cyr-ius / hass-heatzy

Climate Home Assistant component for Heatzy Pilot
MIT License
33 stars 13 forks source link

inea integration #60

Closed jms92100 closed 1 month ago

jms92100 commented 2 months ago

Model inea

Describe the bug

does seem to be connected but is there

Diagnostics & Debug file { "home_assistant": { "installation_type": "Home Assistant OS", "version": "2024.5.1", "dev": false, "hassio": true, "virtualenv": false, "python_version": "3.12.2", "docker": true, "arch": "aarch64", "timezone": "Europe/Paris", "os_name": "Linux", "os_version": "6.6.25-haos", "supervisor": "2024.04.4", "host_os": "Home Assistant OS 12.2", "docker_version": "25.0.5", "chassis": "embedded", "run_as_root": true }, "custom_components": { "nodered": { "documentation": "", "version": "4.0.0", "requirements": [] }, "schedule_state": { "documentation": "", "version": "0.19.4", "requirements": [ "portion==2.4.0" ] }, "heatzy": { "documentation": "", "version": "6.1.2", "requirements": [ "heatzypy==2.2.0" ] }, "localtuya": { "documentation": "", "version": "5.2.1", "requirements": [] }, "pollens": { "documentation": "", "version": "2023.06.01", "requirements": [] }, "freebox_player": { "documentation": "", "version": "1.0.6", "requirements": [] }, "rte_ecowatt": { "documentation": "", "version": "0.6.3", "requirements": [ "Async-OAuthlib==0.0.9" ] }, "hacs": { "documentation": "", "version": "1.34.0", "requirements": [ "aiogithubapi>=22.10.1" ] }, "average": { "documentation": "", "version": "2.3.1", "requirements": [ "colorlog==6.7.0" ] }, "huawei_solar": { "documentation": "", "version": "1.3.3", "requirements": [ "huawei-solar==2.2.9" ] }, "sonoff": { "documentation": "", "version": "3.7.3", "requirements": [ "pycryptodome>=3.6.6" ] }, "measureit": { "documentation": "", "version": "0.5.0", "requirements": [ "croniter==2.0.2" ] } }, "integration_manifest": { "domain": "heatzy", "name": "Heatzy", "codeowners": [ "@cyr-ius" ], "config_flow": true, "dependencies": [], "documentation": "", "iot_class": "cloud_polling", "issue_tracker": "", "loggers": [ "heatzypy" ], "requirements": [ "heatzypy==2.2.0" ], "version": "6.1.2", "is_built_in": false }, "data": { "entry": { "data": { "username": "**REDACTED**", "password": "**REDACTED**" }, "options": {} }, "bindings": { "devices": [ { "protoc": 3, "ws_port": 8080, "port_s": 8883, "gw_did": null, "host": "**REDACTED**", "sleep_duration": 0, "port": 1883, "mcu_soft_version": "00000001", "product_key": "fc89066ee74c4149a9beb37d4ea93604", "state_last_timestamp": 1714973936, "role": "special", "is_sandbox": true, "type": "normal", "product_name": "INEA", "is_disabled": false, "mcu_hard_version": "00000001", "wifi_soft_version": "04020028", "dev_alias": "bureau", "mesh_id": null, "is_online": true, "dev_label": [], "wss_port": 8880, "remark": "range=2|isdelete=1|gid=0|groupname=|grouprange=0", "did": "cJWFzSaAuQw2NU687Li5Bi", "mac": "**REDACTED**", "passcode": "**REDACTED**", "wifi_hard_version": "00ESP826", "is_low_power": false } ] }, "devices": { "cJWFzSaAuQw2NU687Li5Bi": { "protoc": 3, "ws_port": 8080, "port_s": 8883, "gw_did": null, "host": "**REDACTED**", "sleep_duration": 0, "port": 1883, "mcu_soft_version": "00000001", "product_key": "fc89066ee74c4149a9beb37d4ea93604", "state_last_timestamp": 1714973936, "role": "special", "is_sandbox": true, "type": "normal", "product_name": "INEA", "is_disabled": false, "mcu_hard_version": "00000001", "wifi_soft_version": "04020028", "dev_alias": "bureau", "mesh_id": null, "is_online": true, "dev_label": [], "wss_port": 8880, "remark": "range=2|isdelete=1|gid=0|groupname=|grouprange=0", "did": "cJWFzSaAuQw2NU687Li5Bi", "mac": "**REDACTED**", "passcode": "**REDACTED**", "wifi_hard_version": "00ESP826", "is_low_power": false, "updated_at": 1714957536, "attr": { "SEN_TIME": 60, "LOCK_C": 0, "p4_data11": 85, "p4_data10": 84, "p4_data12": 85, "minute": 5, "on_off": 1, "mode": "eco", "p5_data2": 85, "p3_data9": 0, "TEMP_COM": 3, "p7_data7": 21, "p5_data10": 84, "p5_data11": 85, "p7_data2": 85, "p5_data6": 0, "p7_data1": 85, "p7_data8": 0, "p7_data9": 0, "cur_tempH": 0, "p3_data2": 85, "cur_tempL": 175, "p3_data3": 85, "SIN_WIRE": 0, "p5_data1": 85, "p3_data8": 0, "p5_data3": 85, "p5_data4": 5, "p5_data5": 0, "PRO_TEMP": 0, "p5_data7": 21, "p5_data8": 0, "p5_data9": 0, "p3_data1": 85, "p3_data6": 0, "p3_data7": 21, "p3_data4": 5, "p3_data5": 0, "eco_tempH": 0, "eco_tempL": 165, "p6_data12": 85, "p6_data11": 85, "p6_data10": 84, "DATA1": 1, "p1_data10": 84, "DATA2": 104, "p2_data9": 0, "p2_data8": 0, "p2_data3": 85, "p2_data2": 85, "p2_data1": 85, "p2_data7": 21, "p2_data6": 0, "p2_data5": 0, "p2_data4": 5, "p6_data7": 21, "p6_data6": 0, "p6_data5": 0, "p6_data4": 5, "p6_data3": 85, "p6_data2": 85, "p6_data1": 85, "p6_data9": 0, "p6_data8": 0, "p1_data4": 5, "p1_data5": 0, "p1_data6": 0, "p1_data7": 21, "p1_data1": 85, "p1_data2": 85, "p1_data3": 85, "p1_data8": 0, "p1_data9": 0, "p3_data10": 84, "p3_data11": 85, "p3_data12": 85, "cft_tempH": 0, "cft_tempL": 180, "WIN_TIME": 0, "hour": 3, "timer_switch": 1, "p4_data1": 85, "p4_data3": 85, "p4_data2": 85, "p4_data5": 0, "p4_data4": 5, "p4_data7": 21, "p4_data6": 0, "p4_data9": 0, "p4_data8": 0, "p2_data12": 85, "p2_data11": 85, "p2_data10": 84, "week": 1, "p5_data12": 85, "p7_data4": 5, "p7_data5": 0, "p7_data6": 0, "p7_data3": 85, "p1_data12": 85, "p7_data10": 84, "p7_data11": 85, "p7_data12": 85, "p1_data11": 85 } } } } }

Additional context

puisque le français est de mise , le json est assez explicite . Ce n'est pas un bug mais un moyen de rajouter si possible l'integration inea au plugin

cyr-ius commented 1 month ago

Cet issue fait doublon avec la #57 Inea a été intégré dans la version 6.3.1-beta1 J attends un retour pour savoir si cela est fonctionnelle

jms92100 commented 1 month ago

Merci de la réponse Si je peux la tester , ce sera avec plaisir. (je n'ai qu'un inea pour l'instant)

cyr-ius commented 1 month ago

@jms92100 , Tu peux facilement tester cela ,il suffit dans HACS de.selectionner l addon heatzy, de cliquer sur les 3points en haut à droite. ReTéléchargement et de cocher beta version