cyrilzakka / DaVid

Simple cross-platform application for DaVinci surgical video frame annotation
MIT License
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Possibility to add hotkeys to controls? #3

Open JadAssaf opened 2 years ago

JadAssaf commented 2 years ago

Moving through frames using a keyboard can speed up annotation

cyrilzakka commented 2 years ago

Added shortcuts for next and previous frame buttons - they are currently mapped to the left and right arrows on your keyboard. Any other keyboard shortcuts you'd like me to add? Shortcuts for the joysticks and depth buttons seem a little difficult to implement UX-wise. Open to suggestions though.

JadAssaf commented 2 years ago

I would suggest "1" to toggle left_d from 0 to 1 to -1 and "2" to toggle right_d and so on. Then maybe use buttons "q" and "w" to move left_ang clockwise and counter clockwise in increments of 10deg. Then same for "a" and "s", then "z" and "x".