cyrilgdn / terraform-provider-postgresql

Terraform PostgreSQL provider
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`data.postgresql_sequences` does not show column identity sequences #382

Open TPXP opened 7 months ago

TPXP commented 7 months ago

Hi there,

Thank you for opening an issue. Please provide the following information:

Terraform Version

Affected Resource(s)

Please list the resources as a list, for example:

Terraform Configuration Files

data "postgresql_sequences" "db_sequences" {
  database = "test"

Debug Output

I don't have one, please ask if you think it's needed. 🙏

Panic Output

None, terraform/terragrunt completes successfully

Expected Behavior

I'm using identity columns for some tables in my PostgreSQL database. The postgresql_sequences data source does not show them

terraform console
> data.postgresql_sequences.db_sequences
    "database" = "test"
    "id" = "test_ANY (array[])_ANY (array[])_ALL (array[])_ALL (array[])_"
    "like_all_patterns" = tolist(null) /* of string */
    "like_any_patterns" = tolist(null) /* of string */
    "not_like_all_patterns" = tolist(null) /* of string */
    "regex_pattern" = tostring(null)
    "schemas" = tolist(null) /* of string */
    "sequences" = tolist([])

data.postgresql_sequences.db_sequences.sequences is an empty list [], while in psql, \ds shows the identity column sequences (also, I'm able to grant privileges on them, so it makes sense to output them).

xtz=> \ds
                            Liste des relations
 Schéma |               Nom                |   Type   |    Propriétaire
 public | test_id_seq        | séquence | test

Steps to Reproduce

Please list the steps required to reproduce the issue, for example:

  1. Create a table with an identity column
     id                    integer   generated by default as identity,
     value TEXT,

Important Factoids

My database is running on AWS RDS Aurora, but I don't think this changes much.


None that i'm aware of

Other notes

The column identity sequences don't appear in select * from information_schema.sequences;, but one can fetch from the column database by asking for colums which have is_identity set to YES. Then, the sequence name can be found with pg_get_serial_sequence:

select pg_get_serial_sequence(table_name, column_name) from information_schema.columns where is_identity = 'YES';
