cyrilcc / org.openhab.binding.rflink

RFLink binding for OpenHAB 2.0
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Discovery support for registered RTS remotes #50

Open cartemere opened 5 years ago

cartemere commented 5 years ago


Today, we have some Thing detection on the RfLink plugin from incoming events. I just implemented the support for RTS remotes registered in the RfLink EPROM

This system will scan the RfLink bridge and add the registered remotes. To add a remote in the PaperUI Inbox, you must :

B> Go in your "INBOX" and clic "Search For Things"

Capture d’écran 2019-07-09 à 00 03 58

C> Choose "RfLink Binding" in the list

Capture d’écran 2019-07-09 à 00 04 53

The scan will take less than 1 second And all eligible remotes will appear in your inbox

Capture d’écran 2019-07-09 à 00 08 16

Each remote is identified by its characteristics, to prevent unintended mixing Example : rts[0] RTS-0F0FF0-0 RC=020D protocol : rts remote number in the RfLink Bridge : [0] remote address : 0F0FF0 current rolling code value : 020D

D> Validate an entry to add the Thing. You can name it as you wish.

Capture d’écran 2019-07-09 à 00 08 53

Your logs should show details about the scanning operation : `Start scanning registered RTS remotes...

RfLinkPacket [OUTPUT=10;RTSSHOW;] <<< RTS Record: 0 Address: 0F0FF0 RC: 020D Adding rflink:rts:RfLinkUSB:RTS_0F0FF0_0 with id 'RTS-0F0FF0-0' and label 'rts[0] RTS-0F0FF0-0 RC=020D' to smarthome inbox <<< RTS Record: 1 Address: 0F0FF1 RC: 011A Adding rflink:rts:RfLinkUSB:RTS_0F0FF1_0 with id 'RTS-0F0FF1-0' and label 'rts[1] RTS-0F0FF1-0 RC=011A' to smarthome inbox <<< RTS Record: 2 Address: 0F0FF2 RC: 0288 <<< RTS Record: 3 Address: 0F0FF3 RC: 0304 <<< RTS Record: 4 Address: 0F0FF4 RC: 0402 Adding rflink:rts:RfLinkUSB:RTS_0F0FF4_0 with id 'RTS-0F0FF4-0' and label 'rts[4] RTS-0F0FF4-0 RC=0402' to smarthome inbox <<< RTS Record: 5 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 6 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 7 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 8 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 9 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 10 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 11 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 12 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 13 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 14 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF <<< RTS Record: 15 Address: FFFFFF RC: FFFF`

Please post here if you encounter any issue