cyrils / renogy-bt

Python library to read Renogy compatible BT-1 or BT-2 bluetooth modules using Raspberry Pi.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Help with RBT12100LFP-BT #67

Open Brakelmann opened 2 months ago

Brakelmann commented 2 months ago


I tried to get my new Renogy RBT12100LFP-BT working, the throws an error. The connections seems to be established, but reading values fails.

INFO:root:Init RoverClient: RNGPRO12BATT4600xxxx => 4c:e1:74:49:xx:xx
INFO:root:Adapter status - Powered: True
INFO:root:Starting discovery...
INFO:root:Devices found: 5
INFO:root:Found matching device RNGPRO12BATT4600xxxx => [4c:e1:74:49:xx:xx]
INFO:root:[4c:e1:74:49:xx:xx] Connected
INFO:root:[4c:e1:74:49:xx:x] Resolved services
INFO:root:subscribed to notification 0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
INFO:root:found write characteristic 0000ffd1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
INFO:root:subscribed to notification 0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
INFO:root:found write characteristic 0000ffd1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb
INFO:root:resolved services
DEBUG:root:create_request_payload 12 => [255, 3, 0, 12, 0, 8, 145, 209]
WARNING:root:on_data_received: unknown operation=131
^CERROR:root:Exception occured: KeyboardInterrupt
INFO:root:Exit: Disconnecting device: RNGPRO12BATT46000121 [4c:e1:74:49:xx:xx]

Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Stefan.

cyrils commented 2 months ago

Looks like you use PRO series battery and it has different register values. It will be impossible to figure out the actual values without bluetooth snooping using something like wireshark.

Brakelmann commented 2 months ago

Ok, thanks for you response. Renogy has an Android App to connect via BT and read the values.

Would it somhow be possible to sniff the communication between this app and the battery's BMS to get the register values? Eg with some BT Proxy running on the PiZero?

cyrils commented 2 months ago

Yes you have to use the renogy android app and something like wireshark to capture the traffic to a log file.

Brakelmann commented 2 months ago

Before I dig deeper into this one more question. Would it be sufficient to use the internal Bluetooth of the RPI Zero 2W to sniff with wireshark, or do I need an external BT Stick? e.g.:

Thanks, Stefan.

cyrils commented 2 months ago

You shouldn't be using RPI. Read the traffic from your iOS/Android phone when using the renogy home app. Method differs based on your mobile platform. Ex: Android

Brakelmann commented 2 months ago

OK, I got it. Thanks for pointing me there.

Brakelmann commented 2 months ago

I was able to capture the communication between the phone and battery. Downloded the capture file and opened it with wireshark. I was also able to set a filter based on the mac adresses of the phone and battery.

What would be the next steps?


Brakelmann commented 2 months ago

Sent the file to you some minutes ago...

cyrils commented 2 months ago

Hm.. newer renogy devices seems to be using different protocols. Its hard to figure out without owning a device.

Brakelmann commented 2 months ago

If I can log or test something for you just let me know... maybe we can figure that out working together.