cyrilzakka / SwiftUIModal

A better modal view for SwiftUI
233 stars 10 forks source link

WIP: Refactor project into Swift Package #1

Open kevinrpb opened 4 years ago

kevinrpb commented 4 years ago

Let me know what you think and/or if I should change anything =D

kevinrpb commented 4 years ago

~Closed it because I noticed something else needing refactor in order to use as framework. Wille reopen when I finish it~

Hey, @cyrilzakka, I got most of it working. However, I'm having some problems with the transformation applied when the modal is open.

It seems that when I try to change the modal position from outside, it won't detect the needed offset / opacity correctly. Do you have a moment to help me solve this? 😀

cyrilzakka commented 4 years ago

Will definitely take a look at this as soon as possible! Thank you for your work!