cyriltasse / DynSpecMS

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Catalogs are not saved #9

Closed cyriltasse closed 5 years ago

cyriltasse commented 5 years ago

The catalogs were not saved :((((( My bad. The tgz archives were made before the catalog was saved... I'm so pissed. It's fixed in the latest commit on ApplyBeam branch...

mhardcastle commented 5 years ago

In ddf-pipeline I ingest the catalogues into the MySQL database, so they're saved for all the fields that we've done so far anyway.

cyriltasse commented 5 years ago

The catalogs I was making in DynSpecMS are I, std_I, V, std_V at the location of all targets... I was planning to use them to extract the interesting targets. You can't do that with the I-only catalogs...

cyriltasse commented 5 years ago

I'll remake the catalogs from the archives images in Leiden...

mhardcastle commented 5 years ago

Yes, I have those columns too.

mhardcastle commented 5 years ago

(So you can remake with a simple SQL query.)

cyriltasse commented 5 years ago

at the location of all targets?

mhardcastle commented 5 years ago


Example of what the database looks like below:

select * from spectra where abs(fluxv)>6*sigfluxv and type!="Bright LOFAR";
| id                     | name                         | type             | field       | obsid   | filename                                                        | ra          | decl       | fluxi         | fluxv        | sigfluxi     | sigfluxv     |
| P156+42_L352758_7      | Gaia DR2 806039471675754112  | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P156+42     | L352758 | DynSpecs_L352758/TARGET/L352758_10:23:52.117_+43:53:33.187.fits | 155.9671547 | 43.8925521 |    0.00675445 |  -0.00624831 | 0.0000761499 | 0.0000750456 |
| P225+47_L259433_5      | Gaia DR2 1588936345294751872 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P225+47     | L259433 | DynSpecs_L259433/TARGET/L259433_15:03:46.720_+47:39:15.672.fits | 225.9446677 | 47.6543534 |   0.000681015 | -0.000388376 | 0.0000912483 | 0.0000466812 |
| P225+47_L259433_11     | i_Boo_*                      | ActiveStars      | P225+47     | L259433 | DynSpecs_L259433/TARGET/L259433_15:03:47.300_+47:39:14.600.fits | 225.9470833 | 47.6540556 |   0.000427891 |  -0.00030355 | 0.0000915082 |  0.000046721 |
| P25Hetdex09_L239642_34 | J1228+5201                   | M6-M9_dwarfs     | P25Hetdex09 | L239642 | DynSpecs_L239642/TARGET/L239642_12:28:44.719_+52:01:25.932.fits |   187.18633 |   52.02387 | -0.0000421894 |  0.000380432 | 0.0000632889 | 0.0000618659 |
| P31Hetdex19_L232885_0  | BQ_CVn                       | ActiveStars      | P31Hetdex19 | L232885 | DynSpecs_L232885/TARGET/L232885_12:59:03.800_+47:09:05.100.fits | 194.7658333 | 47.1514167 |    0.00106745 |   -0.0011914 | 0.0000848277 | 0.0000675423 |
| P150+40_L349270_10     | J0956+4046                   | M6-M9_dwarfs     | P150+40     | L349270 | DynSpecs_L349270/TARGET/L349270_09:56:30.286_+40:46:40.440.fits |   149.12619 |    40.7779 |    0.00739754 |   0.00149483 |   0.00014035 |  0.000203667 |
| P154+40_L349272_2      | Gaia DR2 755921425282888960  | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P154+40     | L349272 | DynSpecs_L349272/TARGET/L349272_10:24:13.509_+39:02:34.956.fits | 156.0562893 | 39.0430434 |   0.000718617 | -0.000728606 |  0.000110028 |  0.000106889 |
| P204+30_L649073_6      | Gaia DR2 1450067137649449728 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P204+30     | L649073 | DynSpecs_L649073/TARGET/L649073_13:31:46.337_+29:16:34.360.fits | 202.9430706 |  29.276211 |   0.000558136 | -0.000611768 |  0.000104374 | 0.0000919375 |
| P207+35_L665084_2      | Gaia DR2 1470914152990664704 | mstars_sdss_50pc | P207+35     | L665084 | DynSpecs_L665084/TARGET/L665084_13:42:34.405_+35:07:13.373.fits | 205.6433558 | 35.1203814 |   0.000311646 |  -0.00104093 |  0.000109388 |  0.000128428 |
| P156+45_L351842_2      | Gaia DR2 806039471675754112  | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P156+45     | L351842 | DynSpecs_L351842/TARGET/L351842_10:23:52.117_+43:53:33.187.fits | 155.9671547 | 43.8925521 |    0.00164921 | -0.000917668 | 0.0000955708 |  0.000113175 |
| P161+60_L342940_0      | DM_UMa_*                     | ActiveStars      | P161+60     | L342940 | DynSpecs_L342940/TARGET/L342940_10:55:43.550_+60:28:09.700.fits | 163.9314583 | 60.4693611 |    0.00240567 |  -0.00164675 | 0.0000594842 | 0.0000474353 |
| P15Hetdex13_L231631_11 | Gaia DR2 786834302079285632  | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P15Hetdex13 | L231631 | DynSpecs_L231631/TARGET/L231631_11:50:55.317_+48:22:23.640.fits | 177.7304866 | 48.3732334 |   0.000818413 |  0.000491089 | 0.0000622439 | 0.0000459304 |
| P9Hetdex01_L231169_12  | Gaia DR2 788357434913891712  | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P9Hetdex01  | L231169 | DynSpecs_L231169/TARGET/L231169_11:19:31.074_+46:41:33.701.fits |  169.879477 | 46.6926948 |   0.000299672 | -0.000629965 |  0.000140176 | 0.0000933593 |
| P5Hetdex_L233996_4     | Gaia DR2 778947608243864320  | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P5Hetdex    | L233996 | DynSpecs_L233996/TARGET/L233996_11:05:24.701_+43:31:32.787.fits |  166.352921 | 43.5257741 |   0.000586087 |  -0.00123822 |  0.000107591 |  0.000158968 |
| P155+60_L340796_1      | FG_UMa                       | ActiveStars      | P155+60     | L340796 | DynSpecs_L340796/TARGET/L340796_10:21:47.460_+60:54:46.200.fits |   155.44775 | 60.9128333 |   0.000528993 |  0.000370461 | 0.0000574414 | 0.0000543337 |
| P126+29_L632573_0      | FI_Cnc                       | ActiveStars      | P126+29     | L632573 | DynSpecs_L632573/TARGET/L632573_08:32:17.340_+29:19:09.500.fits |   128.07225 | 29.3193056 |   0.000600828 | -0.000441495 | 0.0000935882 | 0.0000657322 |
| P147+52_L664710_5      | Gaia DR2 827864743125454976  | mstars_sdss_50pc | P147+52     | L664710 | DynSpecs_L664710/TARGET/L664710_09:48:16.076_+51:14:50.479.fits | 147.0669831 | 51.2473554 |    0.00194084 |   0.00187536 | 0.0000472689 | 0.0000601224 |
| P217+57_L603984_7      | Gaia DR2 1611087248282119424 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P217+57     | L603984 | DynSpecs_L603984/TARGET/L603984_14:36:54.201_+58:20:43.992.fits | 219.2258361 | 58.3455533 |   0.000791682 |  0.000725168 | 0.0000540083 | 0.0000562539 |
| P217+57_L584595_7      | Gaia DR2 1611087248282119424 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P217+57     | L584595 | DynSpecs_L584595/TARGET/L584595_14:36:54.201_+58:20:43.992.fits | 219.2258361 | 58.3455533 |   0.000791682 |  0.000725168 | 0.0000540083 | 0.0000562539 |
| P164+40_L441714_52     | Off0023                      | Off              | P164+40     | L441714 | DynSpecs_L441714/OFF/L441714_10:58:37.607_+40:13:45.631.fits    | 164.6566953 | 40.2293418 |     0.0398563 | -0.000711715 |  0.000133259 | 0.0000487686 |
| P191+55_L260795_44     | Off0006                      | Off              | P191+55     | L260795 | DynSpecs_L260795/OFF/L260795_12:46:43.171_+56:49:15.678.fits    | 191.6798797 | 56.8210217 |  0.0000209084 |  -0.00106103 |  0.000085175 | 0.0000923768 |
| P184+42_L258201_4      | Gaia DR2 1534831272173203072 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P184+42     | L258201 | DynSpecs_L258201/TARGET/L258201_12:29:02.659_+41:43:46.035.fits | 187.2610811 | 41.7294543 |    0.00102592 |  -0.00145971 |  0.000066084 |  0.000106324 |
| P243+33_L652860_16     | Gaia DR2 1328866562170960384 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P243+33     | L652860 | DynSpecs_L652860/TARGET/L652860_16:14:40.025_+33:51:25.879.fits | 243.6667728 | 33.8571887 |   0.000496773 |  -0.00450465 |  0.000094136 |  0.000122661 |
| P243+33_L652860_17     | Gaia DR2 1328866562170960512 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P243+33     | L652860 | DynSpecs_L652860/TARGET/L652860_16:14:40.520_+33:51:29.659.fits |  243.668832 | 33.8582386 |    0.00506703 |  -0.00596257 | 0.0000941326 |  0.000122561 |
| P184+27_L640611_26     | W_Com_*                      | ActiveStars      | P184+27     | L640611 | DynSpecs_L640611/TARGET/L640611_12:21:31.670_+28:13:57.800.fits | 185.3819583 | 28.2327222 |      0.731464 |   0.00057632 |  0.000167044 | 0.0000943981 |
| P242+35_L654722_14     | Gaia DR2 1328866562170960384 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P242+35     | L654722 | DynSpecs_L654722/TARGET/L654722_16:14:40.025_+33:51:25.879.fits | 243.6667728 | 33.8571887 |  0.0000537416 | -0.000657881 | 0.0000952106 | 0.0000880253 |
| P242+35_L654722_15     | Gaia DR2 1328866562170960512 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P242+35     | L654722 | DynSpecs_L654722/TARGET/L654722_16:14:40.520_+33:51:29.659.fits |  243.668832 | 33.8582386 |    0.00175204 |  -0.00102055 | 0.0000951585 |  0.000088212 |
| P015+01_L658504_25     | Off0011                      | Off              | P015+01     | L658504 | DynSpecs_L658504/OFF/L658504_01:05:02.078_+02:37:25.427.fits    |  16.2586577 |  2.6237298 |    0.00200055 |   0.00131689 |  0.000223076 |  0.000194553 |
| P178+67_L573969_52     | Off0031                      | Off              | P178+67     | L573969 | DynSpecs_L573969/OFF/L573969_11:59:11.890_+68:46:33.023.fits    | 179.7995417 | 68.7758396 |      0.164037 |  -0.00215784 | 0.0000987084 |  0.000087642 |
| P272+38_L658490_29     | V1330_Her                    | ActiveStars      | P272+38     | L658490 | DynSpecs_L658490/TARGET/L658490_18:09:21.660_+36:45:16.400.fits |   272.34025 | 36.7545556 |  -0.000130318 | -0.000613657 | 0.0000817667 |   0.00010172 |
| P157+62_L591629_0      | FG_UMa                       | ActiveStars      | P157+62     | L591629 | DynSpecs_L591629/TARGET/L591629_10:21:47.460_+60:54:46.200.fits |   155.44775 | 60.9128333 |   0.000215755 |  0.000434526 | 0.0000648446 | 0.0000710839 |
| P058+11_L596051_48     | Off0014                      | Off              | P058+11     | L596051 | DynSpecs_L596051/OFF/L596051_03:56:12.433_+13:04:43.038.fits    |  59.0518052 | 13.0786218 |   0.000557626 |  -0.00165136 |  0.000157106 |  0.000183411 |
| P260+65_L652062_3      | Gaia DR2 1632110322923341184 | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P260+65     | L652062 | DynSpecs_L652062/TARGET/L652062_17:07:27.939_+64:37:31.732.fits | 256.8664127 | 64.6254811 |   0.000976824 |  0.000930041 | 0.0000766955 | 0.0000891828 |
| P167+42_L441476_17     | Gaia DR2 778947608243864320  | GaiaDR2_lt30pc   | P167+42     | L441476 | DynSpecs_L441476/TARGET/L441476_11:05:24.701_+43:31:32.787.fits |  166.352921 | 43.5257741 |   0.000215147 | -0.000523365 | 0.0000827235 | 0.0000699603 |
| P167+42_L441476_59     | Off0020                      | Off              | P167+42     | L441476 | DynSpecs_L441476/OFF/L441476_11:12:38.307_+43:25:27.686.fits    | 168.1596122 | 43.4243573 |   0.000491564 |   0.00101166 |  0.000167962 |  0.000100499 |
cyriltasse commented 5 years ago

ok.... you're a genious @mhardcastle ... :))