warning: [Function: onWarning], uncaughtException: [Function], exit: [Array], SIGABRT: [Array], SIGALRM: [Array], SIGHUP: [Array], SIGINT: [Array], SIGTERM: [Array], SIGVTALRM: [Array], SIGXCPU: [Array], SIGXFSZ: [Array], SIGUSR2: [Array], SIGTRAP: [Array], SIGSYS: [Array], SIGQUIT: [Array], SIGIOT: [Array], SIGIO: [Array], SIGPOLL: [Array], SIGPWR: [Array], SIGSTKFLT: [Array], SIGUNUSED: [Array] }, _eventsCount: 23, _maxListeners: undefined, domain: null, _exiting: [Getter/Setter], config: [Getter/Setter], dlopen: [Function: func], uptime: [Function: uptime], _getActiveRequests: [Function: _getActiveRequests], _getActiveHandles: [Function: _getActiveHandles], getActiveResourcesInfo: [Function: getActiveResourcesInfo], reallyExit: [Function: g], _kill: [Function: _kill], cpuUsage: [Function: cpuUsage], resourceUsage: [Function: resourceUsage], memoryUsage: [Function: memoryUsage] { rss: [Function: rss] }, constrainedMemory: [Function: constrainedMemory], kill: [Function: kill], exit: [Function: exit], hrtime: [Function: hrtime] { bigint: [Function: hrtimeBigInt] }, openStdin: [Function (anonymous)], getuid: [Function: getuid], geteuid: [Function: geteuid], getgid: [Function: getgid], getegid: [Function: getegid], getgroups: [Function: getgroups], allowedNodeEnvironmentFlags: [Getter/Setter], assert: [Function: deprecated], features: { inspector: true, debug: false, uv: true, ipv6: true, tls_alpn: true, tls_sni: true, tls_ocsp: true, tls: true, cached_builtins: [Getter] }, _fatalException: [Function (anonymous)], setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: [Function: setUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback], hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback: [Function: hasUncaughtExceptionCaptureCallback], emitWarning: [Function (anonymous)], nextTick: [Function (anonymous)], _tickCallback: [Function: runNextTicks], _debugProcess: [Function: _debugProcess], _debugEnd: [Function: _debugEnd], _startProfilerIdleNotifier: [Function (anonymous)], _stopProfilerIdleNotifier: [Function (anonymous)], stdout: [Getter], stdin: [Getter], stderr: [Getter], abort: [Function: abort], umask: [Function: wrappedUmask], chdir: [Function (anonymous)], cwd: [Function (anonymous)], initgroups: [Function: initgroups], setgroups: [Function: setgroups], setegid: [Function (anonymous)], seteuid: [Function (anonymous)], setgid: [Function (anonymous)], setuid: [Function (anonymous)], env: { JENKINS_HOME: '/var/jenkins_home', GIT_COMMITTER_NAME: 'jenkins', GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL: '', npm_config_user_agent: 'npm/8.19.2 node/v16.18.1 linux x64 workspaces/false ci/jenkins', CI: 'true', NODE_VERSION: '16.18.1', HOSTNAME: '4c2fa517b0d2', RUN_CHANGES_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect?page=changes', YARN_VERSION: '1.22.19', DEBUG: 'cypress:*', npm_node_execpath: '/usr/local/bin/node', GIT_COMMIT: 'f1f9b4fa3de2ecb502bb36155bb2034d2801b0ad', HUDSON_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/', NODE_LABELS: 'ec2-fleet-cypress i-0882530156d5f8d37', npm_config_noproxy: '', HOME: '/home/node', BUILD_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/', npm_package_json: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/package.json', GIT_AUTHOR_NAME: 'jenkins', JENKINS_SERVER_COOKIE: 'durable-7a8e2a9e78e8f78e6f774372f29898df86b8a31175636aa809b514ddbe767c2d', npm_config_userconfig: '/home/node/.npmrc', npm_config_local_prefix: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', NO_COLOR: '1', WORKSPACE: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', CYPRESS_trashAssetsBeforeRuns: 'false', COLOR: '0', npm_config_metrics_registry: '', NODE_NAME: 'i-0882530156d5f8d37', RUN_ARTIFACTS_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect?page=artifacts', npm_config_prefix: '/usr/local', GIT_BRANCH: 'origin/bugfix/QA-1784-automation-ui-investigate-timed-out-run-in-cypress', EXECUTOR_NUMBER: '0', STAGE_NAME: 'Tester A', TERM: 'xterm', npm_config_cache: '/home/node/.npm', RUN_TESTS_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect?page=tests', BUILD_DISPLAY_NAME: '#1214', JOB_BASE_NAME: 'core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', HUDSON_HOME: '/var/jenkins_home', npm_config_node_gyp: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/node-gyp/bin/node-gyp.js', PATH: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/node_modules/.bin:/tmp/node_modules/.bin:/node_modules/.bin:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/run-script/lib/node-gyp-bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin', NODE: '/usr/local/bin/node', npm_package_name: 'master', BUILD_ID: '1214', BUILD_TAG: 'jenkins-core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress-1214', JENKINS_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/', JOB_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/', GIT_URL: '', npm_config_loglevel: 'warn', npm_lifecycle_script: 'cypress', BUILD_NUMBER: '1214', JENKINS_NODE_COOKIE: '11140b0a-a664-4f87-bec8-a3351ca26f94', npm_package_version: '1.0.0', npm_lifecycle_event: 'npx', RUN_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/1214/display/redirect', npm_config_unsafe_perm: 'true', HUDSON_SERVER_COOKIE: '065f131076a82b5c', JOB_DISPLAY_URL: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx/job/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/display/redirect', CLASSPATH: '', JOB_NAME: 'core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL: '', npm_config_globalconfig: '/usr/local/etc/npmrc', npm_config_init_module: '/home/node/.npm-init.js', PWD: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', npm_execpath: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npx-cli.js', npm_config_global_prefix: '/usr/local', npm_command: 'exec', WORKSPACE_TMP: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress@tmp', CYPRESS_RECORD_KEY: ****, INIT_CWD: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', EDITOR: 'vi', DISPLAY: ':99', FORCE_COLOR: '0', DEBUG_COLORS: '0', FORCE_STDIN_TTY: '0', FORCE_STDOUT_TTY: '0', FORCE_STDERR_TTY: '0', DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS: 'disabled:', CHROME_DESKTOP: 'Cypress.desktop', ORIGINAL_XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: 'undefined', CYPRESS_INTERNAL_ENV: 'production', PROJECT_BASE_DIR: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app', UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE: '128', CYPRESS: 'true', GDK_BACKEND: 'x11', NO_AT_BRIDGE: '1', NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED: '0' }, type: 'browser', resourcesPath: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources', helperExecPath: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', crash: [Function (anonymous)], hang: [Function (anonymous)], getCreationTime: [Function (anonymous)], getHeapStatistics: [Function (anonymous)], getBlinkMemoryInfo: [Function (anonymous)], getProcessMemoryInfo: [Function (anonymous)], getSystemMemoryInfo: [Function (anonymous)], getSystemVersion: [Function (anonymous)], getIOCounters: [Function (anonymous)], getCPUUsage: [Function (anonymous)], takeHeapSnapshot: [Function (anonymous)], setFdLimit: [Function (anonymous)], activateUvLoop: [Function (anonymous)], title: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', argv: [ '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', '--no-sandbox', '--', '--run-project', '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', '--ci-build-id', 'origin/bugfix/QA-1784-automation-ui-investigate-timed-out-run-in-cypress-1214', '--config', 'numTestsKeptInMemory=0,isInteractive=false', '--group', '1x-not-global', '--key', ****, '--parallel', '--record', 'true', '--spec', 'cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/**/*', '--cwd', '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress', '--userNodePath', '/usr/local/bin/node', '--userNodeVersion', '16.18.1' ], execArgv: [], pid: 421, ppid: 409, execPath: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', debugPort: 9229, argv0: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/Cypress', exitCode: 1, _preload_modules: [], report: [Getter], setSourceMapsEnabled: [Function: setSourceMapsEnabled], _firstFileName: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app/index.js', mainModule: Module { id: '.', path: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app', exports: {}, filename: '/home/node/.cache/Cypress/13.6.1/Cypress/resources/app/index.js', loaded: true, children: [], paths: [Array] }, enablePromiseAPIs: false, noDeprecation: true, traceDeprecation: true, noAsar: undefined, __signal_exit_emitter__: EventEmitter { _events: [Object: null prototype], _eventsCount: 1, _maxListeners: Infinity, count: 2, emitted: {}, infinite: true, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, emit: [Function: f], log: undefined, [Symbol(kCapture)]: false }, warning: Error: WebSocket connection closed at _._handleConnectionClose (<embedded>:2466:579841) at A.<anonymous> (<embedded>:2466:577905) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26) at A.emit (node:events:513:28) at A.emitClose (<embedded>:2466:558129) at Socket.W (<embedded>:2466:565440) at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28) at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:322:12), type: undefined, code: undefined, args: [] }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.634Z cypress:server:browsers:cri-client closed cri client { closed: true, target: 'ws://' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.635Z cypress:server:browsers:electron closed event fired
2023-12-13T03:14:21.635Z cypress:server:windows error removing all extensions { err: TypeError: Object has been destroyed at Object.f (<embedded>:4454:97229) at BrowserWindow.<anonymous> (<embedded>:4454:110783) at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26) at BrowserWindow.emit (node:events:525:35) at T.sendCloseCommandFn (<embedded>:4454:105415), extensions: undefined }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.635Z cypress:server:browsers browser instance exit event received { code: undefined, signal: undefined }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.635Z cypress:server:preprocessor removeFile /tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/administration/organization/
2023-12-13T03:14:21.635Z cypress:server:preprocessor base emitter plugin close event
2023-12-13T03:14:21.636Z cypress:server:preprocessor base emitter native close event
2023-12-13T03:14:21.636Z cypress:server:browsers:electron closing remote interface client { options: {} }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.636Z cypress:server:browsers:browser-cri-client browser cri client is already closed
2023-12-13T03:14:21.636Z cypress:server:run all BrowserWindows closed, not exiting


  -  Video output: /tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/videos/administration/organization/

2023-12-13T03:14:21.639Z cypress:server:run resetting server state
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:proxy:http:util:buffers resetting buffers
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', domain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', tld: 'cloud' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', domain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', tld: 'cloud' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:server:remote-states setting remote state { auth: undefined, origin: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', props: { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', domain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', tld: 'cloud' } } for https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:network:cors Parsed URL { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: null, domain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', tld: 'cloud' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:server:remote-states getting remote state: { auth: undefined, origin: 'https://xxxxxxxxxxx', strategy: 'http', fileServer: null, domainName: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', props: { port: '443', protocol: 'https:', subdomain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', domain: 'xxxxxxxxxxx', tld: 'cloud' } } for: https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:server:run compressing recording
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:server:run ending the video recording { quiet: false, videoCompression: false, processOptions: { compressedVideoName: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/videos/administration/organization/', videoName: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/videos/administration/organization/', chaptersConfig: ';FFMETADATA1\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=-74727\n' + 'END=21001\n' + 'title=Administation - Organization - Area - Tests QA-269 Administration - Organization - Create new area\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=76858\n' + 'END=116775\n' + 'title=Administation - Organization - Area - Tests QA-270 Administration - Organization - Edit area\n' + '[CHAPTER]\n' + 'TIMEBASE=1/1000\n' + 'START=116808\n' + 'END=156714\n' + 'title=Administation - Organization - Area - Tests QA-271 Administration - Organization - Delete area' } }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:server:run skipping compression
2023-12-13T03:14:21.641Z cypress:server:record after spec run { spec: { fileExtension: '.js', baseName: '', fileName: 'areaTests', specFileExtension: '.cy.js', relativeToCommonRoot: 'administration/organization/', specType: 'integration', name: 'cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/administration/organization/', relative: 'cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/administration/organization/', absolute: '/tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/administration/organization/' } }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.640Z cypress:webpack close /tmp/jenkins-886bc277/workspace/core-banking-frontend-tests-cypress/cypress/e2e/UI/not-global/administration/organization/
2023-12-13T03:14:21.644Z cypress:server:cloud:api request to url: POST with params: {"body":{"stats":{"suites":1,"tests":3,"passes":3,"pending":0,"skipped":0,"failures":0,"wallClockStartedAt":"2023-12-13T03:11:24.709Z","wallClockDuration":175662,"wallClockEndedAt":"2023-12-13T03:14:20.371Z"},"tests":[{"clientId":"r3","state":"passed","displayError":null,"attempts":[{"state":"passed","error":null,"timings":{"lifecycle":54,"before all":[{"hookId":"h1","fnDuration":11656,"afterFnDuration":1}],"before each":[{"hookId":"h2","fnDuration":12570,"afterFnDuration":1}],"test":{"fnDuration":71197,"afterFnDuration":0}},"failedFromHookId":null,"wallClockStartedAt":"2023-12-13T03:11:24.740Z","wallClockDuration":95728,"videoTimestamp":21001}]},{"clientId":"r4","state":"passed","displayError":null,"attempts":[{"state":"passed","error":null,"timings":{"lifecycle":1345,"before each":[{"hookId":"h2","fnDuration":253,"afterFnDuration":1}],"test":{"fnDuration":38096,"afterFnDuration":0}},"failedFromHookId":null,"wallClockStartedAt":"2023-12-13T03:13:00.514Z","wallClockDuration":39917,"videoTimestamp":116775}]},{"clientId":"r5","state":"passed","displayError":null,"attempts":[{"state":"passed","error":null,"timings":{"lifecycle":1810,"before each":[{"hookId":"h2","fnDuration":207,"afterFnDuration":1}],"test":{"fnDuration":37615,"afterFnDuration":1}},"failedFromHookId":null,"wallClockStartedAt":"2023-12-13T03:13:40.453Z","wallClockDuration":39906,"videoTimestamp":156714}]}],"exception":null,"video":true,"screenshots":[],"reporterStats":{"suites":1,"tests":3,"passes":3,"pending":0,"failures":0,"start":"2023-12-13T03:11:24.723Z","end":"2023-12-13T03:14:20.388Z","duration":175665},"metadata":{"studioCreated":0,"studioExtended":0}},"headers":{"x-route-version":"1","x-cypress-request-attempt":0,"x-os-name":"linux","x-cypress-version":"13.6.1"}} and token: undefined
2023-12-13T03:14:21.645Z cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.645Z cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.650Z cypress:server:cloud:api request to url: POST with params: {"body":{"err":{"name":"Error","message":"WebSocket connection closed","stack":"Error: WebSocket connection closed\n    at _._handleConnectionClose (<embedded>:2466:579841)\n    at A.<anonymous> (<embedded>:2466:577905)\n    at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:628:26)\n    at A.emit (node:events:513:28)\n    at A.emitClose (<embedded>:2466:558129)\n    at Socket.W (<embedded>:2466:565440)\n    at Socket.emit (node:events:513:28)\n    at TCP.<anonymous> (node:net:322:12)"},"version":"13.6.1","osName":"linux","osVersion":"Debian - ","osCpus":[{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz","speed":2499,"times":{"user":282110,"nice":59640,"sys":63070,"idle":597210,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz","speed":2499,"times":{"user":289490,"nice":58040,"sys":62210,"idle":604920,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz","speed":2499,"times":{"user":282910,"nice":58390,"sys":61910,"idle":593330,"irq":0}},{"model":"Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz","speed":2499,"times":{"user":286320,"nice":58270,"sys":63870,"idle":602900,"irq":0}}],"osMemory":{"free":13192687616,"total":16583741440}},"headers":{"x-os-name":"linux","x-cypress-version":"13.6.1"}} and token: undefined
2023-12-13T03:14:21.652Z cypress:network:agent addRequest called { isHttps: true, href: '' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.653Z cypress:network:agent got family { family: 4, href: '' }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.654Z cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 59734 }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.655Z cypress:server:browsers browsers.kill called with no active instance
2023-12-13T03:14:21.655Z cypress:proxy:http:util:prerequests metrics: { browserPreRequestsReceived: 1160, proxyRequestsReceived: 864, immediatelyMatchedRequests: 474, unmatchedRequests: 0, unmatchedPreRequests: 81 }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.813Z cypress:cli child event fired { event: 'exit', code: 1, signal: null }
2023-12-13T03:14:21.815Z cypress:cli Stopping Xvfb
script returned exit code 1

After downgrading the cypress version to 13.5.1, we no longer encounter the websocket connection close issue. Looking forward for a fix for this.

jennifer-shehane commented 10 months ago

@allenbilar Thanks for providing the debug logs. This narrows down the area we should be looking in I believe. It seems to be related with our browser tab closing logic.

It would be great to have a reproducible example to narrow in further. Does this happen randomly at the end of any spec? Or at the same spot each time?

allenbilar commented 10 months ago

@allenbilar Thanks for providing the debug logs. This narrows down the area we should be looking in I believe. It seems to be related with our browser tab closing logic.

It would be great to have a reproducible example to narrow in further. Does this happen randomly at the end of any spec? Or at the same spot each time?

@jennifer-shehane at the same spot each time.

DanielPhangHL commented 9 months ago

Any update on fixing this issue ? The issue still persist in v13.6.2.

jennifer-shehane commented 9 months ago

@DanielPhangHL We don't have a way to reproduce this issue, so haven't been able to investigate. Could someone provide a way to reproduce the issue?

vasilev-alex commented 9 months ago

@jennifer-shehane which debug logs do you need? cypress:server?

vasilev-alex commented 9 months ago

@jennifer-shehane I narrowed it down to a single test. The last thing it does it clicks on a button which in place should render a chart. It works perfectly fine when tested manually

 cypress:server:socket-base backend:request { eventName: 'protocol:command:log:changed', args: [ { id: 'log-https://**private**-19231', event: false, hookId: 'r3', instrument: 'command', message: '{force: true}', name: 'click', numElements: 1, renderProps: {}, state: 'pending', testId: 'r3', timeout: 60000, type: 'child', url: '**private**', visible: true, wallClockStartedAt: '2024-01-04T14:47:20.654Z', testCurrentRetry: 0, snapshots: [Array], createdAtTimestamp: 1704379640654.5999, updatedAtTimestamp: 1704379640656.2998, highlightAttr: 'data-cypress-el' } ] } +0ms
  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50240 } +4s
  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50226 } +525ms
  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50214 } +6ms
  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50288 } +273ms
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:

  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │       group       │ processCount │                         pids                          │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    0    │     'Chrome'      │      8       │ '2059, 2063, 2064, 2070, 2085, 2071 ... 2 more items' │   25.38    │     23.15      │ 3596.23  │    1865.8    │   3596.23   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    1    │     'cypress'     │      1       │                        '1610'                         │    0.73    │      3.76      │  447.67  │    452.18    │   523.93    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    2    │     'plugin'      │      1       │                        '1836'                         │     0      │      0.01      │  231.41  │    235.66    │   316.47    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    3    │ 'electron-shared' │      4       │               '1626, 1789, 1627, 1821'                │     0      │       0        │  200.27  │    198.94    │    200.7    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    4    │     'ffmpeg'      │      1       │                        '2121'                         │     0      │      0.98      │  59.71   │    57.71     │    60.34    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    5    │      'other'      │      2       │                     '7095, 7096'                      │     0      │       0        │   3.48   │     3.42     │    3.55     │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    6    │      'TOTAL'      │      17      │                          '-'                          │    26.1    │     27.51      │ 4538.77  │   2778.31    │   4538.77   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler current & mean memory and CPU usage by process group:

  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ┌─────────┬───────────────────┬──────────────┬───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┬────────────────┬──────────┬──────────────┬─────────────┐
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │ (index) │       group       │ processCount │                         pids                          │ cpuPercent │ meanCpuPercent │ memRssMb │ meanMemRssMb │ maxMemRssMb │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler ├─────────┼───────────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┼────────────┼────────────────┼──────────┼──────────────┼─────────────┤
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    0    │     'Chrome'      │      8       │ '2059, 2063, 2064, 2070, 2085, 2071 ... 2 more items' │   25.31    │     23.92      │ 4235.45  │   2266.91    │   4286.23   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    1    │     'cypress'     │      1       │                        '1610'                         │    0.72    │      3.1       │  291.77  │    438.37    │   523.93    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    2    │     'plugin'      │      1       │                        '1836'                         │     0      │      0.01      │  231.41  │    234.72    │   316.47    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    3    │ 'electron-shared' │      4       │               '1626, 1789, 1627, 1821'                │     0      │       0        │  75.78   │    189.07    │    200.7    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    4    │     'ffmpeg'      │      1       │                        '2121'                         │     0      │      0.76      │   48.3   │    57.48     │    60.34    │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    5    │      'other'      │      2       │                     '8506, 8507'                      │     0      │       0        │   3.38   │     3.41     │    3.55     │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler │    6    │      'TOTAL'      │      17      │                          '-'                          │   26.04    │     27.48      │  4886.1  │   3157.15    │   5086.94   │
  cypress:server:util:process_profiler └─────────┴───────────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┴────────────┴────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────┴─────────────┘ +10s
  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50272 } +8m
  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 42364 } +1ms
  cypress:server:util:socket_allowed allowed socket closed, removing { localPort: 50256 } +5ms
  cypress:server:browsers:cri-client crash detected +13m
  cypress:server:run onError +13m

We detected that the Chrome Renderer process just crashed.

We have failed the current spec but will continue running the next spec.

This can happen for a number of different reasons.

If you're running lots of tests on a memory intense application.
  - Try increasing the CPU/memory on the machine you're running on.
  - Try enabling experimentalMemoryManagement in your config file.
  - Try lowering numTestsKeptInMemory in your config file during 'cypress open'.
sowardskimberly commented 9 months ago

@DanielPhangHL We don't have a way to reproduce this issue, so haven't been able to investigate. Could someone provide a way to reproduce the issue?

I saw this yesterday for the first time. The changes we did recently


todd-m-kemp commented 9 months ago

I'm attempting an upgrade to Cypress 13.6.2 and seem to be running into this issue myself as well. I don't have a reproducible example to provide either at this time but curious to see what can be said given the information that others have provided. 👀

jennifer-shehane commented 9 months ago

@vasilev-alex Could you provide the code to run that single test? Or a similar test that recreates the same behavior?

vasilev-alex commented 9 months ago

@jennifer-shehane it doesn't do anything fancy, just clicks a button, which in turn loads another "app" which is in iframe. I guess this might be an issue

todd-m-kemp commented 9 months ago

Our problematic test involves an iframe as well... no clicking though. Just visiting a page that happens to contain an iframe and doing some assertions on the static page.

  it('Error: WebSocket connection closed', function () {
    cy.get('head link[rel*="icon"]')
      .should('have.attr', 'href', '/favicon.ico');
      .and('have.text', 'Sign Up for Free');
      .should('have.css', 'background-color', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)');
      .and('have.text', 'Paint Squiggles');
      .and('have.text', 'Sign up with Business Email');
    const socialLogins = [
    socialLogins.forEach((element) => {

The test itself passes but after it does we occasionally see Error: WebSocket connection closed in the output and the test runner exits with code 1 (and the run gets stuck in the Cypress Cloud).

allenbilar commented 9 months ago

Any update on this? thanks!

jennifer-shehane commented 9 months ago

@todd-m-kemp I ran this example several times on my Mac and didn't encounter this error. I tried running via the Module APi also. Could you give more specifics about how and where you're running this test to see the error?

todd-m-kemp commented 9 months ago

@jennifer-shehane: I'm happy to answer as best as I can.

As far configuration/options/flags, can you be more specific? I'm not quite sure how to answer that question.

newsuk-apnikolov commented 9 months ago

@jennifer-shehane we are facing the same issue.

Test code to reproduce not sure how to reproduce; happens sporadically but consistently

Cypress Version 13.3.0 / 13.6.2

Node version 18.15.0

Operating System cypress/base:18.15.0 + browser-tools: circleci/browser-tools@1.4.6 + browser-tools/install-chrome: chrome-version: 119.0.6045.199

Debug Logs No response

Other No response

On Cypress 13.3.0 Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 13 24 57 This happen when the test is finished and the compressing of the video starts.

On Cypress 13.6.2

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 13 28 58

Again our tests completes, but once its start generating the video failed.

Both cases above are visible only in CircleCI

GabeDuarteM commented 8 months ago

We were experiencing the same, having this randomly appear on different tests, but we got to completely "solve" this by downgrading cypress to v13.5.1 (we were using v13.6.1 before that).

We also tried version 13.6.3 after that to see if it had fixed this, but the error reappeared after that, so we downgraded again.

We assumed it was something related to the chrome version used by cypress, but tbh I don't remember right now why, but hopefully this could be useful somehow

newsuk-apnikolov commented 8 months ago

@jennifer-shehane we remove the video recording after every test and voalya, we stop seeing the nasty socket error. We lost our video debugging but our tests are stable on version 13.6.2.

Please check why this is happen.

jennifer-shehane commented 8 months ago

@newsuk-apnikolov There are a couple of causes of the websocket error that we can notice from this thread. Yours definitely has something to do with video compression. Some others examples are happening around the time the spec ends/browser closes. We do have this on our radar to investigate further.

A clear way to reproduce 100% of the time would speed up our investigation, but I know it's mostly intermittent for everyone.

floels commented 8 months ago

FYI, we also faced this issue in a recurring test job we set up at Qonto with Cypress. Downgrading to v13.5.1 fixed the issue for us as well.

rebel-l commented 8 months ago

we faced that issue also with version 13.6.4, turning video recording off helped. Let me know if I can help e.g. by enabling debug logs and sharing it here. Just let me know what exactly you need.

jennifer-shehane commented 7 months ago

Could you all try to update to 13.6.6 and let us know if you're still experiencing this issue? We fixed an issue in 13.6.5 with that was introduced in 13.6.0 and we want to understand if this has also resolved this issue. Thank you!

mateustalles commented 7 months ago

@jennifer-shehane Yes it's still happening image


Edit: I justed noticed my browser version is waaay behind, probably because Im using Cypress Docker image. Let me try updating and see if this still keeps happening

Update: Im using now latest Cypress version with latests cypress/browser docker image on CI and I didnt experience the websocket issue neither the memory crash issue I was experiencing. The tests are even faster. Let me retry the CI a couple more times again to make sure it will not crash again


Update: @jennifer-shehane I could get rid of the webSocket issues by using the latest Node + latest chrome version + latest Cypress. This combination didn't get rid of the increased sensibility of Cypress latest version for memory increase, as slight memory usage increases caused crashes.

jennifer-shehane commented 7 months ago

@mateustalles Nice to hear this helped. This is our general recommendation when there are issues - update Cypress, update Chrome to a reasonably recent version. I made some recommendations in another thread around Chromium renderer crashes that may be helpful:

Anyone else still experiencing this in 13.6.6?

awinograd commented 7 months ago

@jennifer-shehane i've re-run our CI a handful of times on 13.6.6 and have not experienced the issue yet. I forget exactly how often it was happening on 13.5.x but I believe we would have seen it by now.

jennifer-shehane commented 7 months ago

Closing as resolved. I'll monitor this issue for more comments, since there is likely not a single cause that was causing this.

WeisSeb commented 7 months ago

@jennifer-shehane Just happened again on our CI, using Cypress 13.6.6, Electron 118, Node 20.11.0 EDIT: Also happening with Chrome 122

rebel-l commented 7 months ago

for us it's still an issue. we did just 1 run yet but already on first it happened aft 3.5 h (our test suite lasts usually 7.5h). we run it on github actions using cypress-io/github-action@v6. Let me know if you need more information or debug logs.

We use also @badeball/cypress-cucumber-preprocessor as dependency but I think that is unrelated.

Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-28 um 10 30 19 Bildschirmfoto 2024-02-28 um 10 29 31
jennifer-shehane commented 7 months ago

@rebel-l The debug logs would be helpful in this case if you can open a new issue and include those.

mateustalles commented 7 months ago

@jennifer-shehane Happened again on my end. Can we reopen?! This issue definitely seems related

rebel-l commented 7 months ago

ok the full run crashed after 4h and generated a log file of > 3GB. So I cut it down to ~300 lines around the error. I think the interesting part happens around line ~150. Let me know if you need more of the logs or other information.


jennifer-shehane commented 7 months ago

Does turning off video remove this error? I see from @rebel-l logs that it happens around the time we would handle the video after the test ran.

valse commented 7 months ago

Does turning off video remove this error? I see from @rebel-l logs that it happens around the time we would handle the video after the test ran.

I updated to the latest version with video recording turned off and I haven't had any errors yet 🤞🏻

rebel-l commented 7 months ago

Does turning off video remove this error? I see from @rebel-l logs that it happens around the time we would handle the video after the test ran.

I updated to the latest version with video recording turned off and I haven't had any errors yet 🤞🏻

exactly. turning video recording off is a workaround. but no permanent solution. of course we run afterwards the failed tests again with video recording turned on but you have no guarantee if you see the same error or if the test is a bit flaky that it is not passing.

Btw. I remember that we had the same workaround some years ago with version 8.2.0. But the error message was different. See issues #17627 and #17998

jennifer-shehane commented 7 months ago

@rebel-l Is your error also resolved by downgrading to 13.5.1? I'm having a hard time connecting this Websocket error that would be related to video recording to the 13.6.0 release. But perhaps other types of Websocket errors would show with the 13.6.0 release.

WeisSeb commented 7 months ago

The websocket errors we are seeing are gone when downgrading to 13.5.x or by disabling videos on 13.6.6, so it definitely seems related

joshkaplan commented 7 months ago

i can confirm there has been no decrease in the error for us since upgrading to 13.6.6

mx2s commented 7 months ago

We have around 100 cypress tests in our project and after upgrading to any version later than 13.5.1 (our current version) some tests start to fail due to that same issue (websocket disconnect)

I'm not sure if I can find a specific case that causes this but it seems like all tests now have a chance to crash due to this issue

Unfortunately we had to rollback to 13.5.1 until this is fixed

rebel-l commented 7 months ago

@rebel-l Is your error also resolved by downgrading to 13.5.1? I'm having a hard time connecting this Websocket error that would be related to video recording to the 13.6.0 release. But perhaps other types of Websocket errors would show with the 13.6.0 release.

finally I can confirm downgrading ti 13.5.1 works. sorry for the late answer.

DanielPhangHL commented 7 months ago

I tested on v.13.7.0 and this problem still persist. I updated to v.13.7.0 so that I can fix the cy.screenshoot problem and it did solve it but this web connection closed issue still detected... Please FIX IT ASAP.

jennifer-shehane commented 7 months ago

We are intending to look into this in our upcoming sprint.

leonid-sviderskii-mtl commented 6 months ago

I also started seeing the issue sometimes for the first time a few days ago (we upgraded from 13.6.6 to 13.7.2 recently and to the latest cypress/browsers container)


adoshi-branch commented 6 months ago

We have hit this exact same issue much more frequently over the past 2 months.

flakeme commented 6 months ago

running in jenkins with video enabled same error here

Mi3-14159 commented 6 months ago

We were running Cypress version 13.6.2 on an ubuntu-latest github runner and video recording was so slow. It was impossible to understand what was happening, but the tests ware stable. After upgrading the runner to a ubuntu-latest-4-cores we also get this error.

dlively1 commented 6 months ago

We are intending to look into this in our upcoming sprint.

@jennifer-shehane any updates on this?

Also running into this issue more consistently. This is becoming a huge issue for our team considering we are burning CI spend on these failures with unnecessary re-runs.