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Need tab support #299

Open robdodson opened 7 years ago

robdodson commented 7 years ago

Description As mentioned here For accessibility testing I need to be able to tell the keyboard to press tab. If is not currently supported is there some way to work around this?

jennifer-shehane commented 7 years ago

I'd like to hear more about what you are looking to cover in terms of accessibility testing. Can you give me an example of a use case you are trying to test with the tab key?

Right now there is not a way to press "tab".

Currently we simulate all events in Cypress - although we automatically backfill in the browser's default behavior on all actions, which means that your application does what it does identically to native events.

The problem with tab is that it is extremely complicated and its behavior is not necessarily normalized across all behaviors.

The solution for us is to enable native events within Cypress. We can "opt into" native events whenever we want, the problem is mostly with the UX experience around the debugger protocol. Namely that you cannot have Dev Tools open and issue native events due to the limitation of Chrome's debugger protocol.

There is an open issue in Chromium to add multiplexing support so we've been waiting for that to go live. Until then we will kick the can, or eventually be forced into creating a good UX experience that either automatically closes Dev Tools, or prompts the user that their tests cannot continue until it is closed.

robdodson commented 7 years ago

thanks for the response

The tab key is one of the primary ways a keyboard user moves around the page so it's difficult to write a high confidence accessibility test without it. In my case I'm building custom components that comply with the aria authoring practices guide. The first thing I would like to do on every page is press tab to focus the element. I can fake this by calling click() but it's not really the same. A non-sighted user will never use the mouse so calling click() feels a bit like cheating and you could imagine a situation where an element has one behavior when clicked and a different behavior when focused via the tab key.

brian-mann commented 7 years ago

If you're testing the behavior of an element coming into focus, or you're testing things like styles you can just focus the element directly.


What this doesn't test for is what the browser's behavior when clicking "tab". But you can often indirectly test this.

For instance, you could just make sure that the element it's supposed to focus on has tabindex set.

robdodson commented 7 years ago

What this doesn't test for is what the browser's behavior when clicking "tab". But you can often indirectly test this.

Yeah that's what I've been doing. Still, I would prefer tab key support if it were there because it'd be less boilerplate to write :)

kamituel commented 7 years ago

I have a different use case for .tab() - in our app we have a fairly advanced search input (multiline, hence implemented as a <textarea>). A user is supposed to enter a query written in a custom grammar. It might look like this: = something. Tab completion is supported, so when the user enters, say, some.p and pressed a tab key, it might get expanded to some.path..

This is obviously distinct from accessibility use cases (as described above).

Any update on .tab()?

jennifer-shehane commented 6 years ago

In Chrome 63, there is support for multiplexing and we can now better handle native events. See #311

protoEvangelion commented 6 years ago

@jennifer-shehane Is this on the road map to be implemented? Or should we not expect this any time soon?

awhill19 commented 6 years ago

I'd love to know as well. Just ran into this issue while writing a form validation test.

davidszepernick commented 6 years ago

Me too . I was expecting some way to tab to the next field like .type({tab})

siemiatj commented 6 years ago

Same as the above. I'm testing an app that mimics desktop application and heavily relies on keyboard usage.

mirandashort commented 6 years ago

Has anyone found a good workaround for this? It seems as if we're not getting a tab function..

scottschafer commented 6 years ago

This seems to work:

Cypress.Commands.add('typeTab', (shiftKey, ctrlKey) => {
  cy.focused().then(($el) => {
    cy.wrap($el).trigger('keydown', {
      keyCode: 9,
      which: 9,
      shiftKey: shiftKey,
      ctrlKey: ctrlKey
brian-mann commented 6 years ago

@scottschafer that fires the event, but the browser will not perform the default action such as moving the tab focus to the next focusable element

jennifer-shehane commented 6 years ago

@scottschafer This should be able to be simplified to this:

Cypress.Commands.add('typeTab', (shiftKey, ctrlKey) => {
  cy.focused().trigger('keydown', {
      keyCode: 9,
      which: 9,
      shiftKey: shiftKey,
      ctrlKey: ctrlKey
scottschafer commented 6 years ago

@brian-mann , ah. In our web app we specifically handle keyboard events and change focus programmatically. It works for us - sorry this won't work for you.

jennifer-shehane commented 6 years ago

@scottschafer Yes, glad to see you got this work in your use case. It should help anyone else that programmatically works off of the user's specific keydown of the tab key.

lazarljubenovic commented 6 years ago

Whaaat? Tabbing was literally the first thing I tried testing :smile: Wanted to test the login form and the fact that pressing Tab on the password form doesn't focus the Show/hide password button but the Login button...

The problem with tab is that it is extremely complicated and its behavior is not necessarily normalized across all behaviors.

Wouldn't it be possible to allow users to customize the "algorithm" for tabbing? Figuring out where the focus will go is indeed a tricky problem, but for a majority of usecases it should work pretty straightforward. Figure out what is the next focusable element in the DOM after the current document.activeElement. Something like button:not([tabindex=0]),a:not([tabindex=0]),[tabindex=1],[tabindex=2],...)?

There are a few very good libs which also try to figure out which elements are focusable in order to trap focus in a modal or a dropdown. Maybe it's a good starting point to figure out what kind of algorithm they use to intercept focus leaving the modal and taking it back to the first focusable element in it?

decafdennis commented 6 years ago

I think the key is to find or come up with an implementation that works for your use case. It's hard to come up with a general solution.

FWIW, here's my implementation roughly based off of some of jQuery UI's logic:

One of the gotchas is that the focused() command does not work reliably when the browser is not currently in focus, so I also added a separate active() command that is more consistent:

It's naive but works for my use case!

samjulien commented 6 years ago

@decafdennis your tabbing stuff works well for me, thanks! The solution @jennifer-shehane posted wasn't working with the "shiftKey" variable for some reason. Tabbed forward but not backward.

kuceb commented 6 years ago

Currently working on this, however it may introduce breaking changes around cy.type(), so I've set the milestone for 4.0.0

WORMSS commented 5 years ago

@jennifer-shehane so, 24 days ago, you removed this from the 4.0.0 milestone. Does that mean there is no interest in fixing this? Or still blocked by browsers support?

jennifer-shehane commented 5 years ago

We've repurposed the 4.0 release with other breaking changes that are closer to going out - you can see the roadmap for 4.0 here:

This feature falls more closely under our Native Events issue which is also in progress, but has not been assigned a release number yet. See progress for this issue here:

ryami333 commented 5 years ago

Sorry to pile-on, but thought I would add my use-case here. Like the OP I am trying to add integration tests to assert that our open-source accessible React component ('React Accessible Accordion') complies with the WAI ARIA spec.

You can see the assertions which I needed to make here.

Unfortunately I didn't realise that Cypress was not going to support this functionality (or the 'end'/'home' keys it seems). I'm going to abandon Cypress because I can already get equivalent functionality out of the incumbent testing suite (Jest + Enzyme).

jennifer-shehane commented 5 years ago

There is an issue with an open PR slated for release in 3.2.0 providing end and home key support here:

kuceb commented 5 years ago

We're still working on tab support (and other keys) as part of Native Events #311 , but in the meantime I've made a plugin that adds a .tab() command (supports .tab({shift: true}) as well). cypress-plugin-tab:

However, the actual tab implementation will not be a separate command, so know if you use this plugin, you'll have to refactor your test code when Native Events lands

:rotating_light: Please open/discuss issues with the plugin in the issues of the plugin repo, not here :rotating_light:

nmakuch commented 5 years ago

I see there has been talk about implementation for the tab key. I sort of need to trigger keypress and keydown events in most of applications I am testing.

I am looking for a work-around for the arrow keys, spacebar and the enter button.

Basically I have set up some custom key events for accessible keyboard navigation through list items but I have no way of triggering the events through keydown or keypress inside of cypress :S.

I'm really liking cypress and want to continue using it, but dont know how to get around this issue as all the applications we make and test for work need to be accessible.

(tried the work-around above with updated keycodes but that didn't seem to work)

jevors commented 5 years ago


Nice one! I've added it to my project

adampfoster commented 5 years ago

Tab is a no brainer. Currently testing a javascript dropdown box where user types in a country for example and the list shortens per character typed and tab is the way to proceed with what's selected onto the next field. This is easy to use as a human, tab is a natural progression out of this field. Cypress is lacking by not having tab key support. Hope to see it arrive soon.

Update: Cypress plugin tab - - works very well! However, this plugin shouldn't have a reason to exist. Cypress needs to add this as core functionality.

kvaternio-dev commented 5 years ago

I tried the cypress-plugin-tab, I have some differences in order at manual testing. For example if I have divs in body, which have different tabindices:

    <div tabindex="10">1</div>
    <div tabindex="5">2</div>
    <div tabindex="3">3</div>

When using the plugin, the first cy.get("body").tab() selects the div with "10" tabindex. But at manual testing the "3" tabindex won.

Is it a bug of the plugin, or I did something wrong? How can I fix that?

Svish commented 5 years ago

@kvaternio-dev Maybe add that as an issue/question on the repo?

kvaternio-dev commented 5 years ago

@kvaternio-dev Maybe add that as an issue/question on the repo?

I'll, thank you.

dwilches commented 5 years ago

For people testing dropdowns or autocomplete where you use tab to go to the first suggestion, notice that usually you can also use the arrows to navigate among suggestions, so no need to use the tab plugin, instead you can do something like:

lazarljubenovic commented 5 years ago

^ But if we've built our own dropdown/autocomplete, the whole point is to test if the tab works properly.

arttay commented 4 years ago

I'm going to throw my support in for this as well.

Screen Shot 2019-12-11 at 7 01 10 AM

This is just the use case thats triggering this comment, but this isnt uncommon throughout web apps or our enterprise ( top 50 in the fortune 500).

We need to test that when a user hits tab, it'll go through each of the top elements, then down to the green level. Currently, its skipping the green layer altogether. We want to be able to automate our accessibility testing, this means checking if a keyboard user can get to various parts of the application. Since tabbing is a large part of that, this seems like a pretty clear value add.

dinover commented 4 years ago

Any update about it?

et1421 commented 4 years ago

We are building our own library of components and like to test accessibility. What about also testing that a user can navigate with the arrow keys in a list of radio buttons and that they can actually select a value using the space key.

I tried using .type('{downarrow}') from the radio button and cy.get('body').trigger('keydown', { key: 'ArrowDown', code: 'ArrowDown', which: 40 }); without any success.

BrambleRamble commented 4 years ago

Will the ability to type {enter} or (space) on an in-focus button to "press" it be included in this work please?

For my team, this is similarly important to tabbing for testing keyboard navigation flows through our UI. We're using cypress-plugin-tab successfully for tabbing, but using type('{enter}') on in-focus buttons doesn't press them the way that manual interaction does. We are currently using click() on in-focus buttons as a compromise, but ideally we'd like to automate all UI interactions with the keyboard only, with no mouse interaction at all.

Mikilll94 commented 4 years ago

Any update on this?

dmtrKovalenko commented 3 years ago

It is possible to run a native system tab using CDP. Find the ready-to-use command in this package

Fire the native tab press using

cscheffauer commented 3 years ago

+1 for tab support

amberfrontend commented 3 years ago

Another +1 for tab support 😄

AlexDaniel commented 3 years ago lists both {tab} {shift+tab} as done, but I cannot find a PR adding the support for it. So was it done or was it not?

nicholaschiang commented 3 years ago

@AlexDaniel it seems to be implemented with this package but not yet officially built-in with Cypress because, I'm guessing, there's no Firefox support and the Cypress team is working on other issues.

NeetuHundal commented 3 years ago

Can anyone please tell me how to use this method in .ts file.. Cypress.Commands.add('typeTab', (shiftKey, ctrlKey) => { cy.focused().trigger('keydown', { keyCode: 9, which: 9, shiftKey: shiftKey, ctrlKey: ctrlKey }); });

i wanted to test tab and shift+tab functionality? Really appreciate.

WORMSS commented 3 years ago
declare global {
  namespace Cypress {
    interface Chainable {
      typeTab: (shiftKey: Boolean, ctrlKey: boolean) => void;
chris-jackson-actionqa commented 3 years ago

I'm feeling after almost 5 years of this being an issue, it's not going to get fixed. But I'll put my +1 here. I'll try out that plugin.

NicholasBoll commented 3 years ago

Will the ability to type {enter} or (space) on an in-focus button to "press" it be included in this work please?

For my team, this is similarly important to tabbing for testing keyboard navigation flows through our UI. We're using cypress-plugin-tab successfully for tabbing, but using type('{enter}') on in-focus buttons doesn't press them the way that manual interaction does. We are currently using click() on in-focus buttons as a compromise, but ideally we'd like to automate all UI interactions with the keyboard only, with no mouse interaction at all.

@BrambleRamble I had the same issue and made the cypress-keyboard-plugin. That plugin works in conjunction with the cypress-plugin-tab to more accurately simulate space and enter keys on various elements and even detects event handlers that disable default actions (as realistic as possible without native events).

stychu commented 3 years ago

This is a basic key event how this isn't yet supported natively in Cypress? Cmon guys...

aaronzdavis commented 2 years ago

+1 for tab support

rogoit commented 2 years ago

+1 :)