cyrusimap / cassandane

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run something like perltidy across the Cassandane sources #64

Open elliefm opened 5 years ago

elliefm commented 5 years ago

The mixed tabs/spaces will shortly be changed to all spaces (using the Cyrus tools/ script). @rsto suggested on slack,

could we also apply some automated Perl formatting standard on the Cassandane modules? Especially the earlier JMAP cassandane tests used my standard vim perl intendation, and that looks really bad.

This seems like a good idea, but I'm not in a habit of using these tools so I don't simply have a configuration lying around.

elliefm commented 5 years ago

Maybe @rjbs or @wolfsage have opinions about this sort of thing that they might like to share? :)

wolfsage commented 5 years ago

You'd think we would!

We both let our editors (or manually) style/indent our code I think.

But I think using something like perltidy is perfectly reasonable, we just would have to find a configuration everyone agrees on

elliefm commented 5 years ago

I don't think we're talking about doing this regularly, just as a once-off sweep to make things consistentish. So IMO it's less about finding a configuration everyone agrees on, and more about finding a configuration that roughly approximates what we've already got (or at least: a configuration that already exists, so we can just get it done, without wasting months arguing over every byte of a new configuration).

Anyway it sounds like maybe such a configuration doesn't presently exist, so I'm happy to just handball this into the void!

(For whatever it's worth, I'm strongly against doing this on any more than an ad-hoc/occasional basis)