cyrusae / highlighter-public

Next.js/SQLite app for qualitative coding and content analysis; prototype currently in (sometimes) working alpha.
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highlighter, but on a server #83

Open cyrusae opened 2 years ago

cyrusae commented 2 years ago

1. Non-negotiable concerns

highlighter is currently extremely trusting (vs eg possibility of SQL injection) because if you're doing a malicious injection into your own data I think you have larger problems than whether a tool running on localhost saved you from it.

2. Why do it anyway

I want to host highlighter remotely with a stripped-down database to simplify the process of having other people come in and test inter-coder reliability. This prevents user error installing/running locally (or user resentment of npm or whatever) and removes the step where I have to have people send a large file back to me etc.

3. Differences from highlighter main

Things that are daunting are in italics.

The scary parts have the redeeming feature of being an excuse to learn to roll WebAuthn. Absolutely refuse to get into the "responsible for passwords" business. Cursed affair.

Ways to make having users more navigable for me:

Features for users:

4. Anticipated problems

Q: Keeping desktop highlighter and website highlighter in sync

Q: Other people wanting to follow suit for the web version (that would be cool)

Q: a11y or display issues for volunteers

Q: Risk of people making inappropriate disclosures in raw data

Q: Yeah but what if I also rewrote it in Phoenix, I just think--

5. To do