Open abhinavpreetu opened 4 years ago
It seems like google chrome is able to change to (pointer: coarse)
when you are using the devTools device toolbar. I wonder if there is a way to enable that through chrome command line options 🤔
Edit: this seems to work:
Cypress.automation("remote:debugger:protocol", {
command: 'Emulation.setTouchEmulationEnabled',
params: {
enabled: true
Was able to mock out this behavior through a custom command! This also does a clean enough job of cleaning itself up as well.
export default function (callback: () => void): void {
cy.log('Mocking as touch device');
// Mock match media to return true
let originalMatchMedia;
cy.window({ log: false }).then((win) => {
originalMatchMedia = win.matchMedia;
Object.defineProperty(win, 'matchMedia', {
value: (arg) => ({
matches: !!arg.includes('(pointer: coarse)'),
addListener: () => {},
removeListener: () => {},
// Reset to original window match media
cy.window({ log: false }).then((win) =>
Object.defineProperty(win, 'matchMedia', { value: originalMatchMedia }),
What would you like?
Can we add support for pointer media queries
Why is this needed?
I am using window.matchMedia to detect devices with a coarse primary pointer and then perform some action if it returns true. I tried using
but it does not simulate a touch supported device