Open bahmutov opened 5 years ago
Hmm, just trying to load our extensions into Electrons browser window
if (args['--load-extension']) {
const extensions = args['--load-extension'].split(',')
extensions.forEach((ext) => {
console.log('loading extension', ext)
const name = BrowserWindow.addExtension(ext)
console.log('extension has returned name: %s', name)
console.log('loaded extensions\n%s', extensions.join('\n'))
// Create the browser window.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
webPreferences: {
// ? should we just preload Cypress scripts if passed
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js'),
nodeIntegration: false,
nativeWindowOpen: true,
webSecurity: false,
devTools: true,
At first, seems ok
loading extension /Users/gleb/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/development/browsers/cypress-example-electron/interactive/CypressExtension
extension has returned name: Cypress
loading extension /Users/gleb/git/cypress/packages/extension/theme
extension has returned name: Cypress Theme
loaded extensions
/Users/gleb/Library/Application Support/Cypress/cy/development/browsers/cypress-example-electron/interactive/CypressExtension
but then seems to give errors:
[222:0812/112909.516074:ERROR:CONSOLE(7946)] "Skipping extension with invalid URL: chrome-extension://cypress", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/shell.js (7946)
[222:0812/112909.516118:ERROR:CONSOLE(7946)] "Skipping extension with invalid URL: chrome-extension://cypress-theme", source: devtools://devtools/bundled/shell.js (7946)
GET /__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js 200 2.142 ms - -
You can use the --remote-debugging-port
flag documented here:
Put it in
and you're good to go. You'll connect to the browser window instance the same way / same logic as we do for chrome RDP.
Ok, did a test with Electron - it seems the --remote-debugging-port
option is passed directly to the main window, which allows one to connect directly via debugging protocol. The debugging commands are shown below
"scripts": {
"start": "electron .",
"debug-main-process": "electron --inspect=5858 .",
"debug-window-process": "electron --remote-debugging-port=9222 ."
The output from both (one for Node debugging, another for the main window browser debugging)
$ npm run debug-main-process
> electron-quick-start@1.0.0 debug-main-process /Users/gleb/git/cypress-example-electron
> electron --inspect=5858 .
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
in /Users/gleb/git/cypress-example-electron/main.js
~/git/cypress-example-electron on master*
$ npm run debug-window-process
> electron-quick-start@1.0.0 debug-window-process /Users/gleb/git/cypress-example-electron
> electron --remote-debugging-port=9222 .
in /Users/gleb/git/cypress-example-electron/main.js
DevTools listening on ws://
So Cypress maybe will be able to control external Electron application's main browser window via the remote interface. Luckily we are going this way in this PR
Nice, using code from add-cri-4608
I am able to grab the remote interface and control the main window
The switcher for the browser / app
Added controlling the external Electronjs main window through chrome remote interface, allowing the main window to show and run tests
Next question - what would the test actually do? For the example application, here is its "normal" behavior
I would like to have the test be:
cy.visit() // without anything, should load main.js
cy.get('#node-version').should('equal', '12.4.0')
Hacking around to get two windows going - one with specs, another the real Elecron app window.
And now need to figure out how to use that second application window as the test window (instead of the app iframe)
In my example electron app, the window under test is loading the index.html
directly, which I think might be a common cast. It has document.domain = ''
and so the test window has to get the same domain. I have managed to load the plain file in the test window and from the console am able to access the main window to get the element (even if the element is incorrectly shown!)
If only I could get the script running in the test window, then all would be perfect
Instead of loading a static file from the main window, loading localhost website with document.domain=localhost
set either in the site itself or in the preload.js
script. The first test works
In the above image, the main window opens test window. The test window has opener
pointing at the main window. To get all our functions to work, the spec does the following trick
beforeEach(() => {
if (typeof top !== 'undefined' && top.opener) {
cy.state('document', top.opener.document)
Everything is good - but how do we "clean up" the main window? For example if we reload the main window, the remaining test window is NO LONGER ITS CHILD WINDOW. For example, if I reload the main window, then rerun the tests - they no longer can access opener.document
So maybe the relationship should go the other way: open test window, and let it open the main window to load the Electron application.
First we are creating test window that we control - via RDP
Before each test it opens child window that loads (via simple http server to have localhost) the main application 'index.html' url - which has node integration enabled, showing process
properties in this case.
To better understand what potentially might need testing in Electron applications I have randomly picked first apps in list The main questions I wanted to see where:
or via loadFile(<local filename>)
? Chat client
// Create the browser window.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
title: "${productName}",
frame: true, // false results in a borderless window
show: false, // hide until: ready-to-show
width: windowWidth,
height: windowHeight,
minWidth: 800,
minHeight: 600,
backgroundColor: "#ffffff",
icon: path.join(__dirname, "app/img/icon/icon.png"),
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
webviewTag: true, // # see #37
There was config window, initialized similarly.
Both windows were loaded from file mainWindow.loadFile("app/mainWindow.html") PDF viewer
win = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
minWidth: 300,
minHeight: 300,
icon: './src/assets/images/logo.png',
webPreferences: {
plugins: true,
nodeIntegration: true
frame: false
// and load the index.html of the app.
function createWindow() {
window = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
minWidth: 800,
height: 600,
minHeight: 600,
titleBarStyle: 'hiddenInset',
useContentSize: false,
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true
} browser Subclass of BrowserWindow
export class AppWindow extends BrowserWindow {
public viewManager: ViewManager = new ViewManager();
public permissionWindow: PermissionDialog = new PermissionDialog(this);
public menu: MenuList = new MenuList(this);
constructor() {
frame: false,
minWidth: 500,
minHeight: 450,
width: 1280,
height: 720,
show: false,
backgroundColor: '#1c1c1c',
title: 'Dot Browser',
titleBarStyle: 'hiddenInset',
maximizable: false,
webPreferences: {
plugins: true,
nodeIntegration: true,
contextIsolation: false,
experimentalFeatures: true,
enableBlinkFeatures: 'OverlayScrollbars',
webviewTag: true,
icon: resolve(app.getAppPath(), '/icon.png'),
Interestingly loads file://
url in production
if (process.env.ENV === 'dev') {
this.setIcon(nativeImage.createFromPath(resolve(app.getAppPath() + '\\static\\icon.png')))
this.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'detach' });
} else {
this.loadURL(join('file://', app.getAppPath(), 'build/app.html'));
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
'x': mainWindowState.x,
'y': mainWindowState.y,
'width': mainWindowState.width,
'height': mainWindowState.height,
backgroundColor: '#fff',
frame: false,
icon: path.join(__dirname, 'build/icon/icon.png'),
show: false
Again, uses loadUrl
to load file://
pathname: path.join(__dirname, 'dist/index.html'),
protocol: 'file:',
slashes: true
Trying to load main application window via file://
url does not give our localhost
test window access to it
We need to experiment to see if properly enabling the proxy on the browser window / electron routes requests to the file protocol through the cypress proxy. If it does not then we'll need to go down the plugin route and require users pass us the browser window instance to our plugin like so...
const cypressElectron = require('@cypress/electron-plugin')
const win = new BrowserWindow(...)
Once we receive the browser window, we could override the loadFile
function to properly re-route through the proxy, forcing us to receive it.
Alternatively we could monkey patch the electron API's themselves such as BrowserWindow.prototype.loadURL
and re-route that through us.
I'm hoping we can just go down the regular network proxy as long as chromium routes requests to the file://
protocol through us.
I am not sure what the re-routing loadFile
would do. When we re-route HTML load via our proxy it is to insert document.domain = 'localhost'
there. When we re-reroute file load and even if the index.html
file has the domain set
document.domain = 'localhost'
it does not work - here is a screenshot
I think we might be able to run OUR window / iframe from domain '' by loading it from a file too
Question: can we proxy external domain and load it correctly (by inserting document.domain = 'localhost'
into the returned HTML). For example, if the Electron application does
open('', 'mainwindow', replace)
Trying to load, getting cookie error - because we now have 2 windows - the test window and the child Electron window with the app. Our automation works against the test window (where the command log is), but we also need a second connection to drive the application window and set the cookies, everything correctly there.
Hmm, do not see the domain loaded by the open('')
going through our proxy for some reason.
Showed demo testing localhost
page: loading, accessing Node integration, clicking and typing. The main window loads our test runner, and opens a web window for the main application to load like this
const mw = ( = open(
The test runs as shown in this animation. Note that direct access to the child window allows us to see DOM snapshots, etc
We are really interested in writing down little "seams" that Cypress test runner should expose for the Electron testing plugin code to use to change the test runner behavior.
how to display + detect we should add electron as a selectable browser?
file that replaces plugins.js
and cypress.json
file)@flotwig to look at how file:// protocol is routed through the proxy?
expose a way to tap into how cy.visit()
is resolved
to using…)
. Current trick I do in the spec file is
const mw = ( = open(
// TODO resolve when mw.document is valid
// for now simply wait
setTimeout(() => {
cy.state('document', mw.document)
cy.state('window', mw)
}, 100)
control the app's browser window scaling the same way as the $autIframe
with the <webview>
class is the replacement for <webview>
normalize to use the RDP instead of launch args for settings things like the network proxy
look at Spectron
to do all the work for switching / loading the site urlplugins.js
file or more likely in cypress.js
Testing proxy CLI arguments to Electron application
we get our proxy to see and proxy external sites. For example, if the app window is loading
cypress:server:proxy handling proxied request { url: '/', proxiedUrl: '', headers: { host: '', 'proxy-connection': 'keep-alive', 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1', 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.102 Electron/6.0.1 Safari/537.36', accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3', referer: 'http://localhost:5556/__cypress/iframes/integration/spec.js', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'accept-language': 'en-US', cookie: '_ga=GA1.2.665055498.1565718779' }, remoteState: { auth: undefined, props: null, origin: 'http://localhost:5556', strategy: 'file', visiting: undefined, domainName: 'localhost', fileServer: 'http://localhost:52703' } } +39ms
Without --proxy*
CLI arguments the requests from the Electron application do not appear in our proxy.
See Electron issue for --proxy-server
and the full list of CLI switches
We can use same proxy CLI arguments with Chrome and Electron external application
We could override the loadFile
and loadURL
methods on the browser window and force those requests via the file://
protocol to be routed through the proxy. There are lots of ways to solve this.
Regardless though - we have to initially suppress the app from initially loading / inflating - and must have it load cypress instead. This is really simply handled by the user modifying their code (or for instance passing off the browser window instance to us).
Then they would use cy.visit(...)
directly to load in their application. The only other problem here is that their code could be instantiating other browser windows, which then have the exact same problem. I believe the solution here would be to require / import us as a module in their code (conditionally using a flag) and then we'd be able to monkey patch the BrowserWindow
directly. Alternatively... since we have direct access to the initial BrowserView
instances, we may be able to do this ourselves automatically.
I played around some with trying to intercept loadFile
and loadURL
without overriding the functions.
You can intercept loadFile
using protocol.interceptHttpProtocol
(or protocol.interceptStreamProtocol
, presumably others) and attempt to redirect the request to the Cypress proxy:
protocol.interceptStreamProtocol('file', (req, cb) => {
console.log('file:// request intercepted', req)
// imagine this `rp` is for Cypress's proxy
headers: req.headers,
method: req.method,
url: '' + req.url,
body: req.uploadData ? req.uploadData : null,
resolveWithFullResponse: true
}).then((res) => {
data: res.body,
statusCode: res.statusCode,
headers: res.headers
However, this won't work - with webSecurity
on, the BrowserWindow just shows
, without it, the BrowserWindow silently shows nothing on a loadFile.
This could probably only be used to intercept HTTP URLs. There is a protocol.interceptFileProtocol
, but it can only be used to serve files from disk in response to a file://
and Fetch.enable
from RDP don't seem to intercept file://
requests, so they can't be used.In light of this, overriding loadFile and loadURL in JS sounds like the cleanest way to intercept those calls.
I have looked at using It is like child frameless window, except has several downsides
Example code
// main-browser-view.js
// $ npx electron ./main-browser-view.js
const { app, BrowserView, BrowserWindow } = require('electron')
function createWindow () {
let win = new BrowserWindow({ width: 800, height: 600 })
win.on('closed', () => {
win = null
let view = new BrowserView()
view.setBounds({ x: 0, y: 150, width: 800, height: 450 })
app.on('ready', createWindow)
<h1>Browser view demo</h1>
<p>this page embeds browser view instance below</p>
The loaded view literally sits on top of everything in the top window, even the DevTools.
But the browser view instance is "invisible" to the outside window JavaScript, trying to solve this conundrum.
Hmm, seems I cannot get reference to the window
object inside a BrowserView - only by using
or its equivalent can I get the reference back that allows accessing child window. Need to investigate webview
has been deprecated / disabled by default ughh.
Back to square 1 - just use our current iframe method to visit the site. Since the first browser window running in the external Electron the iframe has access to the Node stuff too
We could still instantiate a separate browser window - it would just make recording more difficult. We'd need to multiplex in two different video streams and align them so it appears in a single video. Not the hardest thing, but not an instant win either.
I was thinking about the code I used to open the second window from Electron app
beforeEach(function openSeparateWindow () {
return new Promise(resolve => {
const replace = true
const mw = ( = open(
// TODO resolve when mw.document is valid
// for now simply wait
setTimeout(() => {
cy.state('document', mw.document)
cy.state('window', mw)
}, 1000)
as I suspected - this works even today in v3.4.1 with external Chrome browser as well. This might be good for people who have problems testing their web apps in an iframe
There's no technical difference between opening a window and using it in an iframe. All the same rules apply. Maybe dev tools binds slightly differently, but probably not.
On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 4:57 PM Gleb Bahmutov wrote:
Side note
I was thinking about the code I used to open the second window from Electron app
beforeEach(function openSeparateWindow () { return new Promise(resolve => { const replace = true const mw = ( = open( '', 'mainWindow', replace ))
// TODO resolve when mw.document is valid // for now simply wait setTimeout(() => { cy.state('document', mw.document) cy.state('window', mw) resolve() }, 1000)
}) })
as I suspected - this works even today in v3.4.1 with external Chrome browser as well. This might be good for people who have problems testing their web apps in an iframe
[image: Screen Shot 2019-08-15 at 4 55 11 PM]
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Yup, so I think we can advise this as a workaround to people struggling with their site being iframed
We could however provide this as an option if there are ergonomic / UI / UX upsides.
Framebusting code will still apply even if its being
. There's no real technical difference. !== window.self
. It won't offer any upside for those people unfortunately - but it shouldn't matter since we properly handle that by rewriting obstructive code anyway.
aren't there people that use width of the top parent when calculating sizes?
We rewrite all references to top
to point them to self
so that its always bounded to the window
- so that ultimately it points to the right thing irrespective. We'd have to do that in this case too - we won't get anything for free. This would just be an ergonomic/UI/UX change, wouldn't help or affect anything else.
It would also show the URL bar as well, which could be nice for some people. They wouldn't have to look at the URL bar that we render.
yeah, it does show the url of the site in the child window
I just tried this out - and the other advantage would be that dev tools can be bound only to the AUT - which would only display the DOM + network requests for the AUT. And likely hide cypress requests.
But every time the window is closed + reopened it would close devtools. Another option would be to embed the devtools into Cypress (remotely connected to the other window) so that it wouldn't constantly get unbound or closed. That could have some real upside.
that's actually a good one for users - not worry about devtools context
I wonder if we could just do this even when the window is in an iframe... it would be worth exploring.
One other thing - this blows away the window before each test! no more lifecycle leaking callbacks and requests from one test into another
BTW, the DevTools just stay open through the tests
The devtools stay open because the window isn't being closed. It would close if we closed the window.
Architecturally this is no different than an iframe and it would inherit all of the same problems. This doesn't solve lifecycle at all. The problem with lifecycle isn't our ability to close the window or iframe (we could do that now). The challenges are around the API's and controlling when you want to blow away the window vs recreating it and forcing users to cy.visit()
over and over again.
Right, but since we haven't implemented lifecycle events, I would advise users with random crashes and lots of XHR requests to do the above window open to take control of the window themselves.
Functionally or architecturally it won't change anything. The upsides are purely visual and superficial.
But don't get me wrong - I actually think those visual / ergonomic upsides may be worth exploring because we have a lot of options like embedding the devtools into the cypress window and mounting it against the window and/or iframe (i have to try that out). We could then programmatically control the devtools to do things like automatically opening / closing it when you interact with the command log.
I also think at the very least we could offer opening in a separate window as an option to users that they could control themselves. It wouldn't do this in cypress run
mode, so the video would not be affected. Functionally nothing has to change in cypress to support this.
Aside from loading and controlling the user application from Cypress, we need to think what the entire E2E test is capable of testing:
or do the apps need more actions in the Electron source to reset?Typical test (via Ava)
import test from 'ava';
import {Application} from 'spectron';
test.beforeEach(async t => { = new Application({
path: '/Applications/'
test.afterEach.always(async t => {
test(async t => {
const app =;
await app.client.waitUntilWindowLoaded();
const win = app.browserWindow; app.client.getWindowCount(), 1);
t.false(await win.isMinimized());
t.false(await win.isDevToolsOpened());
t.true(await win.isVisible());
t.true(await win.isFocused());
const {width, height} = await win.getBounds();
t.true(width > 0);
t.true(height > 0);
Ok, I got it. For all additional resetting that the app might want to do before loading the page, it should just use actions similar to cy.task
via Electron's native ipcMain
and ipcRenderer
Imagine the app needs to reset the global counter
that the page wants to show
// main.js
global.counter = 0
<h2>Global counter</h2>
<div id="counter"></div>
let remote = require('electron').remote
document.getElementById('counter').innerHTML = remote.getGlobal('counter')
Then the main.js
would change like this:
// main.js
global.counter = 0
// let's give Cypress tests access to the "global.counter"
const tasks = {
setCounter (n) {
console.log('setting global.counter to', n)
global.counter = n
// this is all generic code that WE can hide in `@cypress/electron-utils`
ipcMain.on('task', (e, taskName, ...args) => {
console.log('ipMain task "%s"', taskName)
if (tasks[taskName]) {
// TODO handle sync and promise-returning tasks
const result = tasks[taskName](...args)
e.returnValue = result
} else {
console.error('Unknown task name "%s"', taskName)
e.returnValue = null
and the spec code
// spec.js
Cypress.Commands.add('electronTask', (name, ...args) => {
// avoid Cypress bundling using its own "require"
const ipcRenderer = global['require']('electron').ipcRenderer
return ipcRenderer.sendSync('task', name, ...args)
it('resets app counter', () => {
cy.electronTask('setCounter', 5)
cy.get('#counter').should('have.text', '5')
cy.electronTask('setCounter', 21)
cy.get('#counter').should('have.text', '21')
Hmm, if we allowed system Node that executes cypress/plugins/index.js
file to BE the local Electron app, then the plugins could BE the main.js
or our wrapper - becoming background.js
file like we want in Cypress v5
Then the app's own main.js
would initialize the application, pop main window pointing out our test runner url AND each cy.task
would directly have access to all app's variables one might want to control during testing. This could be sweet
We probably can limit the initial work to 3 parts
script file - a week of work, depending on how much we do for cypress.json
to cypress.js
transition. This will require at least some Cypress Test Runner changes + documentation
electron main.js
equivalent for Electron applications to work with the main process from the spec file - a week of work, this is part of external plugin + documentationcy.visit
inside an app iframeLimitations
as well as Electron can do window.loadFile('src/index.html')
This link is not working:
@FrancescoBorzi I have just made this repo public, but it not ready, and is really in a state of experimentation
Reworked architecture using a private sandbox project:
to load an url is not going to be enoughWe are still thinking about how to cleanly separate loading an application and creating its window to be tested.
Roughly 3 parts:
script file - a week of work.
cypress run
command (right now hard-coded to run the built-in Electron browser)electron-sandbox
, etc.develop
branch into this branch as needed. This allows anyone to install a new version of Cypress using environment variable CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=<url> npm i <url>
packageUsed browser list PR to insert the custom Electron browser from plugins/index.js
file in the project
module.exports = (on, config) => {
// `on` is used to hook into various events Cypress emits
// `config` is the resolved Cypress config
// remove "standard" browsers and use
// our local Electron as a browser
config.browsers = [
name: 'electron-sandbox',
family: 'electron-app',
displayName: 'electron-sandbox',
version: pkg.version,
// return full path to Electron module
path: path.join(
// show full package version in the browser dropdown
majorVersion: `v${pkg.version}`,
pkg.description || 'Electron.js app that supports the Cypress launcher'
return config
nice, only a single browser
Probably need to pass additional CLI arguments to Electron, like our main
file path
Hello. Thank you for the great work behind this feature!
If I may, would such testing be automating an actual Electron app, or the application it's serving? I'm wondering what would be the testing environment: is it native Electron, or Cypress replacing electron and server+automating the application?
Currently Cypress can open the browser and load websites for testing. Electron.js applications ARE in essence the browser, so it would be cool to let Cypress test them.
Original issue: