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cy.visit() failed trying to load ESOCKETTIMEDOUT #7062

Open otalandim opened 4 years ago

otalandim commented 4 years ago

Current behavior:

  CypressError: cy.visit() failed trying to load:
 We attempted to make an http request to this URL but the request failed without a response.
 We received this error at the network level:
 Common situations why this would fail:
     - you don't have internet access
     - you forgot to run / boot your web server
     - your web server isn't accessible
     - you have weird network configuration settings on your computer
 The stack trace for this error is:
     at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/root/.cache/Cypress/4.2.0/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/node_modules/request/request.js:816:19)
     at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:299:28)
     at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:210:5)
     at TLSSocket.emitRequestTimeout (_http_client.js:690:9)
     at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:299:28)
     at TLSSocket.emit (events.js:210:5)
     at TLSSocket.Socket._onTimeout (net.js:468:8)
     at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:531:17)
     at processTimers (internal/timers.js:475:7)
 Because this error occurred during a 'before each' hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: 'Suite Tests'
image: 'cypress/base'

  - e2e

end-to-end testing:
  stage: e2e
    - npm install
    - npm test

Desired behavior:

Does not start testing on gitlab, but on local machine it does works

Test code to reproduce

Starts the tests in gitlab


Cypress: 4.2.0 Image: cypress/base

jennifer-shehane commented 4 years ago

I see that you are using an older version of Cypress. Please update to the current version of Cypress and let us know if this is still happening for you. Your issue may have already been fixed. Thanks!

matzeeable commented 4 years ago

Hi @jennifer-shehane and @otalandim,

I had the same issue, locally all is working fine but on GitLab CI, one or two tests always fail with the above mentioned error message: Error: ESOCKETTIMEDOUT.

Currently, I workaround this by using cypress-plugin-retries, so when the error happens, the test gets retried.

Unfortunately I can't tell you how to reprocedure the whole thing, because it very sporadically always hits different tests. But basically it happens at cy.visit(). Previously I used cypress@3.8.4 and never got this error before. I read more about it in GitHub issues and perhaps this is another "workaround":; but I did not test it.

Similar tickets: #6547, #5975 Used Cypress Version: 4.4.1

midleman commented 4 years ago

@jennifer-shehane, @otalandim, @matzeeable - I'm seeing something similar. I'm unable to visit a certain URL ( when tests are running in CircleCI (also tried BitBucket) - I receive the infamous ESOCKETTIMEDOUT error. It works fine if I run the tests via Test Runner or CLI (headless or headed). I tried increasing the pageLoadTimeout but that didn't work. I also tried both Electron and Chrome with same results. I also did confirm that replacing cy.visit with cy.request yields 200 response.

I'm using Cypress 4.6.0

This is my basic config.yml (CircleCI):

version: 2.1
  cypress: cypress-io/cypress@1.23.0
      - cypress/run

And a simple test that will run fine in Test Runner/CLI, but fail on Circle CI/BitBucket:

  it.only('Test Tesla Link', () => {
    cy.visit('', {
      headers: {
        "Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate, br"
thedaviddias commented 4 years ago

I'm having the same issue using CircleCI and that orb version: cypress-io/cypress@1.25.0

I'm using Chrome for the browser.

jennifer-shehane commented 4 years ago

I can recreate this using our circleci orb with the test code below.

My failing PR here: Run with DEBUG logs:


it('Test Tesla Link', () => {


version: 2.1
  cypress: cypress-io/cypress@1
      - cypress/run:
          name: Debug with Cypress logs
          debug: 'cypress:*'
flotwig commented 4 years ago

This issue seems to happen even inside of a Node.js REPL:

const rp = require('request-promise')


rp('', { timeout: 15000 })
.then(() => console.timeEnd('loading'))
.catch((err) => console.error(err))

This will fail after 15s with ESOCKETTIMEDOUT (tested in Node 12.8.1).

My first idea was that never finishes sending /, that it continually streams data... but that does not appear to be the case, loading the site in a regular web browser, the request ends once the content is served. So I'm not sure what the root cause is of this problem. But if the ESOCKETTIMEDOUT can be fixed in Node, that should fix it in Cypress as well.

jennifer-shehane commented 4 years ago

Also some previous investigation into and issuing an ESOCKETTIMEDOUT -

There was a comment in the request library mentioning why this ESOCKETTIMEDOUT may be happening with the request library.

I think may be blocking the request due to the default headers being sent from request. If the request is made with the same headers that the axios request is sending, it does not time out:

const request = require('request');
const axios = require('axios');
const url = '';
  url: url,
  timeout: 5000,
  headers: {
    "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
    "User-Agent": "axios/0.18.0"
}, (error, response, body) => {
  if (!error)
    console.log(`request got ${response.statusCode}`);
    console.error(`request got an error`, error);

axios.get(url).then((ret) => {
  console.log(`Axios got ${ret.status}`);
matthewvandergrift commented 4 years ago

Any update on this one @jennifer-shehane. I am getting the same when using Travis CI. I implemented Contrast (security and vulnerabilities agent). Runs local, times-out in Travis regardless of all the attempts to the contrary following all the issues here. Thanks.

rubiii commented 4 years ago

We're seeing the exact same problem after adding more tests to our test suite and they're only failing when running via headless chrome on GitLab. We haven't found the root cause or a solution yet. Cypress: 4.12.1 / Image: cypress/browsers:node12.16.2-chrome81-ff75

flotwig commented 4 years ago

If we could figure out why Node.js can't load these websites, we could fix the issue. It's not exactly a Cypress issue, it seems to be reproducible with just regular Node HTTP requests:

rubiii commented 4 years ago

I can not reproduce the failure using the given example. Also Cypress forked the request library at @cypress/request, so even if the problem originated in the request library, it's certainly present in the fork as well.

Update (08/13): We were able to reproduce the problem using only @cypress/request. The problem only happens in our Docker/GitLab-Setup and it also happens with axios. After ~700 requests, we seem to run into some kind of limit. We're still investigating.

adodge1 commented 4 years ago

We are having this same issue in our ci/cd pipeline when cypress runs in it. does not happen locally. only in the GitLab pipeline. It is intermittent too : sometimes passes and some times it just fails.

hagealex commented 4 years ago

We are having this same issue in our ci/cd pipeline when cypress runs in it. does not happen locally. only in the GitLab pipeline. It is intermittent too : sometimes passes and some times it just fails.

Same problem here!

rubiii commented 4 years ago

We were close to cancel our move to Cypress, because at some point while adding more and more tests, we experienced more and more failing tests. Interestingly it were always the last few tests that were failing, regardless of which tests ran last.

We are running Cypress in a Docker container on GitLab and we finally solved this problem for us by splitting the docker-compose startup and actually running the tests into separate commands. Here's the change to our gitlab-ci.yml:


    - docker-compose run --use-aliases acceptance-tests /opt/project/bin/run-tests


    - docker-compose up -d nginx rails-app frontend postgres && docker-compose run --use-aliases acceptance-tests /opt/project/bin/run-tests


hslee16 commented 4 years ago


getting the same issue via github

hslee16 commented 4 years ago

reverting to use cypress version 5.1.0 fixes the issue for me

gianmarxWebmapp commented 3 years ago

i installed cypress in laravel with the following guide after running the command php artisan cypress:boilerplate cypress no longer works @jennifer-shehane

any test application always gives me the following error:

cy.visit() failed trying to load:


The response we received from your web server was:

  > 500: Server Error

This was considered a failure because the status code was not 2xx.

If you do not want status codes to cause failures pass the option: failOnStatusCode: false
  1 | it('works',() =>{
> 2 |   cy.visit('/').contains('Enviroment:Acceptance');
    |      ^
  3 | })
myasul commented 3 years ago

We are experiencing the same issue as Localhost requests all throw ESOCKETTIMEDOUT error. The error happens every time.


I tried @rubiii and @hslee16 approaches but we still encounter the error.

hadalin commented 3 years ago

For me, the problem was how I started the webserver. I'm using start-server-and-test and had to change start-server http://localhost:8080 to start-server http-get://localhost:8080 (see Note for webpack-dev-server users).

cuzik commented 3 years ago

Hi, everyone, some news?

We had the same problem when adding a new test file, the first test file started failing only one test:

We use github-actions.

 1) Auth
       should redirect private page to /login:
     CypressError: `cy.visit()` failed trying to load:


We attempted to make an http request to this URL but the request failed without a response.

We received this error at the network level:


Common situations why this would fail:
  - you don't have internet access
  - you forgot to run / boot your web server
  - your web server isn't accessible
  - you have weird network configuration settings on your computer
      at http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:157710:23
      at visitFailedByErr (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:157065:12)
      at http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:157709:11
      at tryCatcher (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:10325:23)
      at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:8260:31)
      at Promise._settlePromise (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:8317:18)
      at Promise._settlePromise0 (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:8362:10)
      at Promise._settlePromises (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:8438:18)
      at _drainQueueStep (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:5032:12)
      at _drainQueue (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:5025:9)
      at Async.../../node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js.Async._drainQueues (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:5041:5)
      at Async.drainQueues (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/runner/cypress_runner.js:4911:14)
  From Your Spec Code:
      at Context.eval (http://localhost:3000/__cypress/tests?p=cypress/integration/auth.spec.ts:103:12)

  From Node.js Internals:
        at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/runner/.cache/Cypress/5.3.0/Cypress/resources/app/packages/server/node_modules/@cypress/request/request.js:816:19)
        at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:312:28)
        at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:223:5)
        at Socket.emitRequestTimeout (_http_client.js:690:9)
        at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:312:28)
        at Socket.emit (events.js:223:5)
        at Socket._onTimeout (net.js:474:8)
        at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:531:17)
        at processTimers (internal/timers.js:475:7)
cuzik commented 3 years ago

Update, I remove these packages from the project and all tests return to pass:

    "@material-ui/core": "^4.11.0",
    "@material-ui/icons": "^4.9.1",
DoctorBenix commented 3 years ago

Hello everyone. Any updates on this issue, still opened since April 18? or any resolution process? Thanks

j-brammer commented 3 years ago

Also some previous investigation into and issuing an ESOCKETTIMEDOUT - #2778 (comment)

There was a comment in the request library mentioning why this ESOCKETTIMEDOUT may be happening with the request library. request/request#2738 (comment)

I think may be blocking the request due to the default headers being sent from request. If the request is made with the same headers that the axios request is sending, it does not time out:

const request = require('request');
const axios = require('axios');
const url = '';
  url: url,
  timeout: 5000,
  headers: {
    "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
    "User-Agent": "axios/0.18.0"
}, (error, response, body) => {
  if (!error)
    console.log(`request got ${response.statusCode}`);
    console.error(`request got an error`, error);

axios.get(url).then((ret) => {
  console.log(`Axios got ${ret.status}`);

The above clued me in on how to solve this.

      url: '',
      headers: {
        "Accept": "application/json, text/plain, */*",
        "User-Agent": "axios/0.18.0"

Hopefully this is helpful to someone.

theokrammer commented 3 years ago

I had a similar problem running cypress against a website from a locally running docker container. For me, a call to cy.visit(...) inside a before()-hook failed if the server took longer than 30 seconds to respond. According to the documentation, pageLoadTimeout is responsible for cy.visit(...), but i fixed it using responseTimeout. Playing around with different values of these two timeouts i figured out that the ESOCKETTIMEDOUT occurs if the server does not respond in during responseTimeout although pageLoadTimeout was set high enough when using this in a before/beforeEach-hook.

@jennifer-shehane is this intended? says otherwise.

I threw together a simple express server that waited before sending the response to test this, because cypress itself, the request package of cypress and chrome in headless mode all took about 45 sec to access the page, while normal chrome or curl are usually faster. The set timeout was the highest i could reach without it being rounded up to 30 and thus causing the error.

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 3000;
app.get("/", (req, res) => {
    29980, () => {

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`);
jennifer-shehane commented 3 years ago

@theoshallburn Thanks for the repro and the lead on the responseTimeout.

Increasing the responseTimeout doesn't fix the original issue with the Tesla and BestBuy website - there's something preventing that website from loading altogether in Cypress so it eventually timesout.

Reproducible example

  1. Run node app.js
  2. In new terminal run cypress open


  "devDependencies": {
    "cypress": "6.2.0",
    "express": "4.17.1"


const express = require('express')
const app = express()

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
    // setting this < 30000 will pass
    // setting this to 30000 will throw ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
    30000, () => {

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:3000`)


it('visit', () => {
  // this `pageLoadTimeout` does not prevent ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
  // cy.visit('http://localhost:3000', { pageLoadTimeout: 80000 })

  // this `responseTimeout` does prevent ESOCKETTIMEDOUT
  cy.visit('http://localhost:3000', { responseTimeout: 31000 })


30000 setTimeout without responseTimeout increase

Screen Shot 2020-12-30 at 5 51 06 PM

30000 setTimeout with responseTimeout: 31000

Screen Shot 2020-12-30 at 5 59 46 PM


If your app takes > 30 seconds to load and does eventually load, increase the responseTimeout passed to cy.visit(). I'll have to check and see why this is.

Chanuga commented 3 years ago
, { responseTimeout: 31000 }

I tried this but still having the same issue. CI is still failing.

Chanuga commented 3 years ago

We are having this same issue in our ci/cd pipeline when cypress runs in it. does not happen locally. only in the GitLab pipeline. It is intermittent too : sometimes passes and some times it just fails.

same scenario here

AshleyCao commented 3 years ago

Hi team, just want to report the issue here too. Using github cypress action.

Error message


Because this error occurred during a `before all` hook we are skipping the remaining tests in the current suite: `Staff profile page `
      at visitFailedByErr (
      at tryCatcher (
      at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (
      at Promise._settlePromise (
      at Promise._settlePromise0 (
      at Promise._settlePromises (
      at _drainQueueStep (
      at _drainQueue (
      at Async.../../node_modules/bluebird/js/release/async.js.Async._drainQueues (
      at Async.drainQueues (
  From Your Spec Code:
      at Context.eval (

Test file

No complicated request

  cy.loadData(staffProfileMockApi).then(() => {


  - name: Cypress test
          start: yarn start:server
          wait-on: ''

I have tried: 1. downgrade cypress to 5.1 2.make requestTimeout to 30s 3. Add header in request. But no luck. All tests pass in local env.

DigneshGujarathi commented 3 years ago

I had the same problem, it was a server issue in my case. Just before to the frontend server, Cypress gets started. The following points need to be confirmed:

estefafdez commented 3 years ago

Same here:

Any update on this issue? Thanks team!

DigneshGujarathi commented 3 years ago

Same here:

Any update on this issue? Thanks team!

How are you setting up your env?

estefafdez commented 3 years ago

@DigneshGujarathi on a configuration file, you can have a look at the code here:

DigneshGujarathi commented 3 years ago

@DigneshGujarathi on a configuration file, you can have a look at the code here:

Did you try

estefafdez commented 3 years ago

@DigneshGujarathi on a configuration file, you can have a look at the code here:

Did you try #2938 (comment)?

Yes, I did, but it's not working either. Thanks for sharing that :)

noordean commented 3 years ago

Thanks @jennifer-shehane , Increasing responseTimeout works for me.

polylina commented 3 years ago

If you're running the Angular dev-server with Cypress, removing optimization and buildOptimizer from your build options in angular.json might help.

jetchoong-dev commented 3 years ago

Surprisingly, removing both optimization and buildOptimizer from angular.json seems to have ESOCKETTIMEDOUT error solved in my GitLab CI. Btw, I am serving Angular app in CI environment.

polylina commented 3 years ago

Surprisingly, removing both optimization and buildOptimizer from angular.json seems to have ESOCKETTIMEDOUT error solved in my GitLab CI. Btw, I am serving Angular app in CI environment.

Yeah, the issue is probably related to tree-shaking. Glad it helped!

abotny commented 3 years ago

reverting to use cypress version 5.1.0 fixes the issue for me

Yes. And for me. I use github actions. But first test failed. I fixed it with cy.wait(31000) But looks like real problem in waiting dev server May be this can help. (Also without downgrade version)

with wait-on: 'http://localhost:3000' wait-on-timeout: 120

mortya commented 3 years ago

Thanks @theoshallburn and @jennifer-shehane . Increasing the cy.visit responseTimeout seemed to work for me, too.

But one of our developers pointed out that responseTimeout is not a parameter documented for cy.visit. Is this feature undocumented because we shouldn't rely on it, or is this just an oversight?

DKdEviL commented 3 years ago

I was facing same issue while testing my angular project at "localhost:4200", i resolved by placing "http://localhost:4200" instead of "https://localhost:4200". I wasn't aware that "s" will waste so much time of me. 😄

Makso83 commented 3 years ago

Faced the issue with BitBucker pipeline. The problem seems to be in dev server. It haven't been started yet, but Cypress tried to visit it. For me worked

  before(() => {

Of course the solution is not very good, but I haven't found better one.

bahmutov commented 3 years ago

Take a look at the start-server-and-test NPM module

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 13, 2021, at 10:21, Kolotushkin Maxim @.***> wrote:

 Faced the issue with BitBucker pipeline. The problem seems to be in dev server. It haven't been started yet, but Cypress tried to visit it. For me worked

before(() => { cy.wait(20000); }); Of course the solution is not very good, but I haven't found better one.

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Makso83 commented 3 years ago

Take a look at the start-server-and-test NPM module

That worked for me, thanks a lot!

jaideepnaik commented 3 years ago

@jennifer-shehane I'm also getting the same error on cy.visit() & cy.request() timed out. Specifically, I started getting these issues when I added backend test coverage for e2e cypress tests. When added only frontend test coverage, it worked well. I'm finding this issue while running tests on GitHub CI server. I tried solutions given in the above discussion, but nothing worked.

Cy.visit() error:

   "before each" hook for "availabilities Test":
 CypressError: `cy.visit()` failed trying to load:


We attempted to make an http request to this URL but the request failed without a response.

We received this error at the network level:

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Common situations why this would fail:

  1. cy.request() error: "after all" hook: collectBackendCoverage for "availabilities Test": CypressError: cy.request() failed trying to load:


We attempted to make an http request to this URL but the request failed without a response.

We received this error at the network level:

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

The request we sent was:

Method: GET URL: http://localhost:3000/__coverage__

Common situations why this would fail:

melibe23 commented 3 years ago

Hello there, we are having the same issue on CircleCi. I run: 315 jobs and 217 of them fail due to this. To increase the timeout is not a fix for us, it will make all the test last longer and will consume all our credit on CircleCi. We already increase the resources to X-Large just for Cypress tests. I updated to the latest version hoping that this will somehow fix it but nope.

CypressDashboard commented 3 years ago

@jennifer-shehane Hello , we are also getting the same issue. We created total 56 specs, always we are getting the error for the first two specs. We are not getting error, if we close and rerun the scripts for the second time. Let me know if you need more information.

Cypress package version: 8.1.0 Cypress binary version: 8.1.0 Electron version: 12.0.0-beta.14 Bundled Node version:


savannahp-bp commented 3 years ago

I am having the same issue... :( Is there no resolution after a year?

CypressDashboard commented 3 years ago

@jennifer-shehane , we really need a solution for this. We are unable to proceed further. Sorry we could not load error

anglichanen commented 2 years ago

Hello, I have regularly experienced this issue with my Production host.

for the Stage - all works as expected and tests successfully passed. When I'm running tests from a local machine - the same - all fine.

but when the tests are executed with GitLab CI on the Production host - 50% time it just fails with unable to open the requested URL.

Screenshot 2021-09-20 at 12 36 31