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WebKit 18 fails driver-integration-tests-webkit ( #29973

Open MikeMcC399 opened 1 month ago

MikeMcC399 commented 1 month ago

Current behavior

If an attempt is made to update playwright-webkit to the latest version in Cypress source code, it fails the Cypress test spec

which is part of driver-integration-tests-webkit.

This is reproducible on Ubuntu with versions of playwright-webkit starting with 1.37.0 and extending to the current version (with WebKit 17.4 18.0).

Cypress is currently configured to use playwright-webkit@1.24.2 released in July 2022:

Desired behavior

WebKit should pass all tests from driver-integration-tests-webkit when using the latest version of playwright-webkit.

Test code to reproduce

npm install yarn@latest -g
git clone
cd cypress
yarn add playwright-webkit@1.46.1 -D -W
yarn playwright install-deps webkit # Linux only
yarn workspace @packages/driver cypress:run --browser webkit --spec cypress/e2e/commands/


yarn workspace @packages/driver cypress:open --e2e --browser webkit

and select cypress/e2e/commands/ to run in UI.

Playwright Version

First reported on playwright-webkit@1.45.3 Continues to be reproducible on playwright-webkit@1.47.0

Cypress Version

First reported on 13.13.2 Continues to be reproducible on 13.14.2

Node version


Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS

Debug Logs

See failures in CircleCI at

  1) src/cy/commands/cookies - no stub
         returns cookies for the specified domain:

      AssertionError: expected 'key2' to equal 'key1'
      + expected - actual


      at  ([native code])
      at  (

  2) src/cy/commands/cookies - no stub
         returns the cookie from the specified domain:

      AssertionError: expected ' value' to equal ' value'
      + expected - actual

      -' value'
      +' value'

      at  ([native code])
      at  (

  3) src/cy/commands/cookies
         can set cookies with sameSite:

      AssertionError: expected { Object (name, value, ...) } to have property 'sameSite' of 'no_restriction', but got 'lax'
      + expected - actual


      at  ([native code])


MikeMcC399 commented 1 month ago

Further test results which may assist troubleshooting:

Results of yarn workspace @packages/driver cypress:run --browser webkit --spec cypress/e2e/commands/ dependent on version of playwright-webkit

Playwright pass fail WebKit Notes
1.24.2 129 0 16.0 (1)
1.34.3 129 0 16.4 (2)
1.35.0 129 0 16.4 (3)
1.36.2 129 0 17.0 (3)
1.37.0 128 1 17.0 (4)
1.37.1 127 2 17.0 (5)
1.38.1 127 2 17.0 (5)
1.39.0 127 2 17.4 (5)
1.40.1 128 1 17.4 (4)
1.41.2 127 2 17.4 (5)
1.42.1 127 2 17.4 (5)
1.43.1 127 2 17.4 (5)
1.44.1 127 2 17.4 (5)
1.45.0 127 2 17.4 (6)
1.45.1 126 3 17.4 (7)
1.45.3 126 3 17.4 (7)
1.46.0 127 3 18.0 (7)

(1) Currently configured version (2) Previously recommended version (3) Test does not exit and instead wrongly opens Cypress runner at end in global mode (4) Failure is AssertionError: expected ' value' to equal ' value' (5) Failures as (4) above, additionally AssertionError: expected 'key2' to equal 'key1' (6) Failure as (4) above, additionally AssertionError: expected { Object (name, value, ...) } to have property 'sameSite' of 'no_restriction', but got 'lax' (7) Failures as (4), (5) & (6) above

Change version with for instance:

yarn add playwright-webkit@1.45.3 -D -W
yarn playwright install-deps webkit

Test with:

yarn workspace @packages/driver cypress:run --browser webkit --spec cypress/e2e/commands/

View WebKit version with

yarn workspace @packages/driver cypress:open --e2e --browser webkit

Settings > Project settings > Resolved configuration (Fails to launch Cypress Runner with some old versions)

For debug logs use:

export DEBUG=cypress:server:browsers:webkit-automation